
German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Syracusans arriving at Ellis Island, New York, 1892-1924

Surnames P - R

The following names of passengers specifying Syracuse as their home (or in some cases, their destination) were extracted in 2005 by M. Stone from the Ellis Island website at: with the help of Stephen P. Morse's excellent search engines at: and

For more information, check the original passenger manifests at the Ellis Island website or the microfilmed records of the National Archives. No guarantee or warranty of completeness or accuracy is implied.



P...ates, Caroline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 60
P...ates, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 69
Pacecca, Bruno, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 44
Paei, Emanuele, Syracuse, 1906, 28
Page, Ephraim J., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 45
Page, Ephraim James, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 45
Page, Louise M., Syracuse, NY, 1909, 40
Paglia, Giulio, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 28
Pagliaroli, Vincenzo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 41
Pailca, Elizabeth, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 53
Paimenberg, Erich, Syracuse, 1904, 34
Paine, Charles, Syracuse, 1906, 44
Paine, Ruby, Syranne, NY, 1921, 37
Palladino, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 33
Pallotta, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 34
Pallotta, Francesco, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 25
Palmer, James, Syracuse, 1914, 29
Palmer, Joseph C., Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 43
Palmer, Josepha, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 28
Palmer, Josephine, Syrakuse, N.Y., 1913, 29
Palmer, Josephine D., Syracuse , NY, 1913, 54
Palmer, Theodore, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 55
Palones, James, Syracuse NY, 1914, 29
Pammemborj, Erich, Syracuse, 1906, 37
Pammemborj, Helene, Syracuse, 1906, 40
Panagiotatos, Panagiotes, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 30
Pando, Anastas, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1910, 35
Pannenborg, Helene Th., Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 60
Pannunzio, Graziano, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 35
Panssa, Giovanni, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1913, 26
Panto, Carmela, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1914, 36
Paone, Giuseppe, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 31
Paparo, Mario, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 26
Papek, Mykieta, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1913, 34
Papenfuss, Albert, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 53
Paratore, Matteo, , Syracuse, NY, 1924, 29
Parczeny [Parczeng?], Anna, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 0
Parczeny [Parczeng?], Carl, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 24
Parczeny [Parczeng?], Kath., Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 23
Parenti, Antonio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 34
Parham Beall, Clara, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 53
Parisi, Alfio, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 40
Park, William A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 45
Parker, Geo. A., Syracuise, 1892, 36
Parker, George Sims, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 33
Parker, Henry, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 54
Parker, Lorna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 24
Parsons, Allaina S., Syracuse, New York, 1920, 57
Parsons, Phillip, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 35
Pass, Adelaide, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 45
Pass, Adelaide S., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 47
Pass, Eleanor, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 22
Pass, Eleanor, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 21
Pass, James, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 8
Pass, James, Syracuse, NY, 1912, 56
Pass, James Salisbury, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 9
Pass, Richard H., Syracuse, NY, 1912, 19
Pastore, Alfonso, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1912, 25
Pasturh, Iwan, Syraouse, USA, 1914, 31
Pate, Luigi, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1909, 32
Patrick, Gertrude, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 30
Patrino, Domenico, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 36
Patruno, Domenico, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 36
Pattat, Arthur, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 56
Pattat, Matie, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 56
Patterson, Ritta, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 56 [duplicate entries, same person; one entry crossed off]
Patterson, Thurlow G., Syracuse, NY, 1921, 50 [duplicate entries, same person; one entry crossed off]
Paulli, Mariannicia, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1913, 36
Paunenborg, Helene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 50
Paunenborg, Kay, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 4
Paventi, Giuseppe, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 62
Paventi, Giuseppe, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 60
Pawer, Frank C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 52
Pawer, Zetta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 49
Pearsall, Winifred, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 23
Pearson, Arnold Joseph, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 8
Pearson, Arnold Joseph, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 31
Pearson, Earl, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 2
Pearson, Ellen, Syracuse, U S A, 1911, 26
Pearson, Janet, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 9
Pearson, Janet, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 29
Pearson, Kenneth, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 5
Pearson, Nellie, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 39
Pearson, Robert, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 7
Pearson, Robert, Syracuse, U S A, 1911, 24
Pearson, Thomas, Syracuse, U S A, 1911, 26
Pearson, William, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 9
[Pease] Cronse, Alla Pease, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 54
Pease, Amelia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 52
Pease, Amelia F., Syracuse, N. Y., 1914, 52
Pease, Amelia F., Syracuse, NY, 1911, 49
Peck, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 46
Peck, Charlotte, Syracuse N.Y., 1915, 54
Peck, F.A., Syracuse, 1892, 40
Peck, Frank, Syracuse, 1892, 17
Peck, Henry O, Syracuse University, 1913, 49
Peck, Herbert Ritchie, Syracuse, New York, 1906, 47
Peck, Jessie C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 50
Peck, Wilbur, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 47
Pedersen, Clara, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 27
Pedersen, Thomas Peter, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 35
Pederzoli, Dionigi, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1910, 38
Peirce, Edward, Syracuse, 1919, 53
Pellenz, Hazel M., Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 23
Pelosi, Santino, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 42
Peluso, Concetta, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 17
Pena, Sandalio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 17
Pennisi, Antonina, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 12
Pennisi, Carmelo, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 7
Pennisi, Domenico, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 11
Pennisi, Giovanni, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 2
Pennisi, Giovanni, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 40
Pennisi, Rosaria, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 35
Pennisi, Venera, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 15
Pennock, Amelia, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 55
Pennock, Amelia H., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 59
Pennock, Clarice, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 24
Pennock, Gertrude M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 19
Pennock, James A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 65
Pennock, James W., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 68
Pennock, John W., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 27
Pennock, Marion, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 24
Pensabene, Antonio, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 47
Penta, Donatangelo, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 31
Pepper, Dorothy, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1917, 4
Pepper, George, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1917, 7
Pepper, Louis, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1917, 5
Pepper, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1917, 26
Pepper, Samuel C. V., Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1917, 33
Pepper, Victor, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1917, 0
Pernisi, Giovanni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 37
Perrella, Irene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 17
Persson, Nils C., Syracuse, N. Y., U S A, 1908, 28
Pesso, Jennie R., Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 58
Peter, Anna E. E., Syracuse, USA, 1920, 45
Peter, Katharina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 36
Peters, Arthur, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 21
Peters, Harry, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 24
[Peters] Collier Peters, Helen, Syracuse, 1920, 32
Peters, Helen, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 33
Peters, Helene, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 15
Peters, Hubert, Syr, 1903, 28
Peters, Inez, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 33
Peters, Nicholas, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 63
Peters, Nicholas, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 71
Peters, Nicolas, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 39
Peters, Reynald, Syracuse, N.Y., 1918, 63
Peters, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 38
Peters, William H., Syracuse, 1920, 36
Petersen, ..., Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 60
Peterson, Caroline, Syracuse, N Y, 1914, 60
Petracca, Antonio, Syracusa, N. Y., 1919, 47
Petre, Nicola, Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1912, 21
Petreff, Panke, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 26
Petrillo, Antonia, Syracuse, 1923, 38
Petrucci, Judith, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 23
Petrucci, Judith, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 22
Petrucci, Lawrence, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 26
Petrusa, Rocca, Syracuse, Sicily, 1912, 46
Petrussi, Angela, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1913, 50
Petrussi, E..., Syracuse, U. S. A., 1913, 25
Petrussi, Fernando, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1913, 22
Petterson, Albert, Syracuse, N.Y., 1909, 41
Pettrone, Angelo, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1910, 50
Pfleiderer, Emil, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 53
Pfluger, Georg, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 40
Pharis, Ella May, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 62
Pharis, Harriett, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 65
[Pharis] Salisbury, Katherine Pharis, Syracuse, N.Y. State, 1924, 19
[Pharis] Salisbury, Mary Pharis, Syracuse, N.Y. State, 1924, 52
Phelan, Mary, Syracuse, 1907, 40
Phelan, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., America, 1912
Phelps, Kate E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 29
Philbin, John, Syracuse, NY, U.S.A., 1908, 23
Philibosiar, Harry P, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 44
Phillipps, Henry G., Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 43
Phillipps, Leonard, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 9
Phillipps, Tom, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 9
Phillips, Evan, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 26
Phillips, Henry, Syracrus, N. Y., 1922, 55
Phillips, Mary, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 63
Phillips, Mr Henry J, Syracuse, New York, 1905, 50
Phillips, Samuel, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 31
Pi..., Catherine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 26
Pia, Filomena, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 16
Picciano, Louis, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 27
Picciano, Nicola, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 32
Piccolo, Elisabetto, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 2
Piccolo, Maria, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 29
Picla, Julian, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1920, 47
Picou, Esther, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 25
Picou, Milton, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 28
Picozzi, Vincenza, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 61
Piedimonte, Grazia, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 37
Piedimonte, Leonardo, Syracuse, N. Y., 1923, 9
Pielkowska, Aleksandra, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 53
Pierce, Edward, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 47
Pierce, Edward Lillie, Syraeuce, N.Y., 1919, 53
Pierce, Elizabeth, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 5
Pierce, H. C., Syracuse, N. Y., 1903, 29
Pierce, Henry, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 10
Pierce, Margaret, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 7
Pierce, Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 40
Pierce, Mrs. H. C., Syracuse, N. Y., 1903, 25
Pierson, Frederick, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919, 45
Pietroski, Francisek, Syracuse, America, 1913, 26
Pietroski, Sofii, Syracuse, America, 1913, 20
Pietroski, Stanislaw, Syracuse, America, 1913, 1
Pietrzyk, Stanislaw, Syracuse, NY., 1920, 34
Pike, Olive, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 22
Pilati, Marczin, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 17
Pintabona, Guiseppe, Syracusa, 1903, 40
Pirro, Demetrio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 31
Piscitelli, Filameno, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 35
Pittman, Eli, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 59
Pittman, Margaret M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 59
Pitts, Mabel, Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 25
Pitts Jr., Nelson F., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 27
Pla, Conchita M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1919, 26
Plechatsch, Maria, Syracuse, NY., 1922, 23
Ploski, Joseph A., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1919, 23
Pocock, Gwendolij, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 33
Pocock, Gwendoline, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 32
Pocock, Gwendoline, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1924, 38
Podgorski, Jan, Syracuse, America, 1912, 34
Podolek, Veronika, Syracuse, N Y, 1914, 27
Polak, Agniezka, Syracuse, America, 1912, 24
Polak, Francizek, Syracuse, America, 1912, 30
Polak, Jan, Syracuse, N.J., U.S.A., 1910, 27
Polak, Josef, Syracuse, America, 1912, 0
Poli, Pietro, Syracuse, US., 1913, 37
Politano, Matteo, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 35
Polito, Antonino, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 32
Polveri, Donatangelo, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1911, 27
Pompi, Luigi, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 26
Pond, Andrew, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 55
Pond, Robert A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 27
Pope, Mary Ann, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 63
Porille, Domenico, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 0
Porille, M. Michela, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 27
Porille, Michelina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 2
Port, Harold, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 10
Port, Juliette, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 3
Port, Theresia, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 33
Porta, Enrico, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911, 38
Porter, Charles E., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 41
Porter, Mariam, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 34
Possante, Salvatore, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 36
Post, Charles D, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 9
Post, Mary M, Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 40
Postma, Teake, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 33
Potter, Careton, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 41
Potter, Ethel, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 38
Potter, Eunice, Syracuse, 1920, 33
Potter, Eunice, Syracuse, New York, 1924, 30
Potter, Lulu, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 36
Powell, Erma, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 32
Power, Donald M., Syracuse, New York, 1914, 28
Power, Ethel, Syracuse, New York, 1914, 23
Power, Grace, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 36
Power, Thomas A., Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 36
Powers, Michael, Syracuse, 1907, 60
Powers, Winefred, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 24
Powery, Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 4
Powery, Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1914, 33
Powlass, Jessy, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 22
Pozzi, Giovanni, Syracuse, USA, 1914, 27
Pratt, Danial, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 10
Pratt, Marion, Syracuse, 1924, 45
Prell, Elizabeth, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 49
Prendergast, Mary, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 47
Prendergrast, Mary F., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 45 [duplicate entries, same person; one entry crossed off]
Presari, James, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1914, 26
Pretz, Joseph, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908, 26
Preuss, Olga, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 35
Prewein, Anna, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 31
Prewein, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 32
Prewein, Karl, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 32
Prigge, Christian W., Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 32
Prigge, Lulu, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 29
Prisinowski, Wladyslaw, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1920, 26
Pritchard, Lillian, Syracuse, N Y, 1911, 32
Procanin, Anton, Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1911, 30
Procopio, Pasquale, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 40
Procopio, Vito, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 33
Prole, Caroline, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 46
Prole, Emily Hooper, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 52
Prole, Mary Ann, Syracuse, USA, 1912, 48
Prosperi, Anastasio, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1911, 39
Pucci, Giuseppe, Syracuse, Italy [NY], 1907, 27
Pugsley, Chester, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 21
Pullan, Albert, Syracuse, America, 1921, 48
Pullan, Albert, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1921, 48
Pullan, Albert, Syracuse, USA, 1921, 48
Pullano, Antonio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 46
Pullano, Luigi, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 21
Pullano, Pasqualina, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 44
Pullano, Salvatore, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 16
Purdy, Elizth., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 23
[Puttle] Sterling, James Puttle, Syracuse, 1914, 38
Putziger, Hannah, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 43
Putziger, Harry, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 18
Putziger, Max, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 46


Quigley, Mary, Syracuse, NY USA, 1917, 39
Quinlan, Margaret, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 32


Racciatti, Giuseppe, Syrucuse, US, 1913, 25
Radcliffe, Nellie A., Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 37
Radzenski, Marck, Syracuse, U. S., 1911, 49
Rafferty, Dominika, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 47
Rafferty, Donald, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 11
Rafferty, Grace, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1912, 21
Rafferty, Liebe, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913, 44
Rafferty, Sadie M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 32
Rainieri, Salvatore, Syracuse, U.S., 1913, 44
Ramirez, Jorge, Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 20
Ramirez, Jose, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 19
Ramirez, Jose, Syracuse, N.Y.C., 1919, 20
Ramirez, Manuel, Syracuse, N. Y., 1917, 23
Ramirez Arellano, Jorge, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 19
Ranallo, Eiacomo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 29
Ranieri, Domenico, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1913, 36
Ranieri, Stefano, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1909, 31
Ranieri, Teresa, Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1913, 38
Rankin, Duncan Gardner, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 26
Rankin, William, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 26
Rankine, Duncan, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1918, 21
Raszkiewicz, Josef, Syracuse, New York, 1912, 29
Raulli, Concetta, Syracuse, N. Y., USA, 1913, 32
Rausdell, John A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1916, 16
Rautenberg, Emma F, Syracuse, US, 1911, 43
Rautenberg, Nelda, Syracuse, US, 1911, 11
Rautenberg, Nelda M., Syracuse, NY, 1915, 16
Rautenberg, Theodore, Syracuse, US, 1911, 9
Rautenberg, Theodore, Syracuse, US, 1911, 46
Rautenburg, Mary, Syracuse, US, 1911, 7
Rawka, Stanley, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1920, 36
Ray, Greve, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 36
Rea, Aniello, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 31
Ready, George, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 39
Reddin, Florence, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 31
Reddy, Edith, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 40
Rees, Bird Le Grand, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 37
Rees, Katherine Colony, Syracuse, NY, 1917, 35
Regdel, Adelaide, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 32
Rego, Demoda, Syracuse, N. Y., 1920, 30
Reid, Mary Ann B., Syracuse, USA, 1920, 42
Reifenstein, Edward, Syracuse, Ny, 1920, 40
Reifenstein, Edward, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1907, 28
Reifenstein, Florence, Syracuse, Ny, 1920, 40
Reifenstein, Florence, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1907, 28
Reiland, Charles William, Syracuse, N.J., 1913, 30
Reiley, Edith Mary, Syracuse, NY, 1920, 24
Reinhard, Martin, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 37
Reinhard, Sigismund, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 71
Reisenstein, Ed., Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 33
Reisman, Jacob, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 38
Reisman, Josef, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 29
Reith, Emma, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1922, 25
Reith, Franz Johann, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1922, 30
Reliham, Margaret, Syracuse, N.Y., 1914, 27
Relihan, Kate, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A., 1907, 28
Remerez, Francis, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 30
Reschke, Adelgunde, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 14
Reschke, August, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 32
Reschke, August, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 0
Reschke, Johann, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 2
Reschke, Karl, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 4
Reschke, Maria, Syracuse, Ny., 1893, 32
Resin [see Rexin]
Restaino, Angiolina, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1915, 38
Retan, H. Warden, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 26
Reuker, Rev. Dom, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 52
Revels, Frederick W., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 52
[Rexin] Resin, Anna [Syracuse NY], 1906, 29
[Rexin] Resin, Anna [Syracuse NY], 1906, 7
[Rexin] Resin, Elizabeth [Syracuse NY], 1906, 0
[Rexin] Resin, Friedrich [Syracuse NY], 1906, 31
[Rexin] Resin, Friedrich [Syracuse NY], 1906, 4
[Rexin] Resin, Helene [Syracuse NY], 1906, 9
Rexin, Herbert, [Syracuse, N.Y.], 1923, 20
[Rexin] Resin, Johann [Syracuse NY], 1906, 2
[Rexin] Resin, Paul [Syracuse NY], 1906, 6
Rhines, Bessie, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 25
Rhoades, Isabella, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 74
Rhoades, Isabella C., Syrecuse, N.Y, 1920, 70
Rhoades, Mabel, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 48
Rhoades, Mabel C., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 44
Riboldazzi, Cesira, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 7
Riboldazzi, Giovanni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 27
Riboldazzi, Giovanni, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 37
Riboldazzi, Giovanni, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1910, 26
Riboldazzi, Maria, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 24
Riboldazzi, Maria, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 32
Riboldazzi, Teresa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1912, 1
Riccillo, Francesco, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 30
Richards, Alice, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1908, 23
Richards, George, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1908, 27
Richards, Jean, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 51
Richards, Jean M., Syracuse, N. Y., 1914, 41
Richards, John, Syracuse, NY, 1913, 50
Richards, Kathrine A., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 30
Richards, Philip J., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 36
Richardson, Jane, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 61
Richert, Elmer, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 21
Richter, Gertrud, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 65
Rickard, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1911, 27
Rickard, William, Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1911, 29
Ricupero, Cosmo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 29
Ricupero, Giuseppe, Syracuze, Sicily, 1907, 43
Ridings, Estelle D., Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 48
Riedel, Anna, Syracuse, 1892, 19
Riedel, Jos. [Joseph], Syracuse, 1892, 15
Riedel, Susanne, Syracuse, 1892, 21
Rigley, Richard, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1909, 27
Riley, John J., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1919, 44
Rinaldi, Angelo, Syracuse, 1921, 34
Riordan, Margaret, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910, 30
Riposa, Gennaro, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 35
Risch, Karl, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 57
[Ritchie] Peck, Herbert Ritchie, Syracuse, New York, 1906, 47
Ritter, Charles W., Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 46
Ritter, Grace, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 45
Riviezzo, Napolit. Vincenzo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 36
Riviezzo, Rosa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1921, 26
Robbins, Marjorie, Syracuse, N. Y., 1915, 18
Roberts, John Gwilyn, Syracuse, NY, 1922, 20
Robinson, Clara, Syracuse, New York, 1921, 29
Robinson, Fred, Syracuse, N. Y., 1908, 29
Robinson, Ida, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 47
[Robinson] Davidson, James R., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 47
[Robinson] Davidson, James Robinson, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 48
Robinson, Thomas M, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 48
Robinson, Thomas M., Syracuse, New York, 1922, 48
Roblin, Harold, Syracuse, N. Y., 1912, 25
Roblin, Harold M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1915, 28
Roche, Patrick Jos., Syracuse, N.Y., 1920, 23
Rock, Anton, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 35
Roddy, Anna, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S., 1914, 24
Roe, John, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 37
Rogers, Elizabeth, Syracuse, USA, 1914, 68
Rogers, Frederick, Syracuse, 1914, 49
Rogers, Imoglyne, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 27
Rogers, Malcolm, Syracuse, 1914, 20
Rolle, Helene, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 65
Rolle, Wilhelm, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 65
Rollo, John, Syracuse, NY, 1924, 82
Roma, Andrea, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 18
Roma, Antonino, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 41
Roma, Francesca, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 46
Roma, Rosina, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 14
Romanowicz, Jan, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., 1912, 38
Romanski, Ignacy, Syracuse, N.Y., America, 1913, 31
[Root] Salisbury, William Root, Syracuse, N.Y. State, 1924, 12
Rosa, Emmerich, Syracuse, USA, 1914, 31
Roschinski, Franz, Syracuse, 1892, 3
Roschinski, John, Syracuse, 1892, 16
Roschinski, Josef, Syracuse, 1892, 57
Roschinski, Marie, Syracuse, 1892, 52
Roschinski, Marie, Syracuse, 1892, 10
Rose, Mr. Christian C., Syracuse, N.Y, 1912, 58
Rose, Mrs. Christian C., Syracuse, N.Y, 1912, 59
Rose, Susan Price, Syracuse, N .Y., 1913, 54
Rosebrough, Dorothy, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 14
Rosebrough, Mary P., Syracuse, New York, 1923, 46
Rosebrough, Richard, Syracuse, New York, 1923, 52
Rosenbloom, Abraham, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 55
Rosenbloom, Beatrice, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 15
Rosenbloom, Clara, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 38
Rosenbloom, Helen, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 12
Rosenbloom, Henry, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 57
Rosenbloom, Isaac, Syracuse, N Y, 1924, 42
Rosenbloom, Simon, Syracuse, N. Y., 1922, 69
Rosmarino, Vito, Syracuse, US of A, 1912, 38
Ross, Jessie A, Syracuse, N. Y, 1913, 55
Ross, William M, Syracuse, N. Y, 1913, 62
Rossi, Michele, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 29
Rossi Tassi, Amata, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 29
Rossman, Maurice, Syracuse, NY, 1908, 28
Rosso, Juan M., Syracuse, NY, 1918, 21
Rosso, Juan M., Syracuse, New York, 1921, 24
Rosso, Pedro J. M., Syracuse, N.Y., 1917, 25
Rosso, Pedro M.J., Syracuse, NY, 1918, 26
Roth, Philip, Syracus, N. Y., 1924, 35
Roth, Rosa, Syracouse, N.Y., 1923, 52
Rothenberg, Sam, Syracuse, New York, 1913, 51
Rougetti, Maria Guiseppa, Syracuse, N.Y., 1911, 54
Rourke, Denis F., Syracuse, America, 1907, 35
Rourke, Mrs., Syracuse, America, 1907, 28
Roveda, Rinaldo, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1918, 22
[Rowbottom] Summers, Elsie Rowbottom, Syracuse, NY, USA, 1924, 32
Rozell, Truax, Syracuse, NY, 1921, 74
Rucciuti, Luigi, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 30
Rudes, Colby H, Syracuse, NY, 1920, 25
Rudes, Mrs Colby H, Syracuse, NY, 1920, 25
Rudolph, Simon, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 49 [two different entries, same person; one crossed out]
Ruffalo, Guiseppe, Syracuse, N. Y., 1908, 46
Ruffolo, Michele, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 33
Ruland, Catherine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 19
Rupel, Max, Syrakus, N. Y., 1908, 52
Ruschka, Fanny, Syracuse, N. Y., 1921, 29
Ruschka, Fany, Syracuse, N.Y. U.S.A., 1912, 21
Ruska, Fedo, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1911, 37
Ruska, Fedorne, Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 1911, 37
Russo, Antonetta, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 25
Russo, Filemena, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 22
Russo, Paolo, Syracuse, N.Y., 1922, 30
Rust, Elmer E., Syracuse, New York, 1914, 52
Rutledge, Helen, Syracuse, N Y, 1923, 28
Rutledge, Isabelle, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 44
Rutledge, James, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 44
Ryan, Catherine, Syracuse, 1912, 25
Ryan, Denis Joseph, Syracuse, 1920, 36
Ryan, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1924, 28
Ryan, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 44
Ryan, Edward, Syracuse, N.Y., 1923, 45
Ryan, Edward, Syracuse, NY, 1923, 27
Ryan, Ellen M., Syracuse, U.S.A, 1924, 22
Ryan, Helena, Syracuse, New York, 1922, 21
Ryan, John, Syracuse, N Y, U S A, 1908, 35
Ryan, John, Syracuse, New York, 1920, 39
Ryan, John Jos., Syracuse, N. Y., 1924, 40
Ryan, Mary A., Syracuse, U.S.A., 1924, 24
Ryan, Richard, Syracuse, U. S. A., 1911, 21
Ryan, Timothy, Syracuse, 1909, 28
Ryan, Timothy, Syracuse, 1909, 30
Ryder, Anna, Syracuse, 1924, 42
Ryder, Emma M., Syracuse, 1924, 2
Ryne, William, Syracuse, N.Y., 1913, 17

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