JACOB GILCHER, 1844-1906 []
a prominent Syracuse butcher, sausage-maker, meat-market owner, and lover
of German music. [Photo appears on Geschichte der Deutschen, page 224.]
Links to his burial
probate information,
obituaries, and genealogy chart.
See also "How the Syracuse Liederkranz Came Into Existence"
Jacob Gilcher's usual advertisement as appeared in the Syracuse Union, the
city's German-language newspaper (5 January 1882)
GILCHER-GEBAEUDE The Gilcher Block (1324 Lodi)
at the corner of Butternut and Lodi Streets, Syracuse, New York. A big four-story
building with a main entrance door at the corner surmounted
by a tower of bay windows overlooking the intersection. The top story
might have been residential; the two middle stories look like offices; the ground floor is
filled with shops and storefronts.
This building was built by
Jacob Gilcher. [Photo appears on Geschichte der Deutschen, page 283.]
Biographische Skizzen
Jacob Gilcher
geboren am 28. August 1843 zu Hachenbach in der
Rhein-Pfalz, besuchte in seiner Jungend die dortige Gemeinde-Schule und
erlernte dann das Metzgergeschäft. Er hat den ganzen deutsch-französischen
Krieg mitgemacht und zwar im 3. königl. Bayrischen Reitenden Artillerie-Regiment
"Königin Mutter," welches zum 3. Armee-Corps gehörte. Aus dem Kriege zurückgekehrt,
entschloss er sich zur Auswanderung nach Amerika und kam 1871 nach Syracuse, wo er
seitdem gewohnt hat und ein sehr erfolgreiches Metzgergeschäft im Gilcher-Gebäude
betreibt. Herr Gilcher ist Mitglied des "Liederkranz" und gehört ausserdem zum
Sportsmen's Club, zur Harmonia-Loge, Lincoln-Loge und Lincoln-Lager (I.O.O.F.).
In welchem Grade er das Vertrauen seiner Mitbürger gewinnt, beweist die Thatsache,
dass er wiederholt als Delegat zu County-, Stadt- und Ward-Konventionen erwählt
wurde. Im Jahre 1875 verheirathete er sich mit Fräulein Katharine Loos und hatte
4 Kinder, wovon noch 3 am Leben sind, nämlich: Julius O., Louise und Mathilde
Gilcher. [From Geschichte der Deutschen, pages 265-266]
Jacob Gilcher, born on 28 August 1843 in Hachenbach in the
Rhein-Pfalz, attended the local community-school in his youth
and then learned the butcher business. During the Franco-Prussian
war he was a member of the
Third Bavarian cavalry, Regiment "Königin Mutter," of the Third Army Corps.
After the war was over he decided to emigrate to America and then in
1871 came to Syracuse, where he has since resided and operated a very successful
butcher business in the Gilcher Block. Mr. Gilcher is a member of the "Liederkranz"
[German singing society] as well as of the Sportsmen's Club, the Harmonia-
Loge, Lincoln-Loge, and the Lincoln Encampment of the I.O.O.F.
[Independent Order of Odd Fellows]. He has won the justly-placed confidence of his fellow citizens
as proved by his elections as a delegate to county, city, and ward conventions.
In the year 1875 he married the former Miss Katherine Loos and has four children,
of which three are now living, namely Julius O., Louise, and Mathilde
Copyright 2003 Michelle Stone.
Warning! No guarantees apply concerning the accuracy of this German-to-English
translation! It is merely a rudimentary and non-professional attempt provided as a
public service
by M. Stone using a dictionary and automatic online translation services,
http://www.freetranslation.com/. Those who can offer improvements and corrections, please
email me.