Johann F. Voshall [Photo appears on page 203.]
Biographische Skizzen
Johann Friedrich Voshall
wurde am 25. Dezember 1821 in Eschen, Hannover geboren. Nachdem er dort die Volksschule besucht hatte, erlernte er das Holzgeschäft, war in demselben noch kurze Zeit in seiner Heimath thätig und kam 1842 nach Syracuse. In Folge unermüdlicher, angestrengter Arbeit und der strictischsten Geschäftsweise hat er es hier zu bedeutendem Wohlstand gebracht und zählt mit zu unseren angesehensten Bürgern. Er ist verheirathet mit Maria Agnes Lübker, welcher Ehe 11 Kinder entsprossen sind, von denen jedoch nur noch 2 am Leben sind. Er wohnt 310 Noxonstrasse. [page 297]
Johann Friedrich Voshall was born on the 25th of December 1821 in Eschen, Hannover. After attending the public school there he learned the wood business and it was only a short time later when he left his home and came to Syracuse in 1842. Because of his indefatigable hard work and strict business sense which he brought with him, he has achieved a significant prosperity and is counted among our most esteemed citizens. He is married to the former Miss Maria Agnes Lübker, and from this marriage 11 children have sprung, of which only two are now living. He lives at 310 Noxon Street.
Copyright 2005 Michelle Stone.
Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English
translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a
public service
by M. Stone using a dictionary and automatic online translation services,
and Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please
email me.