Johann Zapf [Photo appears on page 149.]
Biographische Skizzen
Johann Zapf
wurde am 23. Mai 1807 zu Gutenberg in Bayern geboren, erlernte nach beendigter Schulzeit das Zimmermanns-Handwerk, und kam 1839 nach Syracuse. Er ist somit einer der frühen Ansiedler gewesen. Hier arbeitete er fleissig auf seinem Handwerk, war einer der Gründer der Zions-kirche und lange Jahre einer der Aeltesten dieser Gemeinde. Er war mit Katharina Baumann, gebürtig aus Stambach in Bayern, verheirathet und hatte 10 Kinder, nämlich: Christian, Johann Thomas, Maria Barbara, Friedrich, Katharina Sarah, Sarah Karolina, Johann Jacob, Kunigunde Margarethe, Georg Nikolaus und Elisabeth Zapf, wovon das erstere bald starb. Herr Zapf starb 23. April 1893 und seine Gattin schon am 1. Dezember 1871. Er hat vor vielen andern das Vorrecht gehabt, zu sehen, wie Syracuse aus einem Dorfe sich zu einer grossen Stadt entwickelte. [page 299]
Johann Zapf was born on the 23rd of May 1807 in Gutenberg in Bavaria and, after finishing his schooling, learned the craft of carpentry and came to Syracuse in 1839. He was thus known as one of the earliest settlers. Here he worked industriously at his craft, was one of the founders of Zion's Church, and for many years was one of the elders of our community. He married Katharina Baumann, a native of Stambach, Bavaria, and they had 10 children, namely: Christian, Johann Thomas, Maria Barbara, Friedrich, Katharina Sarah, Sarah Karolina, Johann Jacob, Kunigunde Margarethe, Georg Nikolaus und Elisabeth Zapf, although the eldest child died young. Mr. Zapf died on the 23rd of April 1893, following the earlier death of his wife on 1 December 1871. He had to a greater extent than many others the privilege of seeing the vast differences and changes that occurred as Syracuse developed from a village to a large city.
Copyright 2008 Michelle Stone.
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