English translation:
Closing Words of the Author
As the end of this historical sketch arrives, it remains only for us to make the
customary acknowledgments and thanks to those who have helped us--whether through communicating the rich treasure of their memories or through indefatigable inquiry in the archives of the County Clerk’s Office and the public library--to gather together the story of the local German people.
First we must note we relied in general upon the historical data of attorney
A. E. Oberländer, gathered, in his time, with so much industry and skill
(and which became Bruce’s History of Syracuse, Chapter XXII). Mr. Oberländer had the honor of being the first writer of the story of the Germans in Syracuse and Onondaga County. His work earns the highest praise and can best be appreciated only by those who attempt a similar endeavor. He has also in this present work ungrudgingly offered to the publisher and author his praiseworthy and unstinting involvement, advice, and guidance to historic documents. The part of our story based on oral history offered special difficulties because memory is not always absolutely dependable and different statements were often in opposition to each other. We met our largest difficulties in collecting the materials for the story of the German soldiers during the Civil War, which involved unspeakable effort, large patience, and not insignificant costs.
As far as the typographic production of the book goes, the publisher, Mr. Pinzer,
deserves complete praise and recognition. The type for this book was set
expressly for this purpose, at great expense, with every line newly composed in the
printing office of the "Syracuse Union," and those expert in such matters would agree that the technical execution of the book reflects honor on its publisher.
Finally we thank all those who so willingly provided information, especially the old pioneers and the veterans, as well as the organizations and churches that provided sketches--if any were missed it is not our fault, as we strove earnestly and repeatedly to attain them. Last but not least, we wish to acknowledge with appreciation all the others who through their advertisements and so on have supported and assisted us.
We offer this book to the honored reader with the firm confidence that it is a fair and correct historical documentation.
--The Author.
Copyright 2002 Michelle Stone.
Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English
translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a public service
by M. Stone using a dictionary and automatic online translation services,
Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please
email me Re: Schlusswort. Thanks!
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