Geschichte der Deutschen in Syracuse und Onondaga County
Nebst Kurzen Biographien
von Beamten und Hervorragenden Buergern

Oscar B. Heyne
Oscar B. Heyne
[Photo appears on page 147.]

Biographische Skizzen

Dr. Oskar B. Heyne, P.G.

geboren am 21. Januar 1827 zu Merseburg im Königreich Preussen, besuchte die klassische Schule seiner Heimathsstadt und übte später sein Profession als Apotheker in verschiedenen grösseren Städten Deutschlands aus, wie z. B. in Halle, Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main u.s.w. Hierauf ging er nach Potsdam und fand Austellung im Hospital des Garde du Corps- und Garde-Husaren-Regiments. Er studirte an der Berliner Universität und promovirte 1850 nach bestandenem Staatsexamen als Apotheker erster Klasse. In 1855 kam er nach Amerika, war in New York als Assistant in einem Hospital, wie auch in verschiedenen Apotheken thätig, und liess sich endlich in Syracuse nieder, wo er 1859 die erste deutsche Apotheke an der Nordsalinastrasse und später eine andere in Grand Opera Haus eröffnete. Herr Heyne ist noch immer rastlos thätig und nimmt die Auszeichnung in Anspruch, noch jetzt der einzige deutsche Apotheker in Syracuse zu sein. Sein Geschäft befindet sich in No. 518 Nordsalinastrasse. [page 271]

Dr. Oskar B. Heyne, P.G., born on the 21st of January 1827 in Merseburg in the Kingdom of Prussia, attended the classical school in his home city and later followed his profession of Apothecary (druggist) in various larger German cities including Halle, Leipzig, Frankfurt on the Main, and so forth. After that he went to Potsdam and served in the regimental hospital of the Corps of the Hussar Guards. He studied at the Berlin University [Humbold Universität in Berlin?] and was promoted (graduated?) in 1850 after ranking first in his class on his apothecary exams. In 1855 he came to America, where he was an assistant in a hospital in New York, as well as a druggist in several pharmacies there, and finally he came to Syracuse, where in 1859 he opened the first German drug store on North Salina Street as well as a later one established in the Grand Opera House. Mr. Heyne is eternally tireless and even now claims the honor of being the sole German apothecary in Syracuse. His business can be found at No. 518 North Salina Street.

Copyright 2005 Michelle Stone. Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a public service by M. Stone using a dictionary and automatic online translation services, and Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please email me.

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