German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

The LILLY POST Monument

Civil War memorial erected in 1887 by the
Lilly Post of the G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic)
Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, New York

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument
Above: As it looked in 2004 (photo by M. Stone).

Atop a hill in Woodlawn Cemetery the memorial erected to Civil War veterans by the Lilly Post of the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R. No. 66, Syracuse) was erected in 1887. There are many names of German-born and German-American soldiers listed on this memorial, along with others, and a complete transcript of the entire monument is included below.

There are additionally four concentric rings of Civil War soldiers' graves and tombstones on the hill around this monument and a complete transcript of these gravemarkers is also included below.

Many thanks to a generous volunteer (who wishes to remain anonymous) who completed these transcripts and contributed some of the photos below in September and October 2012.

We are glad to feature the sacrifices and maintain the memories of all of these brave men who served their country.

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument with statue
Above: The monument as it appears in 2012, including the statue on top, restored after being damaged by large storms.
Below: photos of the statue and of the faces of the monument.

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument statue

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument

Lilly Post G.A.R. monument weest face

A transcript of the text inscribed upon the Lilly Post monument:

Erected by Lilly Post Monument Association,
Syracuse, 1887.

General Gustavus Sniper, President,
George Crampton, Vice President,
John Gebhardt, Treasurer,
Alexander von Landberg, Secretary,
James W. Anderson
Moritz Gersbacher
Peter Kappesser
Edward J. Luff
Andrew Mahl
William J. Steiger
Thomas Saile
Jacob Schwarz.

Lilly Post
No. 66, G.A.R.,
Dept. of
New York.
Past Commanders,
Gustavus Sniper
Nicholos Grumbach
Wm. Rautenberg.

Officers, 1887.
Commander, John Gebhardt
S.V.C., James W. Anderson
J.V.C., Edw. J. Luff
Adjt., Dewitt C. Kling
Q.M., Adam Metzger
Surg., Enos H. Stevens
Chap., Wm. J. Stewart
O.D., Giles Post
O.G., Edw. Pollard
S.M., Geo. W. Lent
Q.M.S., Peter Kappesser

Members of Lilly Post, 1887.

Peter Alt
Fredrick A. Arheidt
George Alpeter
Gotleib Appelt
Mathew Blaich
Fredrich Bulla
Charles Bausinger
Daniel Becker
William J. Bonner
George Bolton
Abel G. Cook
Wm. Cahill
John J. Craig
Chauncey Callison
Albert Doolittle
Peter Drumm
Rodger Dougherty
Henry L. Davis
Chas. Drude
Henry Dauer
Wm. Demong
Nicholos Eckel
Frank Eagle
John Engelhardt
John P. Frost
Max Fix
Fredrick A. Fix
George Frost
Jacob Flachland
Augustus Fleih
Fredrick Fichies
Walter I. Frost
Philip Geottel [sic; Goettel]
John Greer
Simon Gries
Adam Group
Philip Gross
John Gifford
Fredrick Ganz
Abram Group
Abram [sic; Abraham] Gilcher
Joseph Ginter
John Greiner
Charles Granger
James Graham
George Herr [sic; Hier?]
John H. Hixson
Elisha Hooghkirk
Wm. H. Hutchings
Gotleib Heisley
Wm. Horn
George Hall
Henry M. Hammond
Lucius Howard
Almeron D. Hayes
Linden P. Hilsinger
August Hoehn
Joseph Haines
Max Herman
Conrad Hofman
George W. Hughes
Richard Jones
Mathias Johner
Jacob J. Klein
John C. Klein
Peter Klink
John Kohl
Jacob Knapp
Henry Kline
Charles Kempf
Martin Knauber
Edward Kretschman
George Kaufman
Augustus King
Peter Kelson
George Lytle
Nicholos Lougnot
Philip Launn
Charles Leopold
Charles J. Lewis
Christain [sic; Christian?] Ladrick
Mathew Lindenmeyer
Joseph Milbryer
Jacob Mitch
Luther S. Merrick
Otto Meyer
Malcolm McDonald
Adam Mosher
Birdsey Norton
William L. Norton
August Ohman
Peter Oneth
William J. Pine
William Pollman
Albert E. Post
Nicholos Pollman
Edgar C. Petty
Thomas Ryan
Henry Riley
Ernest G. Rapp
John Roehm
William Ruggles
Meyer Rosenthal
William A. Rapp
Herman Rice
Conrad Ring
Joseph Richardson
Jacob Sax
George Suttor
Henry Sherrer
Joseph Stadler
John Stauss
Valentine Schilly
John Senk
Adam Smith
Joseph Snyder
Fredrich Schneider
Henry Schoeneck
Nicholos Schaefer
Clemens Schmidt
Fredrick Siedal
Frank Treiber
Thomas Underwood
Fredrick Vogel
Louis Walther
John Wiegand
Henry N. Warner
Park Wheeler
John F. Wheeler
John Weimer
William Winter
William Wells
William Woese
Charles A. Walters
Martin Wright
William W. Wheeler
Fredrick Yehling

[Battles fought:]

1st & 2nd Bull Run
Cold Harbor
Lee’s Surrender

Five Forks
Gravelly Run
Peach Tree Creek
Chapin’s Farm
White Oak Swamp
White House Landing
Weldon Rail Road
1st & 2nd Hatcher’s Run
Seven Pines & Fair Oaks

Notes/explanations for transcript continued below (added 2012):
1. All punctuation that is not part of the bracketed text is original to the monument.
2. [all bracketed text below is interpretation or notation]
3. [x]= damaged letters or curious spelling confirmed by double-checking the
4. The “deceased comrades” list from the west face of the monument uses a character that resembles a bow
tie, rendered here as a – hyphen.

[Additional Battles from West base of monument:]

Seven Days’ Retreat

Lookout Mountain
Fort Fisher
Bentonville, N.C.

[North Face:]

Members of Lilly Post 1887

James A. Allis
George Acker
George Albro
George W. Brown
[x]Alfred Barkum
John F. Bronson
James Craney
John Carroll
Omer Colgrove
Jackson V. Churchill
John B. Corrie
Stephen Dennis
John G. Day
Irving V. Darrow
Edward Dinehart
George W. Dakin
John Eckstein
Louis Fredericks
Killian Faulstick
Jacob P. Frech
John J. Franzen
George Grumbach
Nelson Greer
[x] Rhesa Griffin
William I. Horton
Charles T. Hubbard
George W. Hammond
Peter Hook [end column 1]
George Heinrich
John L. Hall
Frank M. Jones
Gottfried Kuhn
[x] George J. Koehnoline
Henry Lenz
Nicholas Lauer
Charles M. Ladd
George H. Ladd
George L. Lockwood
Basil W. Lyon
Dwight K. Landon
Henry L. Miller
Cassian Mayer
Peter Middendorf
Philip J. Metzger
Ransom Malone
Thomas McGrain
Lawrence McCarthy
Daniel B. Norton
William Neenan
James Nicholson
Philip O’Neil
Alfred N. Philips
Thomas Place
Frank Rushaloo
John S. Rector
Albert Post [end column 2]
Valentine Reichert
Levi Rutan
Frederick P. Radway
Henry G. St. John
Frederick Sperry
George Sax
William Snavley
Frank Savoy
George M. Stevens
Bernard Selmer
Charles C. Stanley
George A. Thompson
Peter Tobin
John Tobin
Mathias Theisen
Charles Umbrecht
Gilbert G. Vandenburgh
Nelson G. Vandenburgh
George Van Alstine
William Wilbur
H. Stewart Warner
Frederick Wasmund
Albert Watkins
[x] Peter Weyer
[x] William J. Watson
[x] Edward Wilcohx
[x] Martin L. Yann
[end of 3rd column and N. face text]

[West Face:]

Deceased Comrades of Lilly Post No. 66, G.A.R.
Woodlawn Cemetery.
Philip Eckel
Herman Seidler
William Gill
Wm. Rautenberg
David Traub

Rose Hill Cemetery.
Frederick H. Breman
Jacob Eckel
John Franz
Luther Holcomb
Jeremiah Hurst
Jacob Knobloch
Jacob Oswald
John G. Oertel
George Pollman
William Schug
Valentine F. Schaver
Augustus H. Tankie
Jacob Becker
Jacob Yager
Chas. H. Miller

[column 2]
Deceased Comrades of Lilly Post No. 66, G.A.R.

St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
John Schick
Frank Yehle
Adolph Engel
Paul Birchmire
Anton Kiefer
Nicholas Kraemer
Engelhardt Adis
Mathias Fisselbrandt

Oakwood Cemetery.
William Lilly
William Duncan
Jacob Samsel
Charles Warner

1st Ward Cemetery.
Daniel Laterner
William Gehm

St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Richard J. Wright

Toledo, Ohio.
Frank Sieboldt

Valentine Schoenenger

[column 3]
Deceased Soldiers Not Members of the G.A.R.

Woodlawn Cemetery.
Nelson Mitchell
Henry Adams
William Wanner
Abraham Grub
Peter Grub
Peter Lerch
Ignatz Pfohl
Jacob Simon
[end of 3rd column and W. Face]

A transcript of the Civil War tombstones surrounding the Lilly Post monument:
courtesy of an anonymous contributor, October 2012

I have not corrected any inscriptions that appear to be possible errors in spelling, etc.
In cases where I have checked the inscriptions, I have made an “[x]”, as below.

[x]= an uncommon spelling that I have specifically checked and confirmed that that is what the stone reads; (e.g. Nott Stire, Nichlaus Schafer)

name (cross)= cross above name on stone (e.g. Wm. Horton)

-some periods/full stops and commas added (between units)

-capitalization normalized from All Caps.

-State army unit given separate line, on stones, it is on the same line w/ rank, company and regiment

-I have left out “Civil War”. (every stone has “Civil War” on it between State Army Unit and years of life, except “Civil” on Stephen Dennis stone in Row 3).

-if no birth year or date is on the stone, I have typed it up as “d. YEAR/DATE” (e.g. Wesson Gage… d. 1897)

[Inner Row] [Row 1:] [11 gravestones]

Joseph W Philo
Pvt. Co. K, 50 Regt.
NY Vols.
Mar 25 1839 Apr 2 1916

William I Horton (cross)
Pvt. Co. H
Hv. Arty.
1839 1915

Abe Lobdell (cross)
Pvt. Co. A, 97 Regt.
NY Vols.
1839 1915

Edward Davy
Pvt. Co. E,
4 NY Hv. Arty.
1832 1914

Cliford Allen
NY Vols
Jul 7 1826 Aug 5 1911

Myron E Ritter
Co. R, 22 Regt.
NY Vols.
1846 1912

Joseph Haberle
Pvt. Co. B, 149 Regt.
NY Vols.
1815 1890

Barney Fischter
Co. D, 149 Regt.
NY Vol. Inf..
1839 1890

Philip Dousman (cross)
Pvt. Co. B, 185 Regt.
NY Vols.
Aug 9 1841 Sep 12 1888

Charles H Dwight (cross)
Pvt. 11 Regt.
NY Hv. Arty.
1830 1888

Philipp Koch
Co. R, 185 Regt.
NY Vols
Jun 29 1812 Apr 4 1887

[Row 2]: [25 names]

Ingersoll White
Co. K, 185 Regt.
NY Vols.
1838 1918

Sylvester P Rogers
NY Vols.
1834 1918

George W Dakin (cross)
Co. B, 3 Regt.
NY Arty.
1838 1918

Burke M Tappan (cross)
Co. H, 122 Regt.
NY Vols.
Jul 26 1840 May 3 1917

Maurice Green
NY Vols.
1835 1911

Charles L Mullett
Co. H, 2 Regt.
Jul 3 1840 Jul 3 1917

William M Townsend
Pvt. Co. I, 2 Regt.
NY Cav.
1848 1916

Frank Rushaloo (cross)
Pvt. Co I, 21 Regt.
NY Arty.
1832 1916

John C Shitney
Pvt. Co I, 185 Regt.
NY Vols.
1832 1898

William Rhoades
Pvt. Co. D, 9 Regt.
NY Hv. Arty.
Jun 25 1849 Jun 22 1898

Simon Leroy (cross)
Pvt. Co. G, 18 Regt.
NY Vols.
1832 1898

Wesson Gage
Pvt. Co. A, 164 Regt.
NY Vols.
d. 1897

John B Bond
Sgt. Co. E, 73 Regt.
NY Vols.
1836 1895

George Dinehart (cross)
Pvt. Co. F, 111 Regt.
NY Vols.
1843 1895

Alfred L Aller (cross)
Pvt. Co. H, 60 Regt.
NY Vols.
1844 1895

Daniel Gilcher
Pvt. Co. I, 40 Regt.
NY Vols.
1824 1893

John Bode
Pvt. Co. G,
3 NY Lt. Arty.
1832 1892

Edwin J Luff
1st Lt. 26 Regt.
NY Arty.
1836 1889

Frank Chapman
Pvt. Co. H, 20 Regt.
NY Vols.
Aug 24 1834 Feb 27 1889

Conrad Ring
BGLR [Bugler]
Co. F, 3 Regt.
NY Arty.

Giles F Post
Pvt. Co. C, 12 Regt.
NY Cav.
Jun 28 1849 Nov 26 1895

Martin Zumkeller
Pvt., 10 Regt.
NY Vols.
Dec 9 1842 Oct 24 1892

Charles Kempf (cross)
Pvt. Co. I
NY Vols.
1827 1889

Frank Treiber
Pvt. Co. A, 149 Regt.
NY Vols.
1827 1889

William J Pine (cross)
Cpl. Co. B, 29 Regt.
NY Vols.
1845 1887

[Row 3:] [36 names]

James K Taylor
Co. D
NY Hv. Arty.
1847 1919

George Heinrich
Co. B, 178 Regt.
NY Vols.
1843 1919

Oscar H States (cross)
NY Vols.
1837 1920

William Wilbur
Co. A, 110 Regt.
NY Cav
1838 1921

Irving Darrow
Co. F, 184 Regt.
NY Vols.
1834 1923

James Graham (cross)
NY Vols.
1846 1923

James Redding
Co. K, 1 Regt.
NY Cav.
1849 1923

Almerin Chapel (cross)
Co. M, 24 Regt.
NY Cav.
1844 1923

James Ennols
Pvt. Co. C, 5 Regt.
Mass. Cav.
d. 1885

John Chrystie (cross)
Pvt. Co. L
NY Hv. Arty.
1834 1899

Frank Benford
Pvt. Co. C, 81 Regt.
NY Vols.
d. 1899

Joseph Brown
Pvt. Co. E
54 Mass Col. Vols.
d. 1899

Charles W Coon
Pvt. Co. C, 3 Regt.
NY Lt. Arty.
d. Feb 10 1904

Thomas F Castleman
Pvt. Co. C 3 Regt.
NY Lt Arty
1848 1906

John Dauer
Sgt. Co. B, 12 Regt.
NY Vols.
1838 1905

Benedict Schewrer (cross)
Co. H, 104 Regt.
NY Vols.
1833 1904

Edward Thomas
Pvt. Co. D, 14 Regt.
NY Vols.
1833 1904

George L Prew
Pvt. Co. I, 6 Regt.
NY Vols.
1825 1904

Orville R Shipman (cross)
Pvt. Co. D, 16 Regt.
NY Vols.
1840 1904

Daniel Harther
Pvt. Co. B, 149 Regt.
NY Vols.
1820 1903

[x] Nott Stire (cross)
Pvt. Co. K, 2 Regt.
NY Cav.
1847 1902

Ora Seymour (cross)
NY Vols.
1840 1914

[x] Nichlaus Schafer (cross)
Pvt. Co. F, 10 Regt.
NY Arty.
Sep 6 1842 Jul 16 1901

Sebastian Saile (cross)
Pvt. Co. B, 185 Regt.
NY Vols.
1824 1899

James E Mahn
Pvt. Co. K, 7 Regt.
Ind. Vols.
May 7 1833 Jan 14 1899

[x] Edmund Red
Co. I, 15 Regt.
NY Cav.
1848 1893

Frederick Fickies
Sgt. Co. I, 12 Regt.
NY Vols.
Nov 17 1819 Jun 17 1898

Frederick Gans
Pvt. Co. B, 185 Regt.
NY Vols.
1839 1899

Joseph Fichter
Pvt. Co. F, 3 Regt.
NY Arty.
d. 1899

[x] Jacob Blakle
Co. F, 9 Regt.
NY Vols.
1808 1899

Peter Cogan
NY Vols.
1833 1900

Ludwig Schlosser
Pvt. Co. K, 26 Regt.
NY Vols.
1836 1901

George Miller
Pvt. Co. C, 149 Regt.
NY Vols.
1831 1901

Stephen Dennis (cross)
Pvt. Co. E, 189 Regt.
NY Vols.
[* see notes above]
1845 1902

Christian Laderick (cross)
Pvt. Co. A, 2 Regt.
NY Vols.
1826 1903

Abram Gilcher
Pvt. Co. G, 3 Regt.
NY Arty.
1846 1903

[Outer Row] [Row 4:] [41 names]

Henry Lenz (cross)
Co. A, 40 Regt.
NY Vols.
1839 1928

George W Van Alstine
Co. I, 24 Regt.
NY Cav.
1846 1926

James L Travis (cross)
Co. G, 157 Regt.
NY Vol. Inf.
Apr 1 1846 Jul 9 1924

Charles Beaty
US Navy
1845 1925

Robert Kirkpatrick
Co. I, 169 Regt.
NY Vol. Inf.
1851 1926

Amos Tanny (cross)
Co. C, 14 Regt.
NY Hv. Arty.

Albert E Post
Co. D, 185 Regt.
NY Vols.
1847 1929

Louis Wanner Sr.
Co. K, 193 Regt.
NY Vols.
1849 1930

William Newton
NY Vols.
1844 1909

Peter A Middendorf
Co. A, 15 Regt.
NY Cav.
1846 1930

William Hoffman
NY Vols.
1831 1901

Omer Colegrove
Pvt. Co. A
PA Res. Corps
1838 1931

Lorenzo Caples
Pvt. Co. A
16 NY Hv. Arty.
1843 1906

John Snyder (cross)
Co. A, 12 Regt.
NY Vol. Inf.
d. 1896

Alfred Allen (cross)
Co. D, 141 Regt.
NY Vols.
1844 1895

Christian Hummel (cross)
Pvt. Co. L, 2 Regt.
NY Vol. Cav.
1822 1907

Frank Spang (cross)
Cpl. Co. H, 9 Regt.
NY Vol. Inf.
[birth year erroneous on stone] 1865 1907

Jefferson Miller
Pvt. Co. H, 91 Regt.
NY Vols.
1848 1908

Philip Hersh
Pvt. Co. H, 9 Regt.
NY Vol. Inf.
Oct 22 1833 Apr 14 1908

Alexander Hoppe (cross)
NY Vols.
1842 1892

Albert A Engle
Co. I, [blank] Regt.
NY Vols.
1836 1908

Frank E Hosp (cross)
Pvt. Co. G, 11 Regt.
NY Vols.
1844 1909

Christian Kocher
Co. I, 4 Regt.
NY Vol. Arty.
1843 1909

Truman Pindar
Co. A, 76 Regt.
NY Vols.
1832 1909

Albert Thomas
Co. K, 1 Regt.
NY Vols.
1839 1909

Jacob Becker
NY Vols.
d. 1884

Augustus E Whiffen
Pvt. Co. B., 14 Regt.
NY Vols.
d. Mar 4 1904

James W Clark
Pvt. 2 Regt.
Minn. Lt. Arty.
1832 1904

Henry G St. John (cross)
Pvt. Co. K, 11 Regt.
NY Vol. Cav.
1837 1908

Adolphus J. Muth
US Navy
1828 1909

William L Norton
Co. K, 9 Regt.
NY Vols.
1829 1910

Francis A Mills
Co. K, 2 Regt.
NY Cav.
1831 1910

Wandell Watley
Pvt. Co. H, 101 Regt.
NY Vols.
Jan 28 1840 Feb 2 1912

Albert Irish (cross)
Co. I, 17 Regt.
NY Vols.
1843 1912

Peter Kelsen (cross)
US Navy
1843 1910

[x] George Koehnline
Co. F, 54 Regt.
NY Vols.
1846 1913

Grosever Boardman
Co. H, 67 Regt.
PA Vols.

William H Barnes
Co. A, 121 Regt.
NY Vols.
Oct 18 1841 Oct 21 1913

William M Millen
NY Vols.
1834 1906

Adam Smith (cross)
Co. I, 149 Regt.
NY Vols.
1845 1919

[x] William C Lilley
NY Vols.
Dec 27 1829 Nov 1 1863

[Lilley is the last stone if counting clockwise (from the right) and outwards from the center, as above; if counting counter-clockwise (from the left) and inwards from the outer row, this would be the first stone]

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