
German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Syracusans arriving at Ellis Island, New York, 1892-1924

Surnames U - Z

The following names of passengers specifying Syracuse as their home (or in some cases, their destination) were extracted in 2005 by M. Stone from the Ellis Island website at: with the help of Stephen P. Morse's excellent search engines at: and

For more information, check the original passenger manifests at the Ellis Island website or the microfilmed records of the National Archives. No guarantee or warranty of completeness or accuracy is implied.



Uenchiarietti, Bruno, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 6
Upperman, Harry L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 26


Valentine, Harriet, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 32
Valentine, William, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 34
Valles, Enrico, Syracuse, New York, 1910, 34
Vallilie, Charles C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 34
[Van Bergen] Bergen, Van Electa, Syracuse, NY, 1909, 34
[Van Bergen] Bergen, Van Harold, Syracuse, NY, 1909, 36
Van Dencen, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 42
Van Deneen, George, Syracuse, New York, 1917, 39
Van Densen, George K., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 38
Van Deusen, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 45
Van Deusen, Georges, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 43
Van Doyn, Mary, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 20
Van Dreyor, Edward, Syracuse, New York, 1916, 44
Van Dryn, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1917, 13
Van Duyn, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 16
Van Duyn, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 78
Van Dwyn, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 20
Van-Bergen, Electa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 45
Van-Bergen, Harold M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 46
VanDuyn, John, Syracuse, N. York, 1916, 73
Vanderbilt, Kate, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 60
Vann, Irving D., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 48
Vannelli, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 42
Vanschoonhover, Caroline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 6
Varon, Flora, Syracuse, New York, 1908, 2
Vascaro, Vincenzo, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 64
Vaun, Florence D., Syracuse, N.York, 1913, 67
Vaun, Irene G., Syracuse, N.York, 1913, 71
Vecchio, Nicola, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 1
Vecclirarelli, Antonio, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 23
[Vega] Lopez Vega, Rafael, Syracuse, N.Y., 1917, 19
Velasko, Mary L., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 53
[Velnorn] Miller, Raymond Velnorn, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 26
Venditti, Michele, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 16
Venner, Ellen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 56
Venner, Joseph, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 55
Ventrone, Pellegrino, Syracuse, N. Y. U.S.A., 1912, 46
Verde, Giovanni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 39
Verzola, Helen, Syracuse, N Y., 1919, 19
Viana, Giuseppe, Syracusa USA, 1910, 45
Viana, Guiseppe, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 47
Viana, Pietro, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1907, 34
Viani, Emilia, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 24
Viani, Stefano, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 35
Vickery, Charles, Syracuse, NJ, 1919, 46
Vigliotti, Rosa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 14
Vikshrom, Alina, Syrcuse, NY, 1915, 33
Villamil, Fernando A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 21
Vincitore, Leonardo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 24
Viniolas, Athan, Syracuse, 1924, 35
Vinney, Lance, Syracuse, New York, 1906, 40
Visalli, Salvatore, Syracuse, 1905, 32
Visconte, Giuseppe, Syracuse, NY., 1924, 47
Viselli, Pietro, Syracuse, USA, 1922, 35
Vitiello, Alfred, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 44
Vitule, Vito, Syracuse/New York, 1913, 26
Vogel, Margaret, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 11
Vogel, Rose, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 35
Volenweider, Ernest, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Volenweider, Rose, Syracuse, USA, 1924, 22
Volianitis, Demetrios, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1914, 34
Volpacchio, John, Syracuse, 1924, 42
van Schouwenburg, Helena, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1913, 35


Waahto, Axel, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1912, 22
Wade, Frank E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 50
Wade, Frank G., Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 49
Wade, J. E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 36
Wade, Lona, Syracuse, New York, 1906, 32
Wade, Margaret, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 45
Wade, Margaret, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 36
Wade, Margaret S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 8
Wade, Margaret S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 46
Wade, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 15
Wagner, George, Syracuse, N.Y, 1908, 30 [20?]
Waibel, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 39
Waibel, Lydia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 31
Wajeik, Andrrej, Syracruse, N.Y., America, 1913, 36
Wakefield, Ida M., Syracuse, NY, 1917, 64
Wakefield, Wright P., Syracuse, NY, 1917, 44
Walch, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 40
Walch, Gertrude H., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 37
Walch, Jessie Clinton, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 33
Walch, William F., Syracuse N.Y., 1914, 28
Walker, William Cooper, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 27
Wall, Tyler, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 30
Wallace, Abraham, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 30
Wallace, Abraham, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 31
Wallace, Abraham, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 31
Wallace, Abu, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 22
Wallace, Adeline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 35
Wallace, Barndis, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 26
Wallace, Grace, Syrecuse, NY, 1912, 33
Wallace, Harold, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 11
Wallace, James, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 60
Wallace, Louis, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 20
Wallace, Lulu J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 50
Wallace, Sadie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 12
Walrath, Alice C., Syracuse, NY, 1909, 45
Walser, E, Syracuse, 1906, 11
Walser, Katherine, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 54
Walser, Richard, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 52
Walsh, Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 40
Walsh, May, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 28
Walsh, Patrick, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 62
Walsh, Patrick J., Syracuse, NY, 1922, 10
Walsh, Patrick Jos., Syracuse, New York, 1912, 32
Walsh, Patrivk, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 31
Walter, Albin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1900, 26
Walter, Harry Jack, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 18
Walton, Florence, Syrnava, 1902, 35
Walton, Joseph Edmund, Syrnava, 1902, 31
Walton, Lily May, Syracuse, USA, 1923, 26
Wammer, Henry, Syr, 1898, 32
Ward, Arthur E., Syracuse, New York, 1919, 26
Ward, Arthur Ed., Syracuse, N. Y., 1918, 25
Ward, Arthur J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 32
Ward, Florence, Syracuse, N. Y., 1918, 22
Ward, Florence H., Syracuse, New York, 1919, 23
Ware, Francis C., Syracuse, NY, 1913, 30
Ware, Francis C., Syracuse, NY, 1913, 34
Wargen, Geo., Syracus, N. Y., 1919, 26
Wargin, John, Syracuse, U.S., 1917, 23
Warn, Sattee E., Syracuse, 1919, 44
Warner, Jacob, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 75
Warren, George R., Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 38
Warwick, Eleanor, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 40
Warwick, Marshall, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 48
Warzecha, Piotr, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 28
[Washington] Whitehouse, George Washington, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 33
Waters, Frank, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 29
Waters, Thomas, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 28
Watt, Katherine, Syracuse, New York, 1910, 25
Weaver, Emily M., Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 30
Weaver, Ramona, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 28
Webb, Harry Charles, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 47
[Webb] Salisbury, Henry Webb, Syracuse, N.Y. State, 1924, 15
Webb, Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 37
Webb, Sara Sanderson, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 33
Weber, Stephan, Syr, 1903, 24
Weber, Wilhelm, Syracuse, Nebr., 1922, 55
Webster, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 20
Webster, Mary Anne, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 14
Weed, Harry D., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 50
Weed, Martha, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 19
Weed, Robert, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 21
Weedon, Frank W., Syracuse, U. S. A., 1921, 51
Wegilewski, Jan, Syracuse, America, 1912, 37
Weider, August, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 55
Weiler, Anton, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 66
Weiler, Ida, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 32
Weisburg, Esther, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 47
Weiskotten, Emilie, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 56
Weiskotten, Louisa M., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 58
Weiskotten, Sophie G., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 64
Weisse, Auguste, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 43
Weisse, Viola, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 5
Weller, Wm. G., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 69
Wells, Lilian, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 39
Welsh, Margaret, Syracuse, 1912, 26
Welter, William T, Syrscuse, NY, 1916, 67
Wendell, Anthony, Syracuse, 1917, 30
Werfelman, Walter, Syracuse, N.J., 1921, 27
Werry, John, Syracuse, New York, 1901, 58
Wersburg, Goldie, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 28
West, Charlotte Mary, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 30
West, Ernest H., Syracuse, N.Y., 1905, 26
West, Marion L., Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 33
West, Sarah, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 22
Westerman, Thomas, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 40
Westersgren, Carl O., Syrafuse, NY, USA, 1913, 38
Westfall, Cora, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 48
Wetherell, Etta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 36
Wetherell, Frederick S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 36
Wheale, Louisa, Syracuse, 1913, 50
Wheale, William, Syracuse, USA, 1913, 59
Wheelan, David, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 63
Wheeler, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1909, 32
Wheeler, Celestine, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1909
Wheeler, George C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 27
Wheeler, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 23
Whelan, David, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 60
Whelan, David H., Syracuse N.Y., 1912, 61
Whelan, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 59
Whelan, George, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 47
Whelan, Michael, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1921, 48
Whiffen, Alice, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 4
White, Andrew S., Syracuse, New York, 1924, 56
White, Anna M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 46
White, Anne, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 49
White, Anne B., Syracruse. N.Y., 1912, 48
White, Casser, Syracuse, U.S., 1912, 23
White, Cassie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 32
White, Cassie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 35
White, Cassie, Syracuse, NY, 1916, 28
White, Cassie A., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1915, 27
White, Claire H., Syracuse, New York, 1924, 35
White, Dea. J.C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 38
White, E. Orton, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 33
White, Ernest Ingersoll, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 51
White, Gertrude, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 33
White, Harold B., Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 40
White, Horace, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 55
White, Jane L., Syracuse, New York, 1921, 55
White, Jane Sage, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 24
White, Katharine Curtin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 18
White, Lee, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 7
White, Margaret A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 40
White, Marian Strong, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 23
White, Marion, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 23
White, Ward, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 5
Whitehouse, Angeline, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 39
Whitehouse, Charlotte, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 12
Whitehouse, George Washington, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 33
[Whitlock] Hopton, Nellie Whitlock, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 60
Whitney, Chas. E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 51
[Whonhart] Shillinger, Elisabeth Whonhart, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 52
Wiacek, Anna, Syracuse, America, 1912, 28
Wickert, Anna M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 29
Wickert, Bernard, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 59
Wickert, Julia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 60
Wicks, Bartlett, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 17
Wicks, Bartlett, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 24
Wicks, Fredericks, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 46
[Wicks] Doane Wicks, Lily, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 58
Wicks, Stonton, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 20
Wiech, Frank, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 25
Wiecrovek, Stanislaw, Syracuse, NY., America, 1912, 24
Wiecrwsk, Walenty, Syracuse, N. Y., America, 1913, 34
Wieczorek, Walenty, Syracuse, N.Y., 1910, 30
Wiesnick, Augusta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 37
Wiezel, Frieda, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 0
Wiezel, Lina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 29
Wiezel, Martha, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 7
Wiezel, Rudolf, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 4
Wiget, Irene A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 34
Wikshram, Fanny, Syrcuse, NY, 1915, 20
Wilcox, Dora, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 38
Wilcox, Edwin, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 40
Wilcox, Lillian, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 22
Wilder, Guernsey, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 28
Wiley, Fenevra, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 16
Wiley, Fenevra Gwynn, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 54
Wiley, Geo., Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 27
Wiley, Gwynmath, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 20
Wiley, Marian Gratia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Wiley, Otis Monrow, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 55
Wilkin, Harriet D., Syracuse, NY, 1924, 74
Wilkinson, Ada H., Syracuse NY, 1906, 35
Wilkinson, Ada M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 30
Wilkinson, Horace S., Syracuse NY, 1906, 38
Wilkinson, Horace S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 42
Wilkinson, Sybil, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1922, 23
Will, Harold Henry, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 29
Wille, Catharine F., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 19
Wille, Elisabeth A., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 23
Wille, Margeurite, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 17
Wille, Martha W., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 23
Willemes, Carl, Syracuse N.Yk, 1900, 7
Willemes, Frank, Syracuse N.Yk, 1900, 33
Willemes, Lenhard, Syracuse N.Yk, 1900, 4
Willemes, Marie, Syracuse N.Yk, 1900, 34
Williams, Helen A., Syracuse, 1915, 27
Williams, Jesse W., Syracuse, 1915, 27
Williams, Toni S., Syracuse , NY, 1913, 25
Williamson, John, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 25
Willis, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1916, 40
Willis, Ruth, Syracuse, 1920, 44
Willis, Ruth E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 44
Willis, Walter, Syracuse, 1920, 44
Willis, Walter, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 44
Willsey, John J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 23
Wilmes, Joseph, Syracuse, N. York, 1905, 39
Wilmes, Joseph, Syracuse, NY., USA, 1911, 45
Wilness, Virginie, Syracuse, N J, USA, 1911, 43
Wilson, Albert P., Syracuse, N. Y., 1905, 27
Wilson, Gertrude, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 23
Wiltse, Della, Syracuse, 1914, 29
Wiltse, George, Syracuse, 1914, 31
Winicki, Adalbert, Zernia [Syracuse N.Y], 1904, 25
Winicki, Pdaul, Zernia [Syracuse N.Y], 1904, 24
Winney, Harry J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 38
Winter, Daniel G., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 30
Wintersdorf, Mihaly, Syracuse, 1905, 27
Winton, Mary E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 39
Winton, Walter, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 10
Wirth, Franciska, Syracuse, N.Y., 1897, 35
Witherby, Constance, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 7
Witherby, Dorothy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 33
Witherby, Frederick, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 3
Witherby, Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 5
Wittiver, Frieda, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 30
Wittiver, Gottfried, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 64
Wittiver, Mathilda, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 55
Wittmer, Robert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 46
Wolf, Frederick, Syracuse, NY, 1906, 65
Wolf, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1907, 55
Wolfson, Isaac N., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 29
Wollmer, Harmann, Syracuse, N.Y., 1897, 1
Wollmer, Raimund, Syracuse, N.Y., 1897, 31
Wollmer, Rosa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1897, 5
Wood, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 59
Wood, George A, Syracuse, 1920, 63
Wood, George A., Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 76
Wood, George A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 67
Wood, George A., Syracuse, New York, 1915, 58
Wood, George T., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1920, 42
Woods, Clara B., Syracuse, New York, 1924, 36
Woods, Thomas, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 55
Woods, Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 52
Woods, Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 53
Woods, Thomas, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 56
Woods, Thomas, Syracuse, New York, 1905, 35
Woods, Thomas, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 54
Worbass, Christian, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 57
Worbass, Clarishau J., Syracuse N Y, 1923, 60
Worgin, John, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1916, 23
Worker, Hamlet, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1908, 68
Woulfe, Margaret E., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 8
Wrenn, Mary D., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 25
Wreun, Anna, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 0
Wreun, Anna, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 32
Wright, Ada, Syracuse, 1892, 33
Wright, Albert Cyril, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 26
Wright, Charles F., Syracuse, 1913, 61
Wright, Cora, Syracuse, 1913, 53
Wright, George, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 57
Wright, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 47
Wright, Nellie V., Syracuse, NY, 1914, 28
Wswerysk, Nikolsj, Syracrus, N. Y., America, 1912, 34
Wugel, Elizabeth, Syracuse, 1911, 53
Wynn, Albert Edward, Syracuse, NY USA, 1920, 31
Wynn, Albert Edward, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1924, 35
Wynn, Elsie Dora, Syracuse, NY USA, 1920, 31
Wynn, Elsie Doris, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1924, 35
Wyzik, Paul, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1920, 27


[no entries]


Yale, John W., Syracuse, N. Y., 1918, 22
Yarwood, Edwin, Syracuse, N. Y., USA, 1907, 31
Yarwood, John, Syracuse, N. Y., USA, 1907, 25
Yates, S. A., Syrakus, 1904, 59
Yelinski, Aleksander, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 27
Yenney, Helene Bertha, Syracuse, New York, 1919, 23
Yoa, Elezabeth E., Syracuse, New York, 1913, 32
Yossip, Petre, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 38
Youmans, Julia, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 79
Young, Barbara, Syracuse, NY., 1913, 42
Young, Constance, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 29
Young, Haron, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 10


Zabinski, John, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1920, 28
Zaccarrelli, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1909, 64
Zaccarrelli, Giuseppe, Syracuse, USA, 1909, 17
Zacharck, George, Syracuse, New York, 1920
Zajac, Jozef, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 22
Zakby, Abdallah, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 8
Zakby, Julia, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 7
Zakby, Linda, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 9
Zakby, Rashida, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 33
Zanbroski, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 46
Zangari, Pietro, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 28
Zaniewski, Antoni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 30
Zater, George Henry, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 26
Zatewa, Tomass, Syracuse, N. Y., America, 1913, 32
Zavaglia, Caterina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 0
Zavaglia, Elisabetta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 23
Zelazinj, Marcin, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 30
Zeller, Ema, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 46
Zendle, Nathan, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 44
Zimmerman, Elizabeth, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 65
Zimmerman, Elizabeth S, Syraceuse, NY, 1922, 56
Zimmerman, Jeremiah, Syraceuse, NY, 1922, 64
Zimmerman, Jeremiah, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 73
Zimmerman, William Fredk., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 56
Zimmermann, Barbara, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 9
Zimmermann, Victoria, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 31
Zirkel, Ruth, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 50
Zoanetti, Ottavio, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1920, 36
Zonkowski, Julian, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1920, 26
Zuill, Florence, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 28
Zuill, Minnie, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 62
Zullo, Felice, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 34
Zytka, Theresia, Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A., 1921, 27

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