Samuel Pakelnishky [Photo appears on page 220.]
Biographische Skizzen
Samuel Pakelnishky
wurde am 1. Januar 1874 in Syracuse geboren, wo er die öffentlichen Schulen, Hochschule und dann die Universität von Syracuse besuchte. Hierauf studirte er Rechtswissenschaft auf der St. Francis Xavir [sic] und der Columbia Akademie, wo er im Jahre ’95 graduirte und noch im selben Jahre den Grad des Ph. B. und L. L. B. erhielt. Er wurde im gleichen Jahre zur Praxis als Rechtsanwalt zugelassen und ist Mitglied der Firma Quinn & Pakelnishky, 423 Bastable Gebäude. Er zählt zu den hervorragendsten jüngeren Advokaten und und [sic] wohnt 115 Burt-strasse. [page 285]
Samuel Pakelnishky was born on the 1st of January 1874 in Syracuse, where he attended the public schools, the high school, and then the University of Syracuse. Following that he studied jurisprudence at St. Francis Xavier and the Columbia Academy, where he graduated in 1895 and in the same year received his Ph. B. and L.L.B. degrees. That same year he received his certification to practice as an attorney and is a member of the firm of Quinn & Pakelnishky, 423 Bastable Building. He ranks among the most outstanding young lawyers and lives at 115 Burt Street.
Copyright 2008 Michelle Stone.
Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English
translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a
public service
by M. Stone using automatic online translation services,
and Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please
email me.