Gen. Gustavus Sniper (deceased) [Photo appears on page 51.]
Biographische Skizzen
General Gustavus Sniper
wurde am 11. Juni 1836 in Baden geboren, kam als Knabe nach Syracuse.
Er besuchte die öffentlichen Schulen und noch die Abendschulen. In 1850
erlernte er in Geo. Hier's Geschäft das Cigarrenmachen. In 1854 trat er in die
Syracuse Light Guards und gehörte später auch zu den Syracuse Grays
und Davis Light Guards. In 1859-1860 organisirte er eine Compagnie, die
Monroe Cadetten, deren Hauptmann er war, bis der Krieg ausbrach. Er machte alle
Grade einer militärischen Laufbahn durch, vom Gemeinen bis zum Brigadier-General.
Durch das Studium militärischer Bücher u. die Vorbereitung im Milizdienst war er
befähigt, während des Krieges werthvolle Dienste zu leisten, namentlich im
101. u. 185. Regiment. Auch in der Politik spielte er eine hervorragende Rolle.
In 1870 wurde er in die Staats-Legislatur gewählt und diente dort 3 Termine.
In 1876 wurde er zum Deputy County Clerk ernannt u. 1882 zum County Clerk erwählt.
1863 verheirathete er sich mit Fräulein Katharina Miller. Er starb am 29. März
1894 mit Hinterlassung seiner Wittwe u. zweier Kinder, Lavina C. E. Sniper und
Gustav Sniper. [page 295]
General Gustavus Sniper was born 11 June 1836 in Baden and came as a boy to Syracuse. He attended the public schools and also night school. In 1850 he learned cigar-making in George Hier’s firm. In 1854 he joined the ranks of the Syracuse Light Guards and later also joined the Syracuse Grays and the Davis Light Guards. In 1859-1860 he organized a company, the Monroe Cadets, and served as their captain until the war broke out. He experienced all ranks of a military career, from the lowest to that of Brigadier-General. Through his study of military texts and his preparation in the militia service, he was qualified to perform valuable services during the war, namely in the 101st and the 185th Regiments. He also played an outstanding role in politics. In 1870 he was elected to the State Legislature and served three terms there. In 1876 he was appointed Deputy County Clerk and rose to County Clerk in 1882. In 1863 he married Miss Katharina Miller. He died on 29 March 1894 survived by his widow and two children, Lavina C. E. Sniper and Gustav Sniper.
Copyright 2009 Michelle Stone, with thanks to Joni L. Pontius for translation help.
Link to his obituary
Link to his
at Woodlawn Cemetery
Link to his monument in Syracuse