German Immigrant Ancestors in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York
Surnames - J
Sender: Bill Fraser
Date: 6 May 2002
My maternal grandmother came from Germany, landing at Ellis Island on
November 19, 1892 with her parents August and Maria (Mary) JAHN,
and brothers Paul and Fritz (Fred) and sister Clara. Her name was
Anna and she married Charles Alan CROWELL from Cicero, NY. The
Jahns were from Danzig, Germany and listed their destination as
Syracuse, NY upon entry to the U.S. They must have had friends or
family in Onondaga County to compel them to venture so far from home.
I believe their surname became JOHN soon after coming here. Anybody
have any connections? Please e-mail me, I will be happy to supply any info I have. Thanks.
Sender: Juergen Juengel
Date: 17 April 2002
Surname: JUENGEL
Looking for some help to find and research the surname Juengel in Onondaga Co., NY.
Sender: Sandy Sharp
Email: or
Date: 8 March 2002
Surname: JUNG, YOUNG
I am descended from Christian Jung (Young) - son of Michael Jung and Caroline
Jung (same last name) who came over from Bavaria to settle in Syracuse in the mid-1800's. Their
descendants were very active, in fact according to legend at some point caretakers
of Turn Verein in Syracuse. I have pictures of the younger generation Youngs doing
gymnastics at events as well as my grandmother's class picture at Turn Verein.