Achtb. Joseph Bondy / The Honorable Joseph Bondy
Assembly-Mitglied / Assembly Member [Photo appears on page 239.]
Biographische Skizzen
Joseph Bondy
der republikanische Vertreter des 3. Assembly-Distrikts von Onondaga County, wurde am 13. September 1864 in Syracuse geboren. Seine Schulbildung erhielt er in den öffentlichen Schulen und der Hochschule von Syracuse und graduirte 1884 in Columbia College und später in der Lawschool derselben Universität. Seine ersten praktischen Erfahrungen im Studium der Rechts-Wissenschaft machte er in der Kanzlei der Advokaten-Firmen Costello and Ide und Frank Hopkins. Im Oktober 1885 wurde er als Rechtsanwalt zugelassen und praktizirte ein Jahr lang allein, worauf er sich mit Frank Hopkins associirte. Als Rechtsanwalt geniesst Herr Bondy einen ausgezeichneten Ruf und seine Praxis ist ausgedehnt und lohnend. Er wurde 1894 zum ersten Mal in die Assembly gewählt und zwar mit einer Majorität von 908 über seinen demokratischen Gegner. In 1895 erhielt er 4479 Stimmen gegen 3577 seines demokratischen Gegners, Wm. M. Quinn und 110 für den Prohibitions-Kandidaten B. E. Titus. In der Session von 1896 diente Herr Bondy an folgenden Komiteen: Judiciary, Claims, Charitable and religious Societies. In derselben Session brachte er folgende Gesetzesvorlagen ein: “Amending the Civil Code with regard to the probate of wills; creating a State printing house; providing support for railway employes injured in an accident; concerning costs in civil actions; regarding the amount of legal claims; amending the Game Law with regard to the sale of game; amending the Excise Law, concerning the sale of Ale and Beer; amending the charter of Syracuse in many respects.[”] Im Herbst 1896 wurde er zum 3. Mal erwählt mit 4387 Stimmen gegen 4108 des demokratischen Kandidaten L. Stillwell und 19 für den socialistischen Arbeiter-Kandidaten Berggren. Herr Bondy ist ferner Präsident der Alumni der Syracuse Hochschule. Am 22. Juni 1892 verheirathete er sich mit Fräulein Frances Elias von Buffalo. [pages 257-258]
Joseph Bondy, the Republican representative of the 3rd Assembly District of Onondaga County, was born on the 13th of September 1864 in Syracuse. He received his education in the public schools and Syracuse High School and graduated in 1884 from Columbia College, and later from the Law School of the same university. His first practicing experience was made in the study of jurisprudence in the chancellery of the law firms of Costello and Ide and Frank Hopkins. In October 1885 he was certified as an attorney and practiced for one year alone, after which he associated himself with Frank Hopkins. As an attorney Mr. Bondy enjoys an excellent reputation and his practice is widespread and rewarding. He was in 1894 first elected into the Assembly with a majority of 908 votes over his Democratic opponent. In 1895 he received 4,479 votes against the 3,577 of his Democratic opponent, William M. Quinn, and 110 for the Prohibition party candidate, B. E. Titus. In the session of 1896 Mr. Bondy served on the following committees: Judiciary, Claims, Charitable and Religious Societies. In the same session he brought forth the following proposals: “Amending the Civil Code with regard to the probate of wills; creating a State printing house; providing support for railway employes injured in an accident; concerning costs in civil actions; regarding the amount of legal claims; amending the Game Law with regard to the sale of game; amending the Excise Law, concerning the sale of Ale and Beer; amending the charter of Syracuse in many respects.[”] In Autumn 1896 he was elected for a third time with 4,387 votes against 4,108 for the Democratic candidate, L. Stillwell, and 19 for the Socialist Worker Party candidate, Berggren. Mr. Bondy is President of the Alumni of the Syracuse High School. On the 22nd of June 1892 he married Miss Frances Elias of Buffalo [New York].
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