Matthias Nickels [Photo appears on page 169.]
Biographische Skizzen
Matthias Nickels
wurde im Jahre 1841 zu Wadrill im Regierungs-Bezirk Trier, Preussen, geboren, besuchte die heimathlische Volks-Schule, und widmete sich dem Kaufmannsstand. Im Jahre 1870 wanderte er aus nach Amerika, kam am 1. Juli in New York an u. liess sich in Syracuse nieder, wo es ihm durch Fleiss, Ausdauer und reelle Bedienung gelungen ist, ein profitables Geschäft als Grocer zu gründen, das ihn zum wohlhabenden Mann gemacht hat. Herr Hickels ist mit Fräulein Barbara Heck verheirathet, hat 3 Kinder u. wohnt No. 913 Parkstrasse. [page 281]
Matthias Nickels was born in the year 1841 at Wadrill in the governmental district of Trier, Prussia, attended his local hometown public school, and then dedicated himself to going into business. In the year 1870 he emigrated to America, arriving on 1 July in New York, and established himself in Syracuse, where he succeeded by diligence, perseverance and honest operation to create a profitable business as a grocer which made him a wealthy man. Mr. Nickels was married to Miss Barbara Heck and they have three children and live at No. 913 Park Street.
Copyright 2008 Michelle Stone.
Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English
translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a
public service
by M. Stone using automatic online translation services. Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please
email me.