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![]() Syracuse, New York, in use for naturalizations from 1857 to 1907. This building was torn down in 1967. Depending on the time period, naturalization documents (the paperwork your ancestors messed with in order to become United States citizens), if you can find them, may tell you a little or a lot about them and their lives. The search can be a difficult and frustrating one--or an exhilerating and rewarding one if successful. An immigrant who wished to become a U.S. citizen (not all did, and none had to) could file the paperwork with any court. For immigrants living in Onondaga County, the documentation was filed with the Onondaga County Court and can today be found in the basement archives at the Courthouse on Montgomery Street in Syracuse. The naturalization process was in most cases a two-step one. First the immigrant would file "first papers," usually a Declaration of Intention to become a U.S. citizen. When the legally mandated amount of time had passed, the immigrant would then file a Petition for Naturalization, and if citizenship was granted, a Certificate of Naturalization (also called the Certificate of Petition, Petition Certificate, etc.) would be issued by and filed with the court. With this page I offer some beginning clues to finding this documentation for your ancestors in Onondaga County and hope that other researchers will contribute updates and more helfpul information here in the future. Below on this page:
1802-1859Some Selected German-Related Onondaga County NaturalizationsThe following list was extracted by M. Stone (9 Sept. 2004) from the two-volume index in the Onondaga County Courthouse basement archives (copies of this index are also held at the Onondaga Historical Association and the Onondaga County Public Library, Syracuse): Immigration and Naturalization Records 1802-1859, Onondaga County, Syracuse, New York, extracted from rolls of microfilm at the Onondaga County Court House, Syracuse by Mrs. Jean D. Worden, Franklin, Ohio, formerly of Liverpool, New York, 1978. Vol. 1, A-K; Vol. 2, L-Z and Addendum ("From the Admissions to Citizenship Book 1856"). Please note that my list below is definitely not a primary source and contains obvious misspellings reproduced from the index (which is not a primary source either!). The Courthouse can mail you a photocopy of the microfilmed original naturalization documents (1802-1859) for a $10.00 search fee per name, plus $1.30 for the photocopy. Make checks payable to the Onondaga County Clerk, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and mail your request to: Onondaga County Clerk Researchers wanting more information should contact the Onondaga County Clerk’s office: Onondaga County Clerk The five columns for each entry in the index are: NAME; DATE of Declaration of Intention; DATE of sworn allegiance to the U.S.; Country of former allegiance; Character Witnesses. View a sample page of the index. I have indicated a blank column entry below with a dash: "---;" My editorial comments/corrections are in [brackets.] ALLMONG [sic; ALLMANG; ALLMAN] CHARLES; 15 Oct. 1854; 19 Feb. 1859; Bavaria; Chas. Rapp & Adam Nies AMOS, CARL; 15 Sept. 1856; ---; Wurttemberg; --- AMOS, JACOB; 31 Dec. 1847; 26 Feb. 1850; Wurttemberg; Jacob Pfohl & Adam Listmann ANDERSAG, MICHAEL; 14 Sept. 1853; 7 Oct. 1857; Austria; Peter Ohnath [sic; Oneth] & Fred’k Schug BLIND, PETER; 31 Oct. 1856; 23 Sept. 1859; Prussia; Abraham Gibson [sic; Gilcher?] & Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] DICK, MICHAEL; ---; 24 Aug. 1842; Austria; Enos D. Hopping & Thomas G. Alvord DICK, PETER; 22 Nov. 1854; 7 Oct. 1857; Bavaria; Peter Oneth & Fred’k Schug DICK, PETER, JR.; ---; 7 Oct. 1857; Bavaria; Peter Oneth & Fred’k Schug DICK, PHILIP; ---; 10 March 1842; Austria; John G. Kohnlien & Frederick Hess DRAM [sic; DRUM? DRUMM?], ADAM; 22 April 1850; ---; Louis King of Bairn [sic]; --- DRUM, ADDAM [sic]; ---; 24 June 1852; Bavaria; Michael Fehrentz & Quinn Lifink? [sic] DRUM, DANIEL; 20 Dec. 1859; ---; Bavaria; --- DRUM, JACOB; 12 March 1842; 25 Nov. 1845; Bavaria; John Graff & John Abraham Eckel DRUM, JAMES; ---; 28 Aug. 1846; Great Britain & Ireland; William Drum & Thomas Mallon DRUM, PATRICK; 28 June 1852; ---; Great Britain & Ireland; --- DRUM, PETER; 17 Feb. 1854; ---; Bavaria; --- DRUM, PHILIP; 2 March 1841 (NYC); 25 Nov. 1845; Bavaria; John Graff & J. A. Eckel DRUM, THOMAS; 9 April 1849; 29 Sept. 1852; Great Britain & Ireland; Dennis Devoy & John Hand DRUM, WILLIAM; ---; 28 Aug. 1846; Great Britain & Ireland; Hugh Galligher & Thomas Mallon EAGLE, PETER; 31 Aug. 1844; 12 Aug. 1847; Bavaria; John Groff [sic] & Jacob Schlosser EBNER, ALOIS; ---; 28 Sept. 1852; Baden; Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] & Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] ECKEL, CHARLES; ---; 27 Oct. 1849; Bavaria; Jacob Pfohl & Peter Boehm ECKEL, JACOB; 13 May 1844; 28 Aug. 1846; Bavaria; John Groff [sic] & J. DeWitt Rose ECKEL, JOHN ABRAHAM; 13 May 1844; 28 Aug. 1846; Bavaria; John Groff [sic] & J. DeWitt Rose ECKEL, PETER; 13 May 1844; 28 Aug. 1846; Bavaria; John Groff [sic] & J. DeWitt Rose ECKEL, PHILLIP; ---; 27 Oct. 1849; Bavaria; Jacob Pfohl & Peter Boehm ECKER, JOSEPH; 16 Ma. [May?] 1848; ---; Bavaria; --- EMMERICH, JOSEPH; 8 Sept. 1856; ---; Baden; --- FEASENMYRE, ANDREW (arrived at least 3 years prior to age 21); ---; 1 Sept. 1840; Baden; George Smith & James Reals [Andrew Fesenmyer in turn sponsored many others] FESENMYRE, FELEX [sic] (about 47 yrs. old intends to settle in Manlius—1831); 27 May 1831; 27 Feb. 1840; Bath, Germany [sic]; Nicholas Cook & William Crittenden FEASENMYRE, FELIX JR. (arrived in U.S. at least 3 yrs prior to 21 yrs old); ---; 1 Sept. 1840; Baden; George Smith & James Reals FICKEISEN, JACOB; 1 Feb. 1855; 26 March 1857; Bavaria; Abraham Gilcher & Peter Kelsen FRAFFLEG [sic], WILLIAM; ---; 27 Sept. 1853; Prussia; Abraham Gelcher [sic; Gilcher] & Louis Hargen GAHM, WILLIAM; ---; 27 Sept. 1853; Bavaria; Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] & Louis Hagen GAHN, PHILLIP; ---; 27 Sept. 1853; Bavaria; Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] & Louis Hagen GEISLER, PETER; 8 July 1850; ---; Bavaria; --- GELCHER [GILCHER], ABRAHAM; ---; 3 Sept. 1844; Germany; Daniel Gilcher & Philip Dick GILCHER, DANIEL; ---; 29 Aug. 1842; Holland; Jacob Ladig & Philip Dick GILCHER, DANIEL; 31 Aug. 1855; 16 July 1858; Bavaria; Peter Miller & Michael Fehrenz GILCHAR [sic; GILCHER], JOHANNES A. (JOHN); 29 Aug. 1842; 29 Aug. 1844; Bavaria; Anthony Keifer & Martin Parley GILGAR [GILGER?], DANIEL (see Gilcher?) [sic]; 29 Aug. 1840; ---; Holland; --- GILGER, JACOB; ---; 23 Sept. 1859; Bavaria; Abraham Gibner [Gilcher?] & Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] GOTTEL, ANDREW; 15 July 1856; 28 Sept. 1858; Bavaria; Peter Drumm & Peter Knaul GOTTELL, DANIEL; 9 January 1854; ---; Bavaria; --- GOTTEL, JACOB; 27 Aug. 1844; 15 April 1847; Bavaria; John Groff [sic] & Francis Feil GRETZER, JOHN; 11 Oct. 1856; 22 Oct. 1859; Baden; Peter Ohneth & Michael Fehrenz GROSS, PHILIP; 4 Nov. 1848; ---; Bavaria; John Yorkey & Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] GRUB, ABRAHAM; ---; 29 Sept. 1852; Bavaria; Peter Ohneth & John A. Eckel GRUB, ADAM; ---; 28 Sept. 1853; Bavaria; John Eckel & John Groff [sic] GRUB, JACOB; 7 March 1856; 28 Sept. 1858; Bavaria; P. Ohneth & Jacob Wort GRUB, PETER; 27 May 1855; 28 Sept. 1858; Bavaria; Peter Ohneth & Peter Dick HAMMERER, AUGUSTUS; ---; 26 Oct. 1848; Hanover; F. H. Middendorf & Frederick Gerlack HASSEL (HASSELL), DAVID; 6 Oct. 1856; 19 Feb. 1859; Prussia; Jacob Stone & John Louis HAUSEL, JOSEPH; 22 Apr. 1848; ---; Baden; --- HEMERICK, MICHAEL; 1 May 1845; ---; Bavaria; --- HILLER, GEORGE W.?; ---; 22 Oct. 1859; Wurttemberg; John Storer & Mathew Gelcher [sic; Galster] HILLER, JAMES; 6 March 1854; ---; Bavaria; John Storer & Mathew Galster HORNING, GEORGE W.; 30 Oct. 1844; ---; Bavaria; --- KELLER, DONAT; 27 Sept. 1856; 22 Oct. 1859; Wurttemberg; John Thurwachter & Philip Irving KELLER, JACOB; 8 Oct. 1855; 19 Feb. 1859; Baden; A. Listman & Peter Seibel KELLER, JOHN; 31 Aug. 1844; 15 Sept. 1846; France; John Groff & Philip Dick KELLER, MARCUS; ---; 14 January 1859; Prussia; Ignatus [sic] Fauth & Michael Sessler KLATGE, KARL; ---; 28 Sept. 1852; Wurttemberg; Daniel Gelchar [Gilcher] & Abram Chenk? [Abraham Gilcher?] KLINK, ADAM; 15 Nov. 1848; 15 Feb. 1853; Bavaria; Adam Smith & Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] KLINK, PETER; 24 January 1851; 15 Feb. 1853; Bavaria; Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] & Adam Smith KLOSHEIM, PHILIP; 20 Oct. 1856; 19 Feb. 1859; Darmstadt; Jacob Kelsen & Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] KOHNLEIN, JOHN G.; 22 Sept. 1838; 28 Sept. 1840; Wurttemberg; Antony Zimmer & Joseph Flick LODERNSE, DANIEL; ---; 28 Sept. 1852; Baden; Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] & Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] MEHL, MICHAEL; ---; 28 Oct. 1848; France; Abraham Gilcher & Adam Gilcher MENGEL, JOHN; 7 Sept. 1844; 20 Oct. 1848; Darmstadt; John G. Koehlein & Adam Gilcher MENGEL, PHILLIPP; 7 Sept. 1844; 20 Oct. 1848; Darmstadt; John G. Koehlein & Adam Gilcher MOHR, HENRY; 24 Oct. 1854; ---; Darmstadt; --- MOHR, JACOB; 17 Dec. 1849; ---; Darmstadt; --- MOHR, JOHN; 24 Sept. 1850; 28 Sept. 1852; Dutchy of Hassan [sic; Duchy of Nassau? or Hesse/Hessen?]; John A. Eckel & George A. Koehlein MORGENSTERN, NICHOLAS; 10 May 1851; 24 Oct. 1853; Bavaria; Lewis Yehling & John Seellar [sic] NEU, JOHN; 7 March 1859; ---; France; --- ONETH, PETER; 31 July 1846; 23 Oct. 1848; Darmstadt; Francis H. Middendorf & John Book OOT, ADAM; ---; 14 Sept. 1844; France; Joseph Behan & Patrick Hall OOT, ADAM; 17 January 1854; 29 January 1857; Darmstadt; J. Eberling & Isaac Kahn POEHLMAN, JOHN; 28 Feb. 1848; ---; Bavaria; --- POLEMAN, CHARLES; ---; 12 Feb. 1852; Bavaria; Peter Hook & Phillip Kinig POLLMANN, LUDWIC [sic]; 2 Nov. 1843; 7 March 1846; Hanover; Bernard Poppe & George Rensmith REINIG, CONRAD; 4 Nov. 1850; 15 Feb. 1853; Hesse Cassel; Adam Smith & Daniel Gelcher [Gilcher] RENIG, JOHN; 17 May 1849; 28 Oct. 1851; Bavaria; Adam Listman & Adam Gilcher RENNER, PETER; 15 Dec. 1851; ---; Saxy Coburg; --- SAILE, ANTHONY; 2 May 1848; ---; Wurttemberg; --- SAILE, JOHN; ---; 27 Sept. 1856; Wurttemberg; John Graff & W. Kieferle SAILE, SEBASTIAN; 7 Dec. 1852; ---; Wurttemberg; --- SAMSEL, FREDERICK; ---; 11 Oct. 1856; Bavaria; Peter Miller & John Hessler SAMSEL, DANIEL; 4 Nov. 1848; 27 Sept. 1853; Bavaria; John Eckel & Louis Hargen SAMSEL, JACOB; 4 Nov. 1848; 27 Sept. 1853; Bavaria; John Eckel & Louis Hargen SAMSEL, PETER; 4 Nov. 1848; 27 Sept. 1853; Bavaria; John Eckel & Louis Hargen SCHUG, JACOB; ---; 22 Oct. 1859; Bavaria; Michael Fehrenz & Adam Klink SCHUG, LEWIS; 21 January 1857; 22 Oct. 1859; Bavaria; Peter Miller & Peter Ohneth SCHUG, MICHAEL; ---; 28 Sept. 1858; Bavaria; Peter Drumm & Peter Knaul SCHUG, NICHOLAS; 15 Nov. 1854; 22 Oct. 1859; Bavaria; Adam Klink & Michael Fehrenz SCHUG, PETER; 12 July 1854; ---; Bavaria; --- SCHUG, PETER; 20 Nov. 1857; 27 Oct. 1859; Bavaria; Peter Ohneth & Michael Fehrenz SCHUG, PHILIP; 11 May 1857; 23 Sept. 1859; Bavaria; A. Listman & Peter Ohneth SETTER [SEITER?], NICHOLAS; ---; 29 Sept. 1852; Prussia; Michael Summer & Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] SHUCK, FREDERICK; 18 March 1851; ---; Bavaria; --- SHUG [SCHUG?], FREDERICK; ---; 28 Sept. 1852; Bavaria; Peter Ohneth & Rudolph Hirsck SIMON, CHARLES; ---; 7 Oct. 1857; Prussia; Peter Conrad & Nicholas Guetter THURWETER [THURWACHTER?], ADAM; 20 Oct. 1853; ---; Bavaria; --- [John THURWACHTER was a character witness for many, but was not listed as receiving a naturalization in this index.] THURWACHTER, MARGARETH; 12 July 1854; ---; Bavaria; --- TROENDLE, FRANZ ANTON; 12 May 1856; 23 Sept. 1859; Baden; Casimir Troendle & Daniel Giliker [Gilcher?] TROENDLE, MAXIMILLIAN; 7 January 1856; 19 Feb. 1859; Baden; C. Troebdle [sic] & Mussul Finkham [?] TRUMM [DRUMM?], DANIEL; ---; 23 Sept. 1859; (not named); Peter Schwan & Mattias [sic] Blaich USENBENTZ, CHRISTIAN of Salina; 26 May 1814; ---; Wurttemberg; --- WEIS, ABRAHAM; 23 Aug. 1852; ---; Bavaria; --- WEISS, ADAM; 1 April 1854; 7 Oct. 1857; Bavaria; Peter Ohneth & Frederich Schug WEISS, BARNHARD; 14 Nov. 1856; ---; France; --- WEIS, FREDERICK; ---; 19 Feb. 1859; Bavaria; John Blink & David Klink WEIS, JACOB; 20 Oct. 1856; 19 Feb. 1859; France; Peter Conrad & Ch. F. Warner YORKEY, JOHN; ---; 27 Sept. 1853; Great Britain & Ireland?; John Yorkey & Abraham Gelcher [Gilcher] ZENGLE, NICHOL; 1 March 1851; 29 Apr. 1853; Bavaria; Lewis Yehling & John Pohlman --------------------------------- Extracts from ADDENDUM to Volume 2: “From the Admissions to Citizenship Book 1856” NAME; YEAR sworn to Allegiance; PAGE number; Character Witnesses: DRUM, PETER; 1856; page 115; John Yorkey & Jacob Kassel MOHR, HENRY; 1856; page 323; Charles Villinyer & Austin Gott SAMSEL, FREDERICK; 1856; not listed; Peter Miller & John Hessler ![]() (Columbus Circle), Syracuse, New York, in use for naturalizations from 1907. The old naturalization documents of Onondaga County are today still stored here in the basement of the building at 401 Montgomery Street. 1860-PresentSome Selected Index Listings to German-Related Onondaga County NaturalizationsThe following list was extracted by M. Stone (9 Sept. 2004) from the General Index to Naturalization Petitions (Volume 1) in the Onondaga County Courthouse basement archives. The entire General Index consists of four of these very large volumes in the archives: Volume 1. General Index to Naturalization Petitions, 1860-1929. Onondaga County, No. 1 I had time only to check Volume 1 above, the index of petitions during years 1860-1929. This book consists of oversized ledger pages filled with handwritten index entries organized more or less alphabetically by surname of the person naturalized. Finding a person’s name listed in this index will then give you the Book Number and Petition Number where (theoretically) a copy of the original Petition for Naturalization (also called the Certificate of Petition) can be viewed (these Petition books are also in the archives but must be requested from the staff). The following is a short list of some citations of Germans I found in the General Index Book 1. Added information in brackets was found by following the citation to view the actual Petition/Certificate itself in the cited books (e.g. Book 1, Book of Naturalized Citizens/Certificates of Petitions Jan. 27, 1862 to Oct. 25, 1872). Other Naturalized Citizens/Certificates of Petitions books known: Book 2 covers 1877 Book 4 covers the dates November 23, 1886 to January 28, 1890 Book 5 covers 1891 and 1892 (all or partial?). Book 7 covers 1916. Book 21 covers 1924. Please note that my list below is definitely not a primary source. Researchers should contact the Onondaga County Clerk’s office for more information about this index, the original records, and obtaining photocopies. I am told that if distant researchers corresponding with the courthouse by mail provide the correct name, book number and petition number of the naturalization petition certificate they want (e.g. as listed below), the cost is only $1.30 for each photocopy. Make checks payable to the Onondaga County Clerk, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of documents, and send your photocopy request to the County Clerk at the following address, marked "Attention: Photostat Department": Onondaga County Clerk Here is an example of what you receive (a photocopy of the Naturalization Petition) if you do the above and send $1.30 and SASE for a citation you find in the index: ![]() This is the form in use for years 1872 - 1892, maybe longer....? In later years (1916) the forms became more individualized and detailed. If you then wish to locate the immigrant's earlier filed papers, the Declaration of Intention to become a U.S. citizen (which may or may not be found, and which may or may not contain any further genealogical information), the courthouse staff require a $10.00 search fee (by mail) in addition to the photocopy fee of $1.30 per page, because there is no index to these Declarations of Intention and they require a lengthy search. You can do the searching yourself for no fee on site at the courthouse. Good luck! Listings from the Index, Book 1: ALLMANG, JACOB; Book 4, Petition No. 189 ALTMANG [or ALTMANZ?], ANTON V.; Book 2, Petition No. 18 ALLMANG, ERNST; Book 5, Petition No. 15 ALLMAN, GERTRUDE NORA[?]; Book 28, Petition No. 6467 [or 6469? Or 6461?] ALLMAN, WILLIAM; Book 29, Petition No. 6823 ECKEL, JACOB; Book 1, Petition No. 279 ECKEL, PETER; Book 1, Petition No. 149 [Sept. 2? or 23?, 1872, witnesses John M. Kraus & Jacob Schwarz] EHRENTRAUT, ARTHUR MARVIN; Book 2, Petition No. 270 EHRMANTRAUT, NICHOLAS; Book 1, Petition No. 519 [17 Oct. 1865; witnesses Peter Schemel & John Wall] EHRENTRAUT, HENRY; Book 5, Petition No. 252 EMMERICK, CHRISTIAN; Book 1, Petition No. 6; under age EMRICH, JACOB; Book 1, Petition No. 482 EMMIRK[?], LEONHARD; Book 6, Petition No. 109 EMERICK, KATHERINE; Book 16, Petition No. 3758 GILCHER, ADOLPH O.; Book 1 [3?], Petition No. 436 [8 Feb. 1886; witnesses Jacob Klein & John Zinsmeister] GILGER, JACOB; Book 1, Petition No. 414 [30 January 1872, witnesses Adam Jaekel & Peter Hareth [Ohneth?]] GILCHER, JACOB; Book 2, Petition No. 259 [22 October 1877; witnesses William Pollman & Peter Kratz] GILCHER, PETER; Book 4, Petition No. 8 [24 January 1887; witnesses Charles F. Thoma & Chas. Wilcox] GILCHER, CHARLES; Book 4, Petition No. 12 [31 January 1887; witnesses Clayton Henry & Alexander Henry] GILCHER, JACOB; Book 4, Petition No. 333 [16 October 1889; witnesses Christian Gerhardt & Jacob Korb] GILCHER, JULIUS; Book 5, Petition No. 184 [22 October 1891; witnesses Adolph O. Gilcher & Jacob Gilcher] KOHLE[S?], JOHN; Book 1, Petition No. 335 KOHL, CHARLES "A discharged soldier"; Book 1, Petition No. 395 [18 Oct. 1871; witnesses E. Brown & Henry Schoeneik [Schoeneck?]] KOHL, ABRAHAM; Book 1, Petition No. 416 [Certificate 299, 11 March 1872] KOEHL, FREDERICH W.; Book 4, Petition No. 36 KOL[?], MICHAEL, Book 1, Petition No. 111 KREISCHER, JOHN JACOB; Book 4, Petition No. 195 [25 Sept. 25 1888; witnesses: John Goettel and Charles Gilcher] KRAFT, GUSTAV; Book 5, Petition No. 28 LEISCHE, AUGUST, Book 2; Petition No. 122 LEMP, JOHN; Book 3, Petition No. 306 LEMPKE, WILLIAM; Book 2, Petition No. 155 LIPKA [LIEPKA], FRANK THOMAS; Book 21, Petition No. 4835 [Certificate 1985823, 10 May 1924; witnesses Charles Rechke, Leonard Schultz] LIPKE, JOHAN; Book 7, Petition No. 1431 [Certificate 653368, 22 Apr. 1916; witnesses William Gang & Eugene Bausinger] LUDWIG, JACOB; Book 1, Petition No. 266 [Certificate 331; 24 Sept. 1868; witnesses A. B. Happich & John Galster] MOHR, CHARLES; Book 4, Petition No. 312 NEU [NEW?], FREDERICH; Book 1, Petition No. 326 NEW, JOHN; Book 1, Petition No. 69 NEW, LOUIS; Book 5, Petition No. 324 NEW, CHARLES; Book 5, Petition No. 424 RENER, REICHERT; Book 1, Petition No. 217 RENNER, LEONA MARGARET; Book 30, Petition No. 6971 REXIN, JOHN; Book 5, Petition No. 204 [20 January 1892; witnesses Rudolph [Heosp? Kosp? Korb?] and Frank Becker] WEIS, ANTON; Book 1, Petition No. 336 WEISS, VALENTINE F. discharged soldier; Book 1, Petition No. 158 [Certificate 575; 17 Oct. 1865; witnesses Benedict Haberle & Adam Weiss] WEIS, ADAM; Book 5, Petition No. 163 WEISSE, J. F. TRAUGOTH; Book 5, Petition No. 186 WEIS, JOHN ADAM; Book 5, Petition No. 364 WEIS, KARL; Book 6, Petition No. 156 WEIS, ADAM; Book 7, Petition No. 64 WEISS, IKE; Book 9, Petition No. 97