German Immigrant Ancestors in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York
Birth registration of Catharina Gilcher
The civil birth registration of Catharina Gilcher,
on 30 May 1856 in Rathsweiler in the Pfalz.
She was the fifth of seven children born to Abraham and
Luisa (Häsel) Gilcher.
The birth and Evangelische baptism registration of Catharina Gilcher, who was
baptized at the Flurskapelle of Ulmet on 15 June 1856. Her godparents were
Philipp Hertel from Rathsweiler, Jakob Schuck from Rathsweiler,
Maria Elisabetha daughter of Peter Gilcher from Rathsweiler (her father's sister),
and Juliana daughter of Jakob Schreiner from Ulmet.
The vital records for this family can be found in the churchbooks of
Ulmet, Kreis Kusel.