German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Assumption Church/
Church of the Assumption

812 N. Salina Street, Syracuse, New York

Assumption Church, Syracuse, NY
1. Postcard, artist's rendering of Assumption Church and adjacent buildings, circa 1905

Assumption Church, Syracuse, NY
2. Assumption Church, with characteristic towers;
photo taken from the hill behind and to the north of the church.

Assumption Church Rectory, Syracuse, NY
3. St. Francis College and Convent building/
The Assumption Rectory of the Franciscan Friars,
812 North Salina Street (next door to Assumption Church,
a portion of which can be seen on the left).

Assumption Church school building, Syracuse, NY
4. The building that once housed the Assumption school,
on Townsend Street, on the hill behind the church.

Photos copyright M. Stone June 1994.

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