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Stone"[T]hey fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element. IMPORTANT UPDATE as of January 2025 For many years, based on J. Gardner Bartlett's classic book, Simon Stone Genealogy: Ancestry and Descendants of Deacon Simon Stone of Watertown, Mass. 1320-1926 (published for the Stone Family Association, Boston, 1926), I had believed my own Stone lineage probably linked back to Deacon Simon Stone, since my confirmed ancestors, Captain Simon Stone (No. 7 below) and his son, Orren, were included in this book as such. The problem was that Bartlett in offering this line had made assumptions of parenthood in a couple of generations (listing seven Simons back to the Deacon) but had found no real evidence or documentation of proof. Over the years I couldn't find proof either. In the summer of 2012 a male of my Stone line, a descendant of Walter Lincoln Stone (9.iii below), submitted Y-DNA 37-marker test kit results to the STONE Project at Family Tree DNA. Since then we have had only one other near-match turn up. Significantly neither of these two matches cluster with those of men claiming to be descendants of the David & Ursula/Deacon Simon/Deacon Gregory Stone family that emigrated from Essex, England to Massachusetts in the early 1600's. Recently I undertook another search to discover the birth date, place, and parentage of my Capt. Simon Stone anywhere in Massachusetts--and came up with a plausible match thanks to new digitized sources and search algorithms on Ancestry.com and the internet. Now it appears that my Captain Simon Stone of Windsor, Massachusetts was baptized in July 1770 in Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, the middle child of Nathan Stone and Abigail Town, and brother of Tamer and Lucy. This hypothesis seems even more true considering that Capt. Simon Stone named his firstborn son Nathan (after his own father) and it explains that the Tamer Stone who showed up in Berkshire County at the same time as Capt. Simon appeared there was indeed his sister, who soon married Mr. Comfort Beals. I now believe my STONE line can be traced accurately back in time as follows: 7. CAPT. SIMON STONE, born June 2, 1770, bap. July 1, 1770 Sutton, Worcester Co., MA; married Charlotte HALL c. 1791, etc. -- see 7. below and subsequent generations 8. through 12. His father: 6. His father: 5. DANIEL STONE (b. c. 1713); mar. Miriam Patch (born August 20, 1714 in Wenham, daughter of Stephen and Ruth Patch of Wenham, Essex Co., MA) on May 8, 1735 in Wenham. Their children were John, Nathaniel, and Nathan born in Wenham, and Ruth, Mary, and Miriam born in Sutton. Daniel died November 15, 1784 in Sutton. His father: 4. JOHN STONE, a weaver, born August 27, 1686 in Beverly, Essex Co., MA; died January 6, 1724 in Essex Co., MA. He married Ruth Waldron of Wenham (intention published May 18, 1712) and they had four sons: Daniel, John, Ebenezer, and Ambrose. His father: 3. JOHN STONE, born February 20, 1661 in Salem, Essex Co., MA; died July 28, 1736 in Beverly, Essex Co., MA. He had 12 children in all born in Beverly between 1684 and 1704. His son John (above) was by his first wife, Hester Gaines, who also gave birth to Esther and Mary. John's second wife was Sarah Gale; his third wife was Jane Stacey Stanley. His father: 2. NATHANIEL STONE, born c. 1631 in England; mother unknown. He settled in Salem, Essex Co., MA and married Remember Corning between 1668-1679; they had nine children. He died March 8, 1718 in Essex Co., about age 87. He served as a Salem constable in 1667 and was made a freeman there in 1668, the same year he served on a trial jury. He served on a grand jury in Salem in 1688. One wonders how he fared and what he and his family did during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. It seems that most of his children and his brother, John, (and his father?) had relocated to Beverly by then. His father: 1. JOHN STONE of Salem and Beverly, Essex Co., MA, my immigrant ancestor. Born in England, he came to Massachusetts probably in the early 1630's and was married at least twice, the last time to Ellin/Eleanor (Foule?) Haskell, the widow of William Haskell of Charlton Musgrove, Somerset, England. John had two sons born in England, their mother's identity unknown to us: John born circa 1622 and Nathaniel born circa 1631. In Salem he received three land grants, was involved in several lawsuits, and kept the ferry from Massey's Cove, where he lived, to Bass River (Beverly) in the years between 1636 and 1639. His antecedents and ancestry in England have not yet been discovered. Did he too hail from Somerset on the west coast of England? Perhaps DNA results in time will help unlock the remaining mysteries! Because this webpage on the Deacon Simon Stone lineage (including the links to my photos of Boxted and Great Bromley churches in England) has proven to be so helpful to other Stone researchers over the years (as they have so kindly written to tell me), I will leave the rest of the page intact, even though I now know I am no longer a Deacon Simon Stone descendant. You can skip down to Capt. Simon Stone (7) below to continue forward in time with my actual confirmed and proven ancestors of more modern days. Good luck with your own brick walls! May they eventually topple down. We live in amazing times! Michelle My supposed (now debunked) STONE line (see below) are putative descendants of Puritan DEACON SIMON STONE, who emigrated from England to Watertown (near Cambridge/Boston), in the Massachusetts colony of New England, in 1635. This Deacon Simon and Deacon Gregory Stone were two brothers from County Essex, England who emigrated to Massachusetts in that year and became the forefathers of most of the Stone families in Massachusetts. I have traced and documented my own ancestry backwards in time to CAPT. SIMON STONE(7) (c. 1769-1818), who, along with his son, Orren (also my ancestor) is mentioned as the modern end of a line of seven Simons in J. Gardner Bartlett’s classic book, Simon Stone Genealogy: Ancestry and Descendants of Deacon Simon Stone of Watertown, Mass. 1320-1926 (published for the Stone Family Association, Boston, 1926). While I believe Gardner's research on this line from Simon Stone(7) back to the original immigrant, Deacon Simon Stone, is substantially true, it has not yet been independently verified by my own research, so I do not definitively claim this line earlier than Capt. Simon Stone(7) yet. My entire (possible) line of Stones is listed below. The information on the lineage of the six earlier Simons (c. 1584 to 1818) comes mainly from Gardner's book, and a couple of weak and problematic links are highlighted by me in bold and italic. Orren Stone (1795-1888) is the most recent of my ancestors who appears in Gardner's book. He and the more modern descendants on my list (1795-1990) have been confirmed by documentation gathered by me. For more information: See my photo tour of the Stone family churches of Great Bromley and Boxted in Essex county, England See the website of the Stone Family Association. See the Facebook page for Simon and Gregory Stone descendants. See The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton, a well-written historical novel set in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay colony and featuring Deacon Simon Stone and his wife as minor characters. See Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick, an evocative non-fiction recreation of what the Puritans experienced in emigrating from England to New England in the early 1600's. ![]() ![]() The above two photos were taken and contributed here by Stone cousin Sally R. Chandler, and are of the painting of Deacon Simon Stone's homestead which hangs in the Watertown, Massachusetts Free Public library. The plaque below the painting reads: "Deacon Simon Stone Homestead / Burned Down 1844 / Formerly on what is now the Cambridge Cemetery / Loaned by the Stone Family Association." ![]() ![]() The photos on this page, unless otherwise noted, were taken in 2006 by Paul Stone at the Old Burial Ground at Arlington Street in Watertown (Middlesex Co.), Massachusetts, and are used with his kind permission. Above is the plaque on the Stone brothers' monument in this small cemetery; in the top photo you can see the monumental boulder in the background, left, and the nearby parking garage. The monument's plaque reads as follows: In memory of Simon Stone 1586-1665 My (putative) line of descent: 1. DEACON SIMON[1] STONE (c. 1584/5-1665?), “a Pioneer of New England in 1635,” was born in the parish of Great Bromley, County Essex, England [northeast of London], and baptized there 9 Feb. 1585/6, the eighth of eleven children of DAVID STONE and the eldest by the latter’s second wife, URSULA ---. For at least three centuries his English ancestors bearing the family name STONE had resided in and around Great Bromley, tilling as yeomen lands they leased from the lords of various manors. Simon[1] Stone seems to have been brought up in the ancestral occupation of farming and to have resided in his native parish of Great Bromley until about 1622 when he removed to Boxted, County Essex, a parish about six miles northwest of Great Bromley and on the south side of the River Stour which separates it from Nayland, County Suffolk; in this latter parish Deacon Gregory Stone, the youngest brother of Deacon Simon[1] Stone, had located about five years earlier. Apparently Simon[1] Stone lived in Boxted until the spring of 1635 when he joined in a large Puritan emigration that year from Suffolk and Essex to New England. [According to Pope’s Pioneers of Massachusetts, Simon Stone (age 50) and his wife Joan (age 38) came to America on the ship Increase on 15 April 1635, settling in Watertown, Massachusetts. –MS.] Deacon Simon[1] Stone married first, at Great Bromley, County Essex, England, 5 Aug. 1616, JOANE CLARK, born about 1596, daughter of William Clark; she accompanied her husband and children to New England in 1635 and died before 1654, having had at least seven children. He married secondly, in New England, about 1655, an acquaintance of old England, Mrs. SARAH (BAKER) LUMPKIN, widow of Richard Lumpkin of Ipswich, Mass.... By his second wife, Sarah...Deacon Simon[1] Stone had no children, and she died in July 1663. Children of Deacon Simon[1] and Joane (Clark) Stone: i. Frances (1618- ) ![]() Simon[1] Stone’s grave in the Old Cemetery in Watertown has on it a shiny new monument “erected by descendants,” which reads: In memory of 2. DEACON SIMON[2] STONE (c. 1630-1707/8), was born in Boxted, County Essex, England about 1630, and was brought to New England by his parents in 1635. He was brought up as a farmer on the paternal homestead at Mount Auburn in Watertown, Mass., to which he succeeded on his father’s death in 1665. In 1662 he became a proprietor of lands in Groton, Mass., totalling 88 acres...; these lands he eventually settled on his two eldest sons, Simon[3] and John Stone who located there. But Deacon Simon[2] Stone always resided on the homestead in Watertown and became more prominent in local public affairs than his father had been. From 1672 to 1679 (inclusive) and 1681 to 1686 (inclusive) he was elected a selectman; in 1672, 1673, 1676, 1677, 1679, 1681, 1682, 1684, 1687 and 1690 he was chosen town clerk, and from 1678 to 1684 (inclusive) and in 1686, 1689 and 1690 he was deputy for Watertown to the Massachusetts General Court. In his later years he was a deacon of the Watertown Church. During his lifetime, Deacon Simon[2] Stone divided all his property, both real and personal, among his large family of children, giving the homestead at Mount Auburn to his youngest child, Ens. Jonathan Stone, and a 100-acre farm adjoining on the west to another son, David Stone; so at his death he left no will and no administration was taken out on his estate. He died in Watertown, 27 Feb. 1707/8 and was buried in the Old Watertown Cemetery where his gravestone remains with the following inscription: HERE LYES YE Deacon Simon[2] Stone married about 1655, MARY WHIPPLE, born in Bocking, County Essex, England about 1634, daughter of Elder John and Susanna (----) Whipple....Mary (Whipple) Stone died in Watertown, 2 June 1720 and was buried beside her husband in the Old Watertown Cemetery; her gravestone bears this inscription: HERE LYES YE BODY OF ![]() Gravemarker of Mary Whipple Stone, Old Burial Ground, Watertown, Massachusetts. ![]() The Whipple House, Ipswich, Massachusetts, where Mary Whipple grew up. Photo by Sally R. Chandler, used with permission. Children of Deacon Simon[2] Stone and Mary (Whipple) Stone, born in Watertown, Mass.: i. Simon[3] born 8 Sept. 1656 3. DEACON SIMON[3] STONE (1656-1741) was born on the Stone homestead at Mount Auburn in Watertown, Mass., 8 September 1656 and lived in that town until after he became of age. When he was nineteen years old, the war with the New England Indians, known as King Philip’s War, broke out, in which Simon[3] Stone rendered active service. During the autumn of 1675 and the winter of 1675/6 he was in the garrison houses at Mendon and Groton, Massachusetts.... He also served in the spring and summer of 1676 in Capt. Joseph Scyll’s company on an expedition against the Indians in central and western Massachusetts.... He was one of the claimants for rights in the Narragansett Townships granted by the Province of Massachusetts in 1735 to the soldiers (or their heirs) in King Philip’s War; and on 24 June 1735 drew Lot 15 in Narragansett Township No. 6, which became Templeton, Massachusetts. A few years after King Philip’s War, Simon[3] Stone settled in Groton, Massachusetts, on land given to him by his father, who was one of the early proprietors of that town. Here he became a prosperous farmer, held various town offices, was representative to the Massachusetts General Court in 1706, and like his father and grandfather, was also a deacon in the church, being elected such at Groton, 22 April 1715, an office indicating that he was held in esteem by the community. During his lifetime he settled his estate upon his children, so at his death he left no will and no administration was taken out on his estate. Surviving to the ripe old age of 85 years he died in Groton, 19 December 1741. His gravestone in the old Groton Cemetery bears the following inscription: HERE LIES BURIED Deacon Simon[3] Stone married about 1685, SARAH FARNSWORTH, born in Groton about 1663, daughter of Matthias and Mary (Farr) Farnsworth; she had ten children and died in Groton, 16 September 1731. Children born in Groton, Massachusetts: i. Simon[4] born 1 Aug. 1686 4. CAPTAIN and DEACON SIMON[4] STONE, was born in Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 1 August 1686, and was given that portion of his father’s lands which lay in the part of Groton which in 1732 was set off as the new town of Harvard in Worcester County, Massachusetts. Like his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, he became a prosperous, successful yeoman and influential member of the community, succeeded them in the office of deacon in the church, was commissioned captain of the Harvard military company and for several years was a selectman of that town. On 3 March 1723/4, Simon[4] Stone and his wife Sarah were admitted to the Groton Church, and on 14 September 1733, were dismissed to the new church in Harvard, Massachusetts. On 29 June 1732, the Massachusetts General Court passed the act incorporating the town of Harvard, Massachusetts, and ordered that “Simon Stone, one of the Principal Inhabitants of the Town of Harvard, be and hereby is fully impowered to Assimble and Convene the Inhabitants of said Town to Chuse Town Officers to Stand untill their Anniversary Meeting in March next.” On 3 July 1732 Simon[4] Stone issued his warrant for the first town meeting of Harvard at which he was chosen moderator and first selectman; he held the latter office also in 1735, 1736, 1738-1740 and 1746. Capt. and Deacon Simon[4] Stone died in Harvard, 22 October 1746, aged 60 years. Capt. Simon[4] Stone married about 1712 SARAH ---, born about 1689, whose parentage or family name are unknown; she died in Harvard, Massachusetts, 30 May 1767, aged 78 years, according to her gravestone there. Children, i.-viii., recorded in Groton, Massachusetts, and ix.-x recorded in Harvard, Massachusetts: i. Simon[5] born 10 September 1714 5. DEACON SIMON[5] STONE (1714-1785) was born 10 September 1714, in that part of Groton, Massachusetts which in 1732 became Harvard, Massachusetts. As the eldest son of the family he succeeded in 1748 to two-thirds of his father’s lands in Harvard, by paying his brothers and sisters in money for their interests. He continued in Harvard until about 1756, when he disposed of his property there and moved westward about 40 miles to the then recently incorporated town of Greenwich, Massachusetts, and is called 'of Greenwich' on 27 October 1767....On 3 February 1771 he was elected a deacon in the Greenwich Church, being the fifth consecutive Simon Stone to hold this office; on 3 March 1771, he was chosen town treasurer; and he died in Greenwich, 17 April 1785, aged 70 years. [Note: The former town of Greenwich no longer exists; today it is beneath the Quabbin Reservoir, which provides the Boston area's water supply. --MS] He married about 1739, EUNICE ---, born about 1716; she died in Greenwich, 12 July 1791, in her 76th year. Children i.-ix. born in Harvard, Massachusetts, and x.-xi born in Greenwich, Massachusetts: i. Eunice (1740-1752) 6. DEACON SIMON[6] STONE (1741-1818), was born in Harvard, Massachusetts, 22 December 1741, and when a boy of 15 years was taken by his parents in their removal about 1756 to Greenwich, Massachusetts, and was the only one of his father’s five sons to remain in Greenwich after the Revolution.... He was a soldier in the Revolution, appearing as sergeant in Capt. Joseph Hooker’s company of Greenwich Minute Men which marched to Boston on the Lexington alarm of 19 April 1775, serving eleven days; also enlisted for eight months on 1 May 1775, as sergeant in Capt. Isaac Gray’s company, Col. Jonathan Brewer’s regiment; appears on roll of company at Prospect Hill, dated 6 October 1775; this company fought in the battle of Bunker Hill, 17 June 1775; also served from 23 September to 17 October 1777 as sergeant in Lieut. Josiah Wilson’s company, Col. Porter’s Hampshire County regiment, in the Saratoga campaign culminating in the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne’s army. In 1791 he was elected town clerk of Greenwich and he succeeded his father as deacon, being the sixth successive Simon Stone to hold this office. In the United States Direct Tax of 1798, Simon[6] Stone was assessed in Greenwich, Massachusetts for a dwelling house valued at $230 and 150 acres of land valued at $540. He resided in that part of Greenwich set off in 1816 as Enfield, Massachusetts, where he died in 1818. [Note: The former town of Enfield, like Greenwich, no longer exists; today it is beneath the Quabbin Reservoir, which provides water to the Boston area. --MS] Although the Census of 1790 makes it seem probable that Simon[6] Stone had several children, neither the town nor church records of Greenwich record any of them; it is probable that his eldest son was named Simon. [This may be the weak link in my ever being able to prove definitely that my own line connects to Deacon Simon[1] Stone, the immigrant. --MS] He married first, about 1768, but the record of this marriage has not been found. [Another weak link. --MS] He married secondly, in Brookfield, Massachusetts, 2 June 1773, DOROTHY HARWOOD, born there about 1745, daughter of Ebenezer and Dorothy (Hubbard) Harwood; she was living in 1814, but probably died before 1818. Child by first marriage i. Simon[7] born about 1769 THIS IS WHERE MY REAL STONE LINE COMES IN: 7. CAPTAIN SIMON[7] STONE (1770-1818), born June 2, 1770, baptized July 1, 1770 in Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Settled in Windsor, Massachusetts, where he attained the rank of captain and died 23 or 24 December 1818, in his forty-ninth year (according to his gravestone). According to Barlett, "Most of his children who attained adult age apparently removed from Massachusetts" -- but not Oren. Simon married about 1791, CHARLOTTE HALL, daughter of Asa and Abigail (Converse) Hall of Windsor; it seems she moved to Monroe Co., NY with all of her still-living children except Oren after her husband died in 1818 (between 1820 and 1829). Her death and burial information have not been discovered, but many of her children settled in Riga and Churchville, NY. Children [births/deaths recorded in Windsor, Massachusetts* and others listed in Simon Stone's probate file]: i. Nathan* (1792-probably died young) 8. OREN STONE (1795-1888), was born in Windsor, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts on 8 August 1795. He resided in Hinsdale, Savoy, and Windsor, Massachusetts, all in Berkshire County. He died in Windsor 25 February 1888; death records say he was buried in Savoy. On 9 September 1820 he entered his marriage intentions with JOANNA TURNER, daughter of Elijah and Hannah (Austin) Turner of Savoy, Massachusetts. Joanna died 18 March 1846, age 46 years 6 months, according to her tombstone in the Turner Cemetery at Savoy Center. Children of Orren and Joanna Stone: i. Henry H. (1824-1882) died a bachelor in Ashfield, MA; buried next to Joanna 9. WARD N. STONE (1831-1914), born in Savoy, Massachusetts in 1831 (or 1830), became a farmer in nearby Peru, Massachusetts. He married MARY E. ACKERT ASCHA, a divorced mother of three who was born about 1817 (alt. c. 1827) in (Chatham?) Columbia County, New York to John and Sarah Ackert; she died of apoplexy 10 November 1881 in Peru at the age of 64 and was buried in Peru Center Cemetery. Children born in Peru, Massachusetts to Ward N. and Mary Stone: i. Edwin Bosworth born 26 April 1858On 30 January 1882 Ward married ELLEN J. GLEASON (aka Jane Ellen Gleason, born 1849 or 9 Dec. 1847 in Austerlitz, New York to Lyman Clement and Harriet (Tyler) Gleason). Children born in Peru, Massachusetts to Ward N. and Ellen J. Stone: iv. Joseph Turner (1883-1933); he married Gertrude Schwarz and lived in Austerlitz, NY; they had 7 children. Jane / Ellen Gleason Stone died 3 June 1908 in Peru at the age of 59 and was buried in Austerlitz Cemetery, Austerlitz, New York. Ward Stone died 3 January 1914 in East Providence, Rhode Island while he was living with his daughter, Hattie MacDuff, and her family. He was buried in Peru Center Cemetery, Massachusetts. 10. EDWIN BOSWORTH STONE (1858-1946), farmer and shoeworker, was born in Peru, Massachusetts on 26 April 1858. Around 1885 he relocated from Massachusetts to Nyack, New York to (it would seem) work in the shoe industry there. Around that period he met and married MARGARET DeMARE (who was born 1 October 1863 in Savannah, Georgia to Sophia (LANDSMAN) and Peter DEMARE, and moved with her family to Nyack, New York after the Civil War). At one time (c. 1896-1900) Edwin made a living as a farmer in Cummington, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, renting a farm adjacent to that owned by his brother, Walter; the family lived in Plainfield, Massachustts in 1902 to circa 1910, then in Pittsfield in 1914. In later years Margaret and several of the children lived in Northampton, Massachusetts; but at times Edwin lived elsewhere (in an Easthampton, Massachusetts boarding house in 1920 and in the Easthampton Town Infirmary in 1931-1932). As a widower he lived in Northampton, Massachusetts with a daughter in 1930, and while living with another daughter in his old age in West Springfield, Massachusetts, he played the violin every night (it was said he had used to play for square dances). He died 4 August 1946 in West Springfield, Massachusetts and is buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Florence, Massachusetts (outside Northampton) next to his wife Margaret, who died of diabetes in Northampton on 7 May 1923 (age 59 years). Children born to Edwin and Margaret (Demare) Stone: i. Philip Nelson (1886-1974) 11. PHILIP NELSON STONE (1886-1974), soldier, railroad brakeman, BWS Policeman, prison guard and deputy warden, was born in Nyack, Rockland County, New York on 26 June 1886; died age 88 years on 30 November 1974 in Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas. Married LORETTA ELSIE EHMANN (1890-1988) on 1 July 1914 at 4187 Third Avenue, New York City, Borough of the Bronx, New York. Children born to Philip Nelson and Loretta Elsie (Ehmann) Stone: i. Muriel Adele (1924-2013) 12. DAVIS PHILIP STONE (1925-1990), electronics design engineer, was born 12 December 1925 at 2128 Valentine Avenue (maternal grandfather's house) in the Bronx, New York City, New York; died age 64 years on 7 October 1990 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California. Married in 1950, his wife, four daughters, and 11 grandchildren survive him. Updated 25 January 2025