Jakob Luchsinger [Photo appears on page 203.]
Biographische Skizzen
Jakob Luchsinger
wurde am 25. Januar 1813 in Schwanten, Canton Glarus, Schweiz, geb. und besuchte die Ortsschule daselbst und erlernte dann das Schreiner-Handwerk. Im Jahre '36 kam er nach Amerika. Herr Luchsinger war lange Jahre als Bau-Contrahent thätig und brachte es durch Fleiss und Energie zu einem ziemlichen Wohlstande. Er verheirathete sich mit Frl. Katherina Blumer, welcher Ehe 7 Kinder entsprossen, wovon 3 am Leben sind. Herr Luchsinger wohnt in No. 221 Cedarstrasse. Er ist ein Mitglied und Gründer der Immanuels-Gemeinde und des hiesigen Schweizer Grütli-Vereins. [pages 278-279]
Jakob Luchsinger was born on the 25th of January 1813 in Schwanten [Schwanden], Canton Glarus, Switzerland, and
attended the local school and learned the joiner's [cabinetmaker/carpenter] trade. In the year 1836 he came to
America. Mr. Luchsinger was for many years a building contractor and by his diligence and energy achieved considerable success. He married the former Miss Katherina Blumer and they had seven children, of whom three are now living. Mr. Luchsinger lives at 221 Cedar Street. He is a member and founder of Immanuel church [Salems-Gemeinde der Evang. Gemeinschaft?] and also of the Swiss Grütli-Verein.
Copyright 2005 Michelle Stone.
Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English
translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a
public service
by M. Stone using a dictionary and automatic online translation services,
http://www.freetranslation.com/. Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please
email me.