Geschichte der Deutschen in Syracuse und Onondaga County
Nebst Kurzen Biographien
von Beamten und Hervorragenden Buergern

Bernard Joseph Wolfarth
Joseph Wolfarth
[Photo appears on page 137.]

Biographische Skizzen

Bernhard Joseph Wolfarth

wurde am 6. Januar 1824 in Werbach, Amt Tauberbischofsheim, Baden, geboren, besuchte in seiner Heimathstadt die Gemeindeschule und erlernte dann das Schneiderhandwerk. Nachdem er im alten Vaterlande eine Zeit lang gereist und auf seinem Handwerk gearbeitet hatte, kam er am 21. Juni 1850 nach Syracuse, das seither sein stetiger Wohnsitz war und wo er es durch die Schneiderei zu einigem Wohlstand gebracht hat. Er ist verheirathet mit Rosalie Kunz und hatte 8 Kinder, von denen nur noch 5 leben. Er wohnt in No. 809 Townsendstrasse. [page 298]

Bernard Joseph Wolfarth was born on 6 January 1824 in Werbach, Amt Tauberbischofsheim, Baden, and attended the local community school there, where he learned the craft of hand-tailoring. After he had traveled for a long time in the Fatherland, working at his trade, he came on 21 June 1850 to Syracuse, which has been his home ever since, and where his profession as a tailor has brought him some prosperity. He is married to Rosalie Kunz and they had 8 children, only 5 of whom are living. He resides at 809 Townsend Street.

Copyright 2008 Michelle Stone. Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a public service by M. Stone using automatic online translation services, and Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please email me.

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