German Immigrant Ancestors in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York
Surnames - E
Sender: Eric Carlson
Date: 7 July 2005
Surnames: EGLE / EAGLE, Baumgardner, Bleem, Greisinger, Koppenhafer
Would like to hear from anyone with connections or information on these families in the Syracuse area going back to the 1850’s and 1860’s....Thank you for your website.
Sender: Michel Knittel
Date: 6 December 2004
Surnames: ENG
I've found by chance your website quoting "Christian Eng [b. 25 July 1836
Geudertheim, Elsass; em. 1854; page 261."
I'm the "local historian" of Geudertheim (I wrote a book about the village
history in 1987 "La Mémoire du Passé", and presently prepare an 2nd one "Le
Grenier aux images", this latter to be honest not alone, but with a small
team, mainly with old photos).
The Eng family came from Switzerland around 1700 and were at the beginning
bricklayers (a typical Swiss job at his time). The family still exists in
Geudertheim. They were very active in our local traditional musical group (see
attachment) which was (is still) very famous in Alsace. I'll send you more
details on Christian Eng's ancestors...
I have a small list of emigrants from Geudertheim, mainly to USA and some to the former
French North Africa. But so far I know, no other went to Syracuse. Some were
nevertheless in NY and its region : I have so a Geoffroi Schweitzer + 1837
in a NY Hospital, Martin Ottmann living 1847 in "Vecond", Omida County NY,
Michael and Jean-Adam Walter living 1836-1849 in NY (both brothers-in-law of
my ancestor Jean/Johannes Knittel) and Philippe Loser living 1868 in NY.

Harmonie Geudertheim / Musique Paysanne, postcard, 1930's Group founded in 1836
(Christian Eng's hometown)
Sender: Kelly Michaels Schaff
Date: 28 October 2003
I have ALL German/Prussian ancestors on my father's side; and on his
mother's side, the Wirth's; they always lived on Townsend Street. I think
my Engelhardt's did too. Because gr gram Engelhardt married gr grandfather
Wirth! I also had Swab's and Schneider's and I believe they also lived on
the North side. Prussian records are so hard to find! I am totally stuck
on my father's grandparents; on his fathers side:
Micha/Michel/Michael/Michaels -and Woldt, which I have found more on! Not
sure what our last name 'really' was! But my maiden name is Michaels; but I
believe gr grandfather Gustav changed it!
Sender: Mary Fisher Hall
Date: 1 January 2003
Seeking info on my gr grandfather Matthew MARKLE born 1820 Baden, Germany
married Mary A. EMERICK born 1837 Baden, Germany. Father was Joseph EMERICK
and maiden name of mother was CARHERNE. Matthew was listed as Matthew
MARKLEY in 1860 census of Onondaga, Syracuse, NY and in 1863 their
first 5 children died within 1 mo of each other and father was listed
as Mathias Markle. They had additional 9 children, 7 grew to adults.
There is a John Emmerich buried next to Mary in Minoa cemetery.
Any information you might be able to provide would be most greatly appreciated.
Sender: Manfred Ehrmantraut
Date: 20 November 2002
First, please excuse my poor knowledge of English. My name is
Manfred Ehrmantraut and I am living in Bierbach/Saar, Germany
( Searching the Internet I found
your site "Deutsche in Syracuse" and the name Nicolaus Ehmantraut.
Since some times I inquire into the history of Bierbach and
the inhabitants especially the Ehrmantraut-Family. In my
documents I have your Nikolaus Ehrmantraut. He was the son of
Georg Ehmantraut and Anna Barbara Weber, born 20-01-1837.
He had 12 brothers and sisters.
Can you send me other dates about Nikolaus Ehrmantraut, please?
Are there living descendants in Syracuse? Do you know email
[Regretfully, I can't help, but maybe some of our readers can. -- M. Stone]
Sender: Lonnie Chu
Date: 11 May 2002
Surname: ERNST
My step-father, Walter E. Ernst, moved to Syracuse, possibly Camillus,
in the 1930's with his parents. His father's name was Eugene Ernst. I
could find out his mother's name. His mother became ill and returned to
Germany to die. His father subsequently remarried. Walter lived for
about five years with his father and step-father on Highland St. on the
north side of Syracuse. He worked for many years at Easy Washer, and
eventually opened his own insurance agency, Ernst & Cooper Insurance, in
Manlius. Walter is now 84 years old.
Any information about Ernsts in the US would be appreciated!
Date: 11 December 2001
Surname: EINSIEDEL, etc.
Abelein, Martin date of immigration 6/15/1883. Crailsheim, Germany- St.
Paul's Evangelical German Lutheran 108 Grace St.
Berger, Peter 1879
Einsiedel, Catherina 1883
Sauer, Samuel(Alfonso) 1875
Hausmann, Margareta 1883
Sender: Suzanne M. Kubacki
Date: 7 September 2001
Surname: EUCHER, etc.
Many of my family lived/lives in Onondaga County, Oswego County. Lots of
them "bounced" between the two.
My side:
Hoefler, Moon, Pennock, Pringle, Torbit, Brimm, Eucher,
Steinbach/Steinbacher, Minikheim/Menikheim, Allen
Husband's side:
Kubacki and Austin