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German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Old Newspaper Articles
regarding The Syracuse / Onondaga HARUGARI

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[From the Syracuse Daily Standard, June 15, 1852, submitted September 2022 by Lou Visconti, who says it's the earliest reference to the Syracuse Harugari he can find:]

The "Harrogarry" Society

Our streets were enlivened yesterday forenoon by the appearance of a procession, composed of Germans attired in regalia similar to that of Odd Fellows. They were preceded by a band of music, and made a very fine appearance. Upon inquiry we learned that they were the members of a German association called the 'Harrogarry' Society, which an intelligent German friend informed us is a society similar to the Odd Fellows and Free Masons, and dates its origin far back into antiquity. They were out for the purpose of paying a visit to a similar society at Utica, where a flag was to be presented, and other interesting ceremonies to take place.

[From The Evening Herald, Tuesday, March 9, 1897, page 7:]

Golden Jubilee

Local Lodges of Harugari Celebrate in
the Good Old German Way.

The German Order of the Harugari celebrated its fiftieth anniversary yesterday. There are five lodges in this city and there were a good many of the Germans interested in the event. The German flag was displayed in the Second and Sixteenth wards from the principal buildings. In the afternoon a street parade was made. Last evening exercises were held in Turn hall. The festivities opened with a concert programme, which follows:

Overture …Mass’s Orchestra.
Aurede des Fest President…Herr G. Guthman.
Chor. des deutsche Lied…Harugari Liedertafel.
“Say Once Again I Love Thee” …Frl. Theckla Schott and Herr Carl Trautman.
Chorus, Wie ists so schoen im gr[illegible] Wald…Concordia.
Fest Rede…Herr Adam Nutzger [Metzger?].
(a) Unter den Zweigen
(b) Jetzt pfeif ich noch ein Zweites…Stueck
Nichols Mandolin and Guitar Trio selection…Herr J. Evans, H. Neville and F. Kies.
Tenor solo:
(a) “Ach so from”
(b) “Your Pretty Eyes Are Pictures on My Heart”…Herr Karl Trautman.
Chorus, Die Heimkehr…Saengerbund.
Melange Musical…Mass’s Orchestra
Chorus, Am Ammersee Leibschen wach auf…Arion Quartet Club.
Soprano solo:
(a) Schinf Wohl
(b) “Ask Who Thou Wilt”…Frl. Theckla Schott.
Nichols mandolin guitar trio, “Daughter of Love”…Herr J. Evans, H. Neville and F. Kies.
Chorus, Arbeiter Auf[?]…Arbeiter Liedertafel.

The hall was crowded and delegations were present from neighboring cities. After the opening number, George Guthman, district deputy grand master, delivered a short address and introduced Mayor James K. McGuire, who spoke eloquently of the genius and progress of the German people. He also congratulated them on their anniversary celebration. The main address of the evening was delivered by Adam Metzger, ex-grand master of the State.

After the concert programme the floor was cleared and dancing was indulged in until an early hour.

[From The Post-Standard, Saturday morning, June 18, 1904, p. 7:]

Harugari Preparing
To Win Convention

Syracuse Orders Want Next State Session
to Be Held Here.

The local orders of Harugari are preparing to attend the State Harugari Convention at Buffalo, August 3, 4 and 5. They expect to secure the next convention for Syracuse. At a meeting of the Deutsche Wacht Lodge No. 283 held last evening, Adam Metzger, Andrew Zinsmeister and Philip Jung were chosen delegates. The alternates are William Rusbach, Carl Ginkel and Joseph H. Rees. Officers for the year were elected, as follows: O. B., Daniel Born; U. B., George N. Hendrick; secretary, Jacob Schaefer; treasurer, Adam Metzger; financial secretary, August Maurer.

The highest order of the Harugari, the Walhalla Manli, will elect officers and delegates on June 25. A vote will be taken as to the advisability of continuing the national order of the Manli.

The Freie Bruder Lodge of the Harugari will meet to elect delegates on June 27 at Ash and McBride streets. On Sunday the Elizabeth Lodge will meet in Gilchers Hall for election. Emmanuel Schmidt has been chosen delegate for the Humboldt Lodge.

The plans for the outing of the local orders of Harugari have been put into the hands of a committee which reported that the event this year would probably be held in the gardens of Turn Hall.

[From The Post-Standard, Tuesday morning, August 16, 1904:]

Harugari Convention
Ends With A Banquet

Fifth Biennial Gathering Representing Five States Held Here.

The fifth biennial national convention of Uniformed Rank of the Deutsche Order of Harugari closed a successful session last evening with a banquet at Armbrusters Hall, given by Elizabeth Lodge No. 29 and Armbruster Lodge No. 135 of the Ladies Auxillary of the Harugari. About 250 guests were present and an elaborate menu of German dishes was served.

The convention opened yesterday morning at Schillys Hall at McBride and Ash streets. Representatives were present from Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado, all the states in which the uniformed rank has been established.

The reports of the officers were submitted yesterday morning and referred to committees. Later the reports of the committees were received without any important change. The reports showed satisfactory increase in membership and good financial condition. A number of routine matters were considered and action taken. The election of officers took place yesterday afternoon. They were installed by the retiring officers, and Dayton, O. [Ohio], was decided upon as the place of the next convention, which will be held in 1906.

Result of Election.

William Jung of Buffalo was re-elected hoch kanzler (secretary) for the third time. The election resulted as follows: Hoch meister, Conrad Dollhoff of Allegheny, Pa.; deputy hoch meister, Charles D. Pfafflim[?] of Denver, Col.; hoch kanzler, William Jung of Buffalo; hoch siegelverwahrer, Frederick Rittmann of Auburn; field marshal, Frederick Hiller of Rochester; general major, William E. Ritter of Buffalo; general lieutenant, Louis Drevenstedt of Boston.

The order was formed in Buffalo in 1836, the first lodge being Walpot Comturel No. 1. The Walhalla Comturel of this city was the fourth to be installed. It was organized by Ernst Chitel, then of this city but now Elmira. He retired as Hoch Meister of the national organization this year.

J. Peter Pinzer Toastmaster.

J. Peter Pinzer, secretary of the Syracuse Municipal Civil Service Commission, presided as toastmaster last evening and delivered an address of welcome. A number of toasts were responded to. That to the order was responded to by William Ritter of Buffalo, who was elected Gross Barde of the Deutsche Order of Harugari of the state at the convention held in Buffalo last week. “The Knights” was responded to by John B. Schasny of Buffalo. “Gross Kapitel” was responded to by J. J. Hendrick of Albany, the retiring Gross Barde. F. Fritsche of Rochester, formerly Gross Barde, responded to the toast to the ladies.

There were a number of impromptu toasts, several songs by a double quartet from the Liederkranz, solos, comic recitations and music by a band. John Kantak, a North Side business man, sang a parody on “There’ll Be a Hot Time,” in which jokes on Alderman Louis Lohman and others created much laughter.

The delegates to the convention expressed their appreciation of the entertainment given them while here, and especially for the banquet tendered them by the Ladies Auxiliary lodges last evening. The Syracuse delegates to the convention were Adam Metzer, Michael Schaeferlein and Rudolph Steiner.

[From The Post-Standard, Saturday morning, March 4, 1905:]

Harugari Lodges to Celebrate.

The local lodges of the German Order of Harugari are making arrangements for the celebration of the fifty-eighth anniversary of the founding of the order. The ceremonies will be elaborate and are scheduled to be held in Gilcher Hall April 10. An arrangements committee consisting of members of the five local Harugari lodges is in charge of the arrangements.

[From The Post-Standard, Tuesday morning, April 11, 1905, p. 7:]

58 Years in County.

Harugari Lodges Celebrate Their Anniversary.

Members of the various Harugari lodges of the city gathered last evening at Gilcher Hall to celebrate the fifty-eighth anniversary of the founding of the order in this county.

A programme of musical numbers was given by prominent soloists and the Liederkrantz, Arion and Saengerbund singing societies. The Liederkranz sang “Mein Liesel” by W. Neubner; the Arion rendered “Sturmbeschwerung,” by Durrner, and the Saengerbund sang “Heimkehr,” by Gehleke.

The principal address of the evening was delivered by Emanuel Schmidt, the fest president. Mr. Schmidt spoke of the original organization, which was started with a dozen members.

Other numbers of the programme were: Tenor solo by Fred Mayer, violin and piano duet by Misses E. and F. Klink, vocal duet by the Misses Letterman, address by J. R. Schesny[?] of Buffalo, piano duet by Leslie and Ethel Wilson, comic song by H. Schram[?] and a monologue entitled “Lob der Frauer [Frauen?]” by George Hettler.

After the programme dancing was enjoyed and refreshments were served.

The committees in charge of the celebration were:

Dance—M. Schoberlein, P. Killian, F. Hooge, G. Miller, P. Steinmier.

Reception—J. Gilcher, A. Maurer, J.P. Pinzer, William Dopffel, F. Haberle, Dr. J. Saxer, F. W. Traugott, P. Listman, K. Kaelber, H. [J.J.?] Rees, R. Stehner[?], J. Armbruster.

[From The Post-Standard, Monday morning, April 10, 1905:]

Plans Progress For Schiller Celebration

Thirty-five Organizations Invited to Participate.

Delegates from German organizations representing a membership of over 4,000 men gathered at Turn Hall yesterday afternoon to make plans for the Schiller celebration, which will be held at the Turn Hall May 9. The event will commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the death of the German poet.

A programme is being arranged, in which numbers will be given by the Liederkranz, Arion, Saengerbund and Concordia singing societies. Songs written by Schiller will be sung and works read by prominent Germans. Rev. George Merschroth, pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be the principal speaker.

The societies represented in the arrangements for the festival are the Turn Verein, Schwaben Verein, Deutsche Grieger, Deutsche Lehans[?] Versicherung Verein, German Order of Harugari, Grutli Verein, Junior Knights of the Cross, Odd Fellows and the Improved Order, Knights of Pythias.

William Schmidt, representing the Turn Verein, is chairman of the committee, and Joseph H. Rees, representing the Improved Order, Knights of Pythias, is the secretary. The Musical Committee consists of Jacob Gels, Carl Zuler, Peter Pellenz and George Hettler; Finance, Jacob Unbehend, Benjamin Litz and Valentine Lorenz.

Thirty-five German organizations have been invited to take part in the festival.

[From The Post-Standard, Wednesday morning, May 10, 1905:]

Large Throng Attends
The Schiller Observance

Fifteen Hundred Persons at Turn Hall Listen to a
Programme in Memory of the Great Poet.

Fifteen hundred people attended the Schiller Feter held by the German societies of Syracuse at Turn Hall last evening.

The stage of the large auditorium was decorated with flags of Germany. At one side of the hall was an American banner and opposite the insignia of Wurtemburg where Schiller was born.

In the center of the stage a large bust of the poet stood upon a low pedestal. The head was crowned with a laurel wreath which gave a splendid effect to the decorations.

In the front rows of the hall the guests of honor were seated. They were Mrs. Rose Eckermann, Mrs. Carl Kotz, Mrs. P. Heimlich of Michigan, Max Schott, Philip Maurer, George Krause, Joseph Wolfarth, Joseph A. Hoffman, Anton Aman, Gregory Theme, August Rheinhardt, John Winter, Mrs. Augusta Wittneben, Mrs. Charles Steingrebe of Quincy, Ill., and Mrs. Peter Rech.

The program was rich in musical numbers. The Concordia was first heard. The Liederkranz with a chorus of forty men followed and delighted the audience with “Saengers Gruss.”

The Saengerbund then appeared with the largest chorus which it has shown in public for many years and was followed by the Arbeiter Liedertafel. The Arion concluded the chorus numbers.

William Schmidt, chairman of the Arrangements Committee, delivered the opening address in which he, with a few words, welcomed the guests of the societies and referred to the life of the great poet.

The principal address was delivered by Rev. George Merschroth.

The programme was made pleasing by violin solos rendered by Prof. Albert Kuenzlen, who played “Cavatina,” by Ruff and “Ung[?]sche Tanze” by Brahms Joachim.

Miss Carrie Dopffel recited Schiller’s “Der Handschu[?]” and John Schairer[?] “Die Burgschaft” also by Schiller.

Orchestral numbers concluded the programme.

The feter was arranged by the following representatives of eighteen German societies of the city: J. J. Umbehend, Jacob Wagner, Jacob Geis [or Gels?], Carl Zahn [or Zehe?], Peter Pellenz, William Wendler, sr., George Hettler, Joseph H. Rees, Valentine Lorenz, Bernhard Litz, Jacob Disque, Rudolph Steiner, Jacob Gross, Adam Hett, Charles Kneller, John Frey, Augustus Wager, Dr. F. J. Kaufmann, Carl Grosse, Otto C. Kempf and William Schmidt.

Observance at University.

Over a hundred students of the University attended the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the death of Schiller, held last evening in the College of Liberal Arts under the auspices of the University Verein. Several views of the home and surroundings of Schiller were shown and the following programme was presented in German:

Overture to Tell, Miss Ida Trelan; opening address, Prof. F. J. Holzwarth; “Epilog zu Schiller’s Glecke,” Goethe-Schiller classes; “Hoffnung,” Miss M. Cooney; vocal solo, “Der Shutz,” W. C. Lowe; views of Schiller, his home and poems with readings from his works; “Johanna’s Abschied,” Miss E. L. Grant; vocal duet, “O Wandern,” Misses Trolan and Ring; “Der Alpenjager,” Messrs. Lowe and Wager; oration on Schiller, Charles Holzwarth; “Der Ring des Polykrated[?],” Arthur Rider; “Der Abend,” quartet.

The last meeting of the verein will be held on the evening of May 20 [23?] at the home of Dr. Holzwarth, at which time officers for the next year will be elected.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Tuesday, July 10, 1906:]

Von Landberg Made Address

Former Syracusan Welcomed at Anniversary Exercises of the Harugari.

Alexander von Landberg, at one time a prominent resident of Syracuse, was the principal speaker at the thirty-seventh anniversary celebration of the Deutsche Wacht lodge, Harugari, at Turn hall last night. A large crowd greeted the former editor and publisher of the Syracuse Union, who was one of the organizers of the lodge on June 9th, 1869. To-day this lodge, he said, stands as one of the strongest lodges in the German order of Harugari.

Mr. Landberg spoke of the many improvements that he had noticed in the city during has absence of twelve years. The streets, he said, were clean and some fine new buildings had been erected.

Mr. Von Landberg was presented with a large bouquet of flowers. He will return to-morrow or next day to Canton, O. [Ohio], where he is publishing a German newspaper.

[From The Post-Standard, Wednesday morning, July 15, 1908:]

Two Thousand to Join in Parade

Over Seventy Organizations to Be Represented on
Deutsche Tag—Colonel Nicholas Grumbach
to Be Grand Marshal.

Over 2,000 people, representing over seventy organizations, will join in the parade on Deutsche Tag, August 3, according to reports received last evening at a meeting of the Deutscher Bund of Onondaga County.

The meeting was held at Turn Hall, and the record of Secretary Joseph H. Rees showed that forty-six societies were represented by delegates. President William Schmidt presided.

Colonel Nicholas Grumbach, grand marshal of the parade, was authorized to select his staff, to organize the divisions and to make up a line of march. Each division will be headed by one of the military organizations. The following have agreed to take part: Canton Lincoln, I.O.O.F, Knights of the Cross, the German Military Society, Knights of Trinity, and Walhalla Commandry, D.O.H.

At least twelve floats have been arranged for. The following have been secured: The Deutscher Bund, Turn Verein, Liederkranz, Augusta Lodge, D.O.H., the Arion, the Concordia, Schwaben Verein, German Pioneer Society with twenty-five carriages, German Military Society, No. 1, Ninth Ward German-American Citizens Club, Columbia Society and Harugari Maennerchor.

Mayor A. C. Fobes[?] and the Common Council will be invited to review the parade.

One of the features of the day will be German folk games for children. A committee of five, with Mrs. Carl Kaelber as chairman, was chosen to make the arrangements.

Frederick Herzog of the Music Committee reported that Goettel’s Band, the House of Providence Drum Corps and the Franklin School Drum Corps had been engaged for the parade.

The following new delegates were received at the meeting last night: Joseph Dockwiller, Bernard Lietz and Captain Charles Mertens of the Knights of the Cross, John Pirong of the Ninth Ward German-American Citizens Club, Philip Young of the Walhalla Commandery, D. O. H.; Mrs. Carl Kaelber and Mrs. G. H. Reissig of Augusta Lodge, D. O. H.; Mrs. Valentine Lorenz of the Womens Auxiliary of the Turn Verein.

[From The Post-Standard, Monday morning, August 3, 1908, page 6:]

Look For Longest
Parade Ever Held

Germans Will
Bid For Record

Receive President Sutro and
Drive Him Around City.

30 Societies To Be in Line

Long Branch Will Be Scene of Activities
and Band, Orchestra, Singing Society and
Soloist Have Been Engaged.

[Photo with caption: “William Schmidt (President of the Deutscher Bund of Onondaga county).”]

Theodore Sutro of New York, president of the German-American State Alliance, the principal speaker at the Deutscher Tag celebration, which is being held today to provide funds for the erection of the Goethe-Schiller monument, arrived yesterday. He was met by officers of the Deutscher Bund of Onondaga and is being entertained at the Yates Hotel. Yesterday afternoon he was taken for a carriage drive about the city. Accompanying him were William Schmidt, president of the Deutscher Bund, Assistant Corporation Counsel William Rubin and William Mirbach.

They drove through Schiller Park, which was named after one of the German authors for whom the monument is to be erected. After visiting the new North Side High School they went to Syracuse University campus, viewing the Stadium and grounds and buildings. Other parts of the city were shown to the visitor.

Form Near Turn Hall.

The parade of the German societies and other organizations will be held this morning at 9 o’clock, and it is expected that it will be the largest gathering of associations ever seen in Syracuse. The six divisions of the parade will form in the streets near Turn Hall, with Colonel Nicholas Grumbach as grand marshal and Captain M. L. Yann as first assistant and chief of staff and George Zett as second assistant marshal. Near thirty societies will join in the parade.

The line of march is from the Eckel monument in North Salina street to Kirkpatrick street, to Lodi, to Butternut, to North Salina, to East Genesee, to South State, to East Onondaga, to East Jefferson, to South Salina, to West Genesee and to the old Court House.

At the close of the parade the organizations will take trolley cars to Long Branch, where festivities will be held during the day and evening. Addresses will be given in the afternoon by President Sutro and Past President Richard Lohrman of Herkimer in German and Assistant Corporation Counsel Rubin in English. There will be band and orchestral music. The United Singers of Syracuse will render choruses and Miss Ida Elsasser will sing “The Star Spangled Banner.” In the evening the Liederkranz will furnish a musical programme.

[Adjacent photo with caption: “Monument Which Germans Are to Erect. Memorial to Goethe and Schiller (Will be set up in Schiller Park, formerly Round Top Park, as a result of activities of Deutscher Bund.)”]

[Editorial from The Syracuse Herald, Monday evening, August 3, 1908, page 4:]


The movement inaugurated and conducted by the Onondaga branch of the Deutcher [sic] Bund, the great federation of German-American organizations, for the erection of a monument to Goethe and Schiller in Syracuse, reaches its culmination to-day in the Deutscher Tag celebration. The August sun has smiled brightly upon the thousands of participants. The parade this morning was in every way worthy of the occasion and our German-American fellow townsmen—one of the best of its kind ever witnessed in this city. This afternoon Long Branch is the scene of open-air festivities such as our German friends know so well how to plan and enjoy. Later in the day there will be speech-making and music appropriate to the celebration, and this evening it will close with a feast of song by the Liederkranz and other local vocalists. It will be a memorable day for the German-Americans of Syracuse.

The demonstration and the object which it is designed to promote must appeal strongly to the people of this city, and we have no doubt that many of them have already given, or will give, their assistance to the movement in the form of money contributions. The genius of Goethe is the pre-eminent glory of German literature, while Schiller, as dramatist and poet, occupies nearly as high a place in the pride and affection of German posterity. In a larger sense, both of them belong to the universal kingdom of human thought, rather than to a single nationality; so we may all hail with approval and satisfaction this project of establishing in Syracuse a beautiful, imposing and enduring memorial of their great intellectual achievements. But we should not be content with empty approbation. Let us all help in a more material and effective way.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Monday evening, August 3, 1908, page 6:]

Germans in Parade

Pretty Floats and Gaily Decorated

The Flags Are Intertwined.

Procession for Benefit of Goethe-Schiller Monument Fund
One of the Best of Kind Ever Given in Syracuse—Outing
Held at Long Branch.

With pretty floats, half a score of bands, marching men and old pioneers and veterans in carriages, and women in gaily decorated tallyhos, the Germans of Syracuse paraded to-day for the benefit of the fund for the Goethe-Schiller monument to be placed in Schiller park by the Deutscher bund of Onondaga. It was a good parade and an interesting parade from start to finish and thousands of people, gathered along the line of march, spoke words of praise for the men and women who had made the arrangements for the Deutscher tag celebration. The parade was scheduled to start from the Eckel monument in North Salina street at 9 o’clock, but it was nearly 10 before the line got under way.

As early as 8:30 crowds began to gather on the North Side and the streets were lined with people from Turn Hall to the Eckel monument. Shortly after 9 o’clock the bells of churches in the vicinity began to ring. Col. Nicholas Grumbach was grand marshal, with Capt. Martin L. Yann as first assistant and George Zett as second assistant. Others on the staff were Major Michael Auer, Anthony Kraff, Philip Eckel, Adam Hett, Linus Schillinger, Xavier Hundshammer, Carl Kollfelz, J. P. Meyer, Jacob Knobles, Werner Van Lengen and George Kesselring. The divisions formed as follows:

First division—At Eckel monument, corner North Salina and North State streets, on State street, right resting on North Salina street.

Second division—On east side of Ash street, right resting on North Salina street.

Third division—On west side of Ash street, right resting on North Salina street.

Fourth division—On north side of Prospect avenue, right resting on North Salina street.

Fifth division—On Townsend, Butternut, Prospect avenue, south side of Prospect avenue, right resting on North Salina street.

Sixth division—Between East Division and Ash streets, on Townsend street, right resting on Ash street.

The line proceeded up North Salina street headed by ten patrolmen marching abreast and followed by the marshall and aids with the first division. Goettel’s band played for this division and was followed by the Knights of the Cross, Knights of Holy Trinity and officers of the German bund. The speakers at the picnic at Long Branch this afternoon followed in a carriage. They were Theodore Sutro of New York, president of the German-American State alliance, Richard Lohrman of Herkimer, past president, and William Rubin of this city. Following the speakers came the Germania float of the Deutscher bund, which attracted much attention. German veterans of 1866 and 1870 followed in carriages. The other divisions were formed as follows:

George Boysen, marshal.
Jacob Armbruster, August Seifert, Louis Eckel.
House of Providence Drum Corps.
Canton Lincoln, I. O. O. F.
Lincoln lodge, I. O. O. F.
Schwaben Verein.
Float of Schwaben Verein.
Harmonia lodge.
Badischer Verein.

Rudolf Steiner, marshal.
Philip Balzer, Robert Glaser, Joseph Trittel.
Franklin School Drum corps.
Walhalla commandery, D. O. H.
Deutsche Wacht lodge, D. O. H.
Freie Brueder lodge, D. O. H.
Humboldt lodge, D. O. H.
Float of Humboldt lodge, D. O. H.
Elizabeth lodge, D. O. H., in carriages.
Augusta lodge, D. O. H., in carriages.
Float of Augusta lodge, D. O. H.
St. Fidelius society.
St. Bonifacius society, in carriages.
Ninth Ward German-American Citizens’ association.
Float of the Ninth Ward German-American association and carriages.

Louis Olbeter, marshal.
Arthur Geiger, Frank Crouse, Alvis Wallfel.
Forty-first band.
Liederkranz Women’s auxiliary, in carriages.
Socialist Drum corps.
Arbeiter Liedertafel.
St. Vincent de Paul’s Drum corps
Camillus “Germania.”
United Singing societies of Rochester.

Peter Hansen, marshal.
Bertram Hansen, Jacob Eckel, John Gang.
German Pioneer society, in carriages.
Float of Pioneer society.

Charles Umbrecht, marshal.
Peter Etzel, Ernest Miller, William Allheim.
Women’s auxiliary of Syracuse Turn Verein.
Lilly post no. 66 G. A. R., in carriages.

Among the orders that attracted especial attention was the Schwaben Verein, some of whose members were dressed in the old costumes of the Fatherland. Lilly post, G. A. R., in a tallyho carried old battle flags and muskets that had been used in the Civil war.

The floats were of original design and represented scenes in Germany. The float of the German-American Citizens club of the Ninth ward, representing a German garden, with Germans in all sorts of costumes, attracted considerable favorable comment. Humbold lodge, D. O. H., had a float showing a German field hospital and the float of Augusta lodge was a pretty one. The gymnastic classes of the Turn Verein, boys and girls in gymnasium suits, with horizontal bars and other gymnastic apparatus, was worthy of special mention. The Pioneers’ float, representing the first industry of Syracuse, seemed to please the spectators. This was a reproduction of Salt Block No. 1 and showed the early process of making salt in 1833. The placards on the tallyhos of Lilly post aroused the enthusiasm of the crowds. One of these read: “Union forever, hurrah boys.” Another was: “One country, one flag.” Altogether, it was one of the best parades of the kind in Syracuse.

Many old German pioneers rode in the parade and the German and American flags were everywhere in evidence. Decorations on the North Side were elaborate and the South Side also displayed flags and bunting. The line of march was from the Eckel monument north in Salina street to Kirkpatrick, to Lodi, to Butternut, to North Salina, to East Genesee, to South State, to East Onondaga, to East Jefferson, to South Salina, and then to the old Court House, where many boarded cars to attend the outing at Long Branch.

The exercises there began before 3 o’clock with an overture by Goettel’s band. The speeches by Mr. Sutro and Mr. Lohrman were in German and Mr. Rubin spoke in English. This evening “Allgemeine Gemuethlichkeit” will take place at Long Branch.

Wagons and other vehicles held up the procession at the intersection of East Genesee and East Fayette streets for a few moments. As soon as possible the police cleared the way. Chief of Police Martin L. Cadin said afterward that any further interference with parades will be summarily dealt with.

[Adjacent photo with caption: “A German Day Sentiment / ‘Wir Wollen Sein Ein Einig Volk Von Bruedern’ –Schiller. Parade of the German societies this morning for Deutscher Tag. The accompanying picture was taken as the procession was passing through East Genesee Street.”]

[From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday evening, July 10, 1909:]

Concordia Jubilee.

There will be a grand concert in honor of the golden jubilee of the singing society Concordia at Long Branch to-morrow, with the assistance of the following societies: Camillus Maennerchor, Syracuse Liederkranz, Syracuse Saengerbund, Arbeiter Liedertafel, Syracuse Arion and Harugari Maenner quartet. The programme follows:

Grand chorus, “Sturmbeachwoerung”…Duerrner
   United singers
“Frisch Gesungen” …Silcher
Selection …Syracuse Liederkranz
“Der Rhein” …Schmidt
   Camillus Maennerchor
“Ich Rehre Wiedere” …Wurgert
   Syracuse Arion
“Abschied” …Kreymar
   Syracuse Saengerbund
Grand chorus, “Myrthen” …Dressier
   United singers
Selection …Arbeiter Liedertafel
“Der Scheidende Zecher” …Neuert
“Waldesrauschen” …Kern
   Harugari Maenner quartet
“Die Traene” …Camillus Maennerchor
“Iuchhe” …Andre
   Syracuse Arion
“Gut Nacht” …Pfell
“Rittern Abschied” …Hinkel
   United Singers.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Friday evening, August 6, 1909:]

Zinsmeister is Bard

German Order of Harugari Holds
Election of Officers.

Deutscher Tag To-Morrow

Germans Arrange for the Biggest Celebration
in Years—Picturesque Floats and 2,500 Men,
Many in Uniform, Will Be in the Parade—
Programme of the Day.

German Day Programme.

9:30—Deutscher Tag parade of the Syracuse German societies and the visiting commanderies of the Harugari.
3—Prize drill by visiting commanderies of the Harugari.
3:30—German oration by the Rev. George Merschroth, D. D.
4—Address by Edward Schoeneck.
4:30—Grand chorus, “Das Ist der Tag des Herrn,” by the united singing societies of Syracuse and the Camillus Germania.
6—“Die Wacht Am Rhein” by the audience.
7—Awarding of prizes for drill of the visiting commanderies of the Harugari.
7—“The Star Spangled Banner” by the audience.

At the business meeting of the Harugari this morning these officers were elected: Grand bard, Andrew Zinsmeister, Syracuse deputy grand bard, Fritz Heultrath, Buffalo; grand overseer, Jacob Stauder, Albany; grand secretary, Gottleib Frank, Buffalo; grand treasurer, Matthias Cook, Utica.

The choosing of a convention city for next year was hotly contested between Albany and Buffalo, but the former city won. The order decided to give a grand prize of $50 [or $60?] next year at the convention for the best drilled commandery.

[Photo with caption: “Andrew Zinsmeister”]

It also started a contest for the securing of members, $1 being given to a member proposing a candidate that was accepted, $6 for the proposal and acceptance of three names and a gold medal for more than five members.

Everything is in readiness for the celebration of Deutscher Tag to-morrow, one of the big celebrations of the year by the German residents of Syracuse. The convention of the Order of the Harugari of the State of New York being held at the same time brings a large number of German visitors from out of town to take part in the festivities. The German population of Syracuse will spend the day in a manner calculated to make the second Deutscher Tag one to be long remembered.

The parade of forty-seven German societies, which is scheduled to start at 9:30 in front of the Eckel monument in North Salina street, will be composed of more than 2,000 people from delegations of the visiting commanderies of the Harugari and the many German societies of Syracuse, a large part of the men being in the uniforms of their order or society.

There are to be several floats which will represent the Deutscherbund, the Garugari [Harugari], the Schwabeverein and the Pioneer society. Each society has taken a distinctive theme in the construction of the floats and every effort has been made to make the parade a success.

Picturesque Floats.

The first float will be that of the Deutscher band [bund]. The theme is the friendly relations existing between the United States and Germany. Columbia and Germania will be seen clasping hands surrounded by groups in the national costumes of the early periods of the history of both countries. The gay colored dresses of the early German ages will make quite a contrast with the Pilgrim father and colonial costumes of the first days in American history. The theme also expresses the desire that the harmonious relations which have existed for centuries will continue forever.

The float of the Order of the Harugari will depict the charitable purpose of the organization, displaying their motto, “Friendship, Love and Humanity.” Part of the initiation will be represented. Following this will appear the float of the Hertha Grad, the women’s degree of the Harugari. It will be a scene showing Hertha, the goddess of the home in the early German mythology. She will be surrounded by a group of gaily dressed women typifying the arts of the home.

One of the most interesting floats in the parade will be that of the Schwabeverein, which will present a Schwabian wedding. The bride and groom, the witnesses and the justice will be garbed in their national costume. The marriages of Schwabia are performed by the justice of the peace because the state is considered before the church. The Pioneer society will be represented by a float made in the form of a canal boat filled with early settlers showing the manner of travel from Albany to Syracuse half a century ago, when the German pioneers came into this section to make it their home. That of the Germany Military society will be the German Gemuthlichkeit. A band of students will be seated on the float showing the modes of pleasure practiced in the German universities.

The arrangement committee consists of: President, William Schmidt; vice presidents, Carl Zahns, Joseph H. Rees and Friedrich Herzog; trustees, Karl Kaelber, William Mirbach, Adam Volles, F. X. Geiger and Col. Nicholas Grumbach. The float committee is K. Kaelber, F. Herzog, G. H. Reissig, F. X. Geiger, William Schmidt and Joseph H. Rees.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday evening, August 7, 1909:]

Germans Celebrate

Some Interesting Floats Seen in the Parade.

Prize Drill at Long Branch

Harugari Commanderies Attend Outing—
Float in Parade Showed How Pioneer
Germans Came to This City—
Addresses in German and English.

[Adjacent photo with caption: “German Day Parade. Over 1,500 men and a number of floats were in this morning’s procession. The celebration is continued at Long Branch this afternoon.”]

To-day is German Day and the keys of the city are in the hands of the German population which is spending its time in merry-making in honor of the occasion. The big parade of the Deutscherbund, Schwabeverein, Harugari and the Pioneer society, assisted by the different German organizations of the city, brought over 1,500 people in the line. Pretty flowers decorated with bunting, flags and streamers, commanderies of the Order of the Harugari in their uniforms, carryalls loaded with the wives and friends of the visiting delegates and the women’s auxiliaries of the local organizations, bands, and the detachments on foot, all combined together to make the German day parade most impressive.

The line began to form shortly after 9 o’clock at the Eckel monument in North Salina street, several of the columns forming in the side streets. From that time on the groups and floats arrived. It was 10:30 when Grand Marshal Michael Auer gave the command to start and the procession moved up North Salina street toward Union park. At the head of the column with Grand Marshall [sic] Auer were First Assistant Marshall George Zett, Second Assistant Marshall Fred Hundshamer [Hundshammer?] and Assistant Charles Umbrecht and Dan Schenck. As each street was passed the numbers increased as the visiting commanderies of the Order of the Harugari and the local detachments of the societies joined it. At Union park the turn was made and the countermarch began down North Salina street to Butternut street, where it turned up to Townsend street.

The march then continued down James across Warren bridge, down East Genesee to Fayette park, through South State to East Onondaga to East Jefferson to South Salina and up to Clinton square, where it disbanded.

Throng Sees Parade.

The column when it was fully started stretched along a number of blocks, with first commanderies on foot, then floats and carryalls. All along the line of march the sidewalks were crowded with people who elbowed their way up to the curb to watch the procession. The pretty floats and the costumes of the people won great applause. Some of the floats were exceptionally good. The one representing the Deutscher bund was prettily decorated with branches and grain. It showed Columbia and Germania clasping hands, exemplifying the friendly attitude which has existed between the two countries. The float of the Schwabeverein was covered by a large canopy surmounted by a golden crown. Beneath this canopy of bunting and many colored paper were seated the bride and groom, the two witnesses and the justice of the peace. The costumes were those of the Schwabians and were gaudily colored.

The Pioneer society had a float representing the canal boat. On the side was, “This was the way the old German pioneer came to Syracuse.” On the deck were seated several of the settlers who had come into this section in this way.

The Badischer Verein had a carryall loaded down with young girls for its display. The carryall was decorated with flags and arches of colored paper.

At Long Branch.

After the parade disbanded the crowd began to go toward the cars for Long Branch and soon every car out of the city was filled with the visitors. After the dinner the Rochester and Albany commanderies began a prize drill showing a number of difficult military evolutions, the prize for which is to be awarded this evening at 7 o’clock.

At 3:30 o’clock the Rev. George Merschroth gives an address in German and at 4 o’clock Edward Schoeneck gives an address in English.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Sunday morning, August 8, 1909, page C-3:]

Big Day For Germans

Celebration Closes With Picnic at Long Branch.

Harugari Society of Albany
Is Given First Place in the Prize Drill.

Edward Schoeneck Makes Interesting
Address, Paying Tribute to German
Poets, Schiller and Goethe, and
Praising German-American Citizenship.

German day was celebrated yesterday, and the descendants of the Teutons owned the city from morning until night. The day had been looked forward to by all the citizens of the North Side and they showed that they understood how to celebrate it. In the morning there was the big parade of the German societies, whose ranks were augmented by the addition of more than 200 delegates of the Order of the Harugari of the State of New York, which was in session at Empire hall the latter part of the week.

In the afternoon there was a big picnic at Long Branch and thousands went out to the pleasure resort for the afternoon and evening. Parties enjoyed picnic dinners and visited with their friends until the regular programme of the afternoon started.

The drill of the Rochester, Albany and Syracuse commanderies of the Order of the Harugari was scheduled for 3:30 o’clock, but because of the excessive heat it was postponed until nearly 5 o’clock. Then the three commanderies, headed by a band, marched over to the baseball grounds where the drill was held.

Companies Well Drilled.

The Rochester company went through their maneuvers first, and showed themselves to be skillfully drilled. They performed the different figures easily and precisely. The Albany commandery then took the field and performed the same drill, but their cleverness in execution gave them a shade the best of the Rochester commandery. The Syracuse order was the last to drill. They were not permitted to compete for the prize, because of the ruling of the convention. The local commandery was by far the best of the three and their work won enthusiastic commendation from the crowd of spectators.

The judges were Colonel Yann, Captain Zeigler and Captain Sembach. The decision was on points, 100 being the maximum. Waloroth commandery No. 12 of Albany, with a score of 77 1-3 points, won the first prize. Baldorf commandery No. 3 of Rochester was awarded the second prize, their score being 66 1-3 points. The Syracuse order far outclassed the two winners, their exhibition drill bringing them 84 2-3 points, one of the best scores made by a winning commandery of the Order of the Harugari recently. Colonel Yann stated in behalf of the judges that they were not aware of the fact that the Syracuse men were not eligible for the prize at the time of the competition. Their work was so excellent that the decision was not greeted very favorably until it was understood that the ruling of the convention preventing them from winning.

After the drill the three commanderies marched over in front of the hall, where addresses were to be made to the visitors and the local attendance.

The Rev. George Merschroth, D.D., rendered an address in German which was greeted by enthusiastic applause. William Mirbach, “the Mayor of the North Side,” introduced Edward Schoeneck with a few words, stating that he looked upon him as his successor.

Tributes to German Poets.

Mr. Schoeneck prefaced his remarks with an appreciation of the tribute which has been paid to the memory of Schiller and Goethe by the Germans of this city with their whole hearted contributions to the monument fund. Then mention was made of the dedication of the park on the North Side to Schiller by the public through its officers. In speaking of the industriousness of the German race Mr. Schoeneck stated that the Germans since their immigration to this country had outstripped every other foreign nation in the number of skilled mechanics, artisans and educators they have given to their adopted land.

He said:

“We look to the Turn Verein to develop the physical and mental structure, and to the Liederkranz, Arion, Liedertafel and other associations to cultivate and harmonize the voice in song and bring good fellowship and good cheer to the soul; and the blending of the German customs in this respect with the customs and ideals of this country have brought a condition of contentment and satisfaction, fully meeting the expectation of those who willingly acknowledge their allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, an allegiance which is given without qualification or a semblance of regret; and still, with all this, they retain a friendly feeling for and interest in the welfare of Germany. It is this wholesome exercise of mind and body which makes them the good citizens they are. There has been no time in the history of this country when they have not attested their loyalty to America and American institutions.

“In the Revolutionary, Civil and Spanish wars, they found with daring courage and endurance equal to that of any native-born, and contributed the names of Muhlenberg, Steinware, Sigel, Custer and Schley in the roll of great commanders of whom we so proudly boast, and with them thousands of officers and privates of less prominence, but of equal courage and loyalty to the stability and maintenance of the cause for which they fought.

“The careers of our fathers are such that we may well take great pride in them—careers that set an example of good and true citizenship in civil and military life, and which serves as an inspiration to young Germans upon whom the mantle gradually falls to maintain the position of the German-American in the estimate of their fellows; and, moreover, will serve as an encouragement and an incentive to do even more, if possible, to make this, the chosen land of their fathers, more prosperous, more glorious and conducive to a higher ideal of the duty of citizenship, all of which will redound to the credit and glory of the pioneers to whom we, their children, are so greatly indebted.”

[From The Post-Standard, Monday morning, August 1, 1910, page 6:]

To Speak at Picnic
of the Deutscher Bund

[Photo with caption: “Rev. Dr. H. G. Dattan”]

The Deutscher Bund of Onondaga county will hold a tag day and picnic at Long Branch to-day for the benefit of the Schiller-Goethe monument fund. The singing societies of Syracuse, Auburn, and Camillus will unite in a musical programme at the outing under the direction of Karl Altmann. Goettel’s Band will play during the entire day, and besides dancing and bowling there will be numerous German games and field sports under the direction of Physical Instructor Karl Grosse. William Schmidt is chairman of the General Committee having the arrangements in change. The speakers will include Assemblyman J. Henry Walters, Rev. Dr. Herman G. Dattan and Rev. G. M. Merschroth.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Sunday morning, August 6, 1911, section 3 page 1:]

Plans Completed
For ‘German Day’

Laying of the Goethe-Schiller
Monument Cornerstone
Surrounded by Fine Features.

4,000 To Join In Parade

Addresses, Band Music and Chorus
Singing Features of Afternoon Exercises—
in the Evening Schiller Park Will Be
Transformed in Part into a German
Garden and Will Blaze With 2,000 Lights.

After years of work the German citizens of Syracuse to-morrow will witness the laying of the cornerstone of the Goethe-Schiller monument in Schiller park. To-morrow will be German day and 4,000 German Americans will parade to the monument, starting at 1 o’clock. The exercises in Schiller park will begin as soon as the parade reaches the park, probably between 2 and 3 o’clock. They will be preceded by a band concert. Gabriel Buschle will preside and will deliver the opening address. United German singers will sing and the Rev. Dr. William T. Grommisch will speak in German. The cornerstone will be laid by William Schmidt. This will be followed by another selection by the United signers and then George W. Driscoll will deliver an address in English. The chorus singing will be one of the most pleasing features of the exercises. In the evening the park will be transformed in part into a German garden and will be lighted by 2,000 colored electric bulbs. Goettel’s band will play until 12 P. M. Seats will be provided for 4,000 persons. German dishes will be served by the ladies’ auxiliary of the Turn Verein.

The parade committee consists of William H. Fleisch, chairman; Gabriel Buschle, Nicholas Grumbach, F. J. Snyder, Jacob Moehlich, Peter Scheuer, John Benz, F. X. Gieger, Arthur Gieger, Joseph Rees, George Menikheim, Jacob Scwarz, John Wahl and Charles Kallfelz.

Colonel Nicholas Grumbach will be grand marshal, Gabriel Buschle is chairman of the executive committee, Frederick J. Snyder of the press committee, William H. Fleisch of the parade committee and Joseph Haas of the refreshments committee of the day. The parade will form at the Eckel monument at 1 o’clock and will consist of six divisions. The line of march follows:

Eckel monument, south in Salina to West Genesee street, to Clinton to West Water, to South Salina, to Onondaga, to South Warren, to James, to Townsend, to Butternut street, to Schiller park.

Parade Formation.

The formation of the parade follows:

Chief Marshal Nicholas Grumbach.
Automobile Division.
Speakers of the Day, Officers and the
various committees, City Officials and
Members of the Park Commission.
Marshal Martin L. Yann.
Chief of Staff George W. Boysen.

Marshal X. J. Hundhammer [Hundshammer?].
Goettel’s Band.
Knights of Trinity.
Trinity Society.
Trinity Council C. B. L.
Branch 267, C. M. B. A.
St. Peter’s Society.
Branch 70, C. M. B. A.

Marshal Adam Heit.
House of Providence Drum Corps.
Canton Lincoln I. O. O. F.
Lincoln Lodge I. O. O. F.
German Military Society.
Improved Order K. of P. [German-speaking Knights of Pythias]
Ninth Ward German-American Club.
Solvay German-American.

Marshal, Charles Umbrecht.
Gottel’s [Goettel’s] Band.
Knights of the Cross.
St. Francis Societey.
St. Bonifacius Society.
St. Fidelius Society.
Assumption German Holy Name Society.
Branch No. 36, C. M. B. A.
Dehm Council, No. 172, C. B. L.

Marshal, William Schmidt.
Franklin School Drum Corps.
Walhalla Comtuerl, No. 4, Harugari.
Freie Brueder Harguari
Deutsche Wacht Harugari.
Humboldt Harugari.
Harugari Quartet Club.

Marshal, Carl Holzer.
Citizens’ Band.
German Pioneers.
Syracuse Turn Verein.
Syracuse Swaben Verein.
Schweizer Gruetli Verein.
Baden Society.

Marshal, Jacob Armbruster.
Liedertafel Drum Corps.
Concordia Singing Society.
Syracuse Saengerbund.
Arion Singing Society.
Camillus Singing Society.
Liedertafel Singing Society.

The aids are: Paul Arndt, Rudolf Steiner, Peter Hansen, August Seifert, Daniel Schenk, jr., Phillip Balzer, Roman B. Wenz, William Klotz, Professor De Roberts, Carl Ballway, L. Hubert Born, jr., Frank Pauls, Bernard Wiess, Henry Wiess.

The Turners expect to have twenty-four automobiles in the parade. A committee of the German alliance is to visit Quincy, Mass., within a week or ten days to inspect the Goethe-Schiller pedestal. The acceptance of the monument will be made before shipment.

Nearly all the North side stores are displaying the sign, “Closed on German Day, Monday Afternoon, August 7th.”

As treasurer of the German alliance Fred Herzog took up the question of getting the monument admitted to this country free of duty. He has been informed by Congressman M. E. Driscoll that as the monument is a work of art it would be admitted free.

[Adjacent sidebar: “Committee and Speakers Prominent in Goethe-Schiller Monument Exercises.” Photos with captions: F. J. Snyder; William A. Fleisch, Chairman; the Rev. W. T. Grommisch; Geo. W. Driscoll; Joseph Haas; Gabriel Buschle.]

[From The Syracuse Herald, Sunday morning, October 8, 1911:]

Harugari To Take
Part in Unveiling

The members of the Dutsche [sic] Order of Harugari, comprising the Onondaga district, feel proud of the fact that their organization, including the uniformed rank, known as the Walhalla Compturel, [sic] were the largest contributors to the Schiller-Goethe monument fund. Headed by the Comturel in full uniform the members of the various lodges will assemble at the rooms of Dutsche [sic] Wacht lodge, corner Ash and McBride streets, next Sunday at 1 P. M. to participate in the parade and the unveiling of the monument. A large turnout is anticipated.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Sunday morning, October 15, 1911, page C-3:]

Germans to Honor
Favorite Poets

Beautiful Schiller-Goethe Monument
in Schiller Park Will Be Unveiled To-day.

Societies Will Parade

Thirty-six Societies Will March to the
Park for Ceremonies—Miss Dopffel
Has Honor of Unveiling Monument—
Great Chorus to Sing—Credit Due
to Members of German Bund.

The German citizens of Syracuse will crown the work of several years to-day when the beautiful Schiller-Goethe monument is unveiled in Schiller park and turned over to Syracuse as a memorial to the poets of the Fatherland. Members of the German bund of Onondaga county have worked hard to give the monument to Syracuse. They have given entertainments, have held tag days and earned money in other ways. To-day it is expected that thousands will be present to witness the ceremonies at 2 o’clock.

At 1:30 o’clock about 2,000 Germans, representing thirty-six societies, will leave the Eckel monument in North Salina street and parade to Schiller park. Col. Nicholas Grumbach will lead the parade as grand marshal and George W. Boysen will be chief of staff. The aides will be George W. Geiger, Daniel Schenck, jr., Peter Hansen, August Seifert, Bertram Hansen, Jacob Armbruster, Rudolf Steiner, Karl Holzer, Julius Heller and A. L. De Robert. The line of march will be up North Salina street to Union place, countermarch to Butternut, to Schiller park.

The honor of unveiling the monument has been given to Miss Lulu E. Dopffel, a well-known young woman of the North side. William Schmidt, president of the German bund, will make the address of presentation and Mayor Edward Schoeneck will respond in behalf of the city. The address in German will be made by Richard Lohrmann of Schenectady.

Great Chorus to Sing.

Excellent music will be heard at the exercises. The programme will open with Weber’s overture by Goettel’s band. “Dies Is Der Tag Des Herrn” will be sung under direction of Albert Kuenzlen by the following singing societies:

Liederkranz, Arion, Concordia, Arbeiter Liedertafel, Saengerbund, Harugari Maenner quartet, Cammillus Maennerchor.

[Photo with caption: “Karl Kaelber, Chairman of Trustees.”]

At 3 o’clock President Schmidt will present the monument to the city and Miss Dopffel will unveil it. Then will come the acceptance by Mayor Schoeneck and the address by Mr. Lohrmann. “Die Wacht am Rhein” and “The Star Spangled Banner” will be sung by the assemblage, accompanied by Goetel’s [Goettel’s] band.

The singing societies will sing “Das Lied Der Lieder,” after which the German societies will march around the monument.

Besides President Schmidt the officers of the German bund are: Carl Zahn, vice president; Joseph H. Rees, secretary; Fred Herzog, treasurer. Karl Kaelber is chairman of the board of trustees.

[Photo with caption: “Nicholas Grumbach, Grand Marshal of Parade.”]

Formation of Parade.

The formation of the parade follows:

Forms at Eckel monument, right resting at North Salina street.
Marshal Jacob Group.
Goettel’s band.
Canton Lincoln No. 3, I. O. O. F.
Lincoln lodge, No. 10, I. O. O. F.
German Military Society.
Baden society.
Ninth Ward German-American Citizen’s society.
Solvay German-American Citizen’s club.
German Pioneer society.
Syracuse Turn Verein.
Syracuse Schwaben Verein.
Schweizer Gruetli Verein.
Columbia Society.

Forms in Butternut street, right resting on North Salina street.
Marshal Roman B. Wenz.
Turner’s band.
Knights of the Cross.
St. Francis society.
St. Bonifacius society.
St. Fidelis society.
Holy Name society.
Holy Trinity commandery.
C. M. B. A., No. 26. [or 36?]
C. B. L., No. 172.

Forms at Prospect avenue, right resting at North Salina street.
Marshal Philip Balzer.
Goettel’s band.
Wallhalla commandery, No. 4, D. O. H.
Freie Brueder lodge, D. O. H.
Deutsche Wacht lodge, D. O. H.
Humboldt lodge, D. O. H.
Harugari Maennerchor, D. O. H.
Arbeiter Liedertafel.
Arbeiter Liedertafel drum corps.
Camillus Saengerbund.

Forms on Ash street, right resting on North Salina street.
Marshal F. X. Hundshamer [Hundshammer?].
Trinity Council, C. B. L.
C. M. B. A., No. 267.
St. Peter’s society.
C. M. B. A., No. 70.

Secretary Rees has received a letter from Charles D. Hilles, secretary to President Taft, thanking the bund for the invitation to the President and regretting that he cannot attend.

[Adjacent photo spread: “Schiller-Goethe Memorial And Those Who Take Part in Unveiling To-Day” with photos of Miss Lulu E. Dopffel; William Schmidt; Mayor Edward Schoneck; Gabriel Buschle; Goethe and Schiller Monument; George W. Boysen.]

[From The Syracuse Herald, Monday evening, October 16, 1911, page 11:]

Poets Are Honored

Thousands See Unveiling Ceremony
at Schiller-Goethe Monument

Miss Dopffel Pulls Cord

Great Throng Cheers as Flags Are
Released and Memorial Is Exposed
to View—Mayor Accepts Gift in
Behalf of City.

[Adjacent photos: “Scene at Monument Unveiling at Schiller Park” and “F. W. Hoffman, 92 years old, the oldest man in the procession” - photo shows him sitting next to an unidentified woman]

Impressive ceremonies marked the unveiling of the Schiller-Goethe monument in Schiller park yesterday afternoon. Thousands of German citizens of Syracuse and thousands of others who appreciate the gift German residents have made to the city were present when Miss Lulu E. Dopffel pulled the cord that released the flags and exposed the beautiful memorial to view.

It was a scene long to be remembered. The plateau of Schiller park, rising high above its surroundings and topped with the bronze figures of the German poets, was thronged with men and women and children. Hundreds were there who had never visited Schiller park. Scores of banners of the marching societies, American flags and brilliant uniforms added to the beauty of the scene.

The chorus singing of German singing societies, always good, never sounded better. “The Star Spangled Banner” and “Die Wacht am Rhein” were sung with fervor by the assemblage.

Shortly after 1 o’clock nearly forty German societies began to form at the Eckel monument for the parde to Schiller park. There were nearly 2,000 in line when the procession, headed by Marshal Nicholas Grumbach and his staff, moved up North Salina street to Union place. Countermarching to Butternut street, the long line moved up toward the park, through lines of spectators.

It was after 3 o’clock when the head of the parade reached the park. The members grouped themselves about the monument. Twenty girls, dressed in white, waved American flags and twenty color bearers stood near them with the banners of the societies of the German bund. Goettel’s band played Weber’s overture and the German singing societies sang “This Is the Day of the Master.”

President William Schmidt of the German bund formally presented the monument to the city through Mayor Edward Schoeneck. As he finished, Miss Dopffel pulled the cord and the flags fell away, showing the monument in all its beauty. A great cheer went up from the assemblage.

In accepting the memorial for the city Mayor Schoeneck spoke of the six years of work which the German bund had carried on in order that the monument might be erected. They had met with many discouragements, but had not given up. The mayor spoke of the co-operation of other citizens. “This monument,” he said, “is not a tribute of a particular people, but a tribute of nationalities to these great German poets, who devoted their lives to work which speaks beyond the boundaries of the country of their birth. The Germans of Syracuse in paying tribute to Goethe and Schiller have not only honored these two great poets, but have honored themselves.”

Richard Lohrmann of Schenectady spoke in German, telling of the works of the poets and praising the men and women of Syracuse who had made the memorial possible.

After several songs, young women decorated the banners of the societies with colored streamers and the societies marched around the monument.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday evening, February 17, 1912:]

German Home Here

May Be Built by German Order
of Harugari.

Jacob Stauder’s Speech

He is Gross Barde, Highest State
Officer—Tells About the Order
and Its Work—Presented With
Silver Service.

That Central New York and possibly Syracuse is favored as a site for a home for aged Germans in America was stated last evening by Gross Barde Jacob Stauder of the German Order of Harugari. Mr. Stauder, who is the highest State officer of the order, made his annual visit to the Syracuse organization last night. A reception and dinner were given in Altmann’s hall in North Salina street, with more than 400 present. There are about 3,000 members of the order in Syracuse and vicinity.

Mr. Stauder in his address spoke of the growth of the organization and reviewed its history. It is the only German organization of the kind in the country, he said. It is made up mostly of the first generation of Germans in America, and has become one of the largest fraternal bodies in the United States. There are about 50,000 members in the State. Last year the society paid out $1,000,000 in sick and death benefits. Mr. Stauder said that the time had come when a home for aged Germans should be established. In several places he had found sentiment favorable to locating such a home in Central New York.

F. J. Snyder spoke in English, telling of the good citizenship of German-Americans and what they had done for Syracuse.

District Deputy Ludwig Schwab called the meeting to order. Ludwig Trage, jr., former Alderman Louis Lohmann, and former Gross Barde Gustave Laass spoke briefly. Adam Metzger was chairman.

The Ladies’ auxiliary presented a beautiful silver service to Mr. Stauder. The presentation was made by Mrs. A. Schaferlein and Mrs. Carl Kaelber.

The uniform rank of Conturel No. 4, numbering 45 men, attended in uniform in command of Captain Carl Lang. It was one of the largest meetings the order has held in Syracuse for some time.

[From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday evening, August 5, 1916:]

Cars For Lake Crowded
For Harugari Picnic To-Day

Outing Marks Close of Three Days’ Convention—
Banquet Last Night.

[Adjacent photo with caption: “Banquet of the German Order of Harugari at Armbruster’s Hall Last Night”]

It was picnic time for nearly 500 members and delegates of the German order of Harugari to-day, with an outing at Pleasant Beach on Onondaga lake, which marked the close of the three-day convention in this city.

William Schmidt as chairman of the committee on the outing to-day promised the delegates lots to eat and a programme of singing and sport events, and as a consequence cars for the beach were packed from 11 o’clock on.

Last evening the convention officially came to a close with a banquet at Armbruster’s hall, at which there was an attendance of at least 300. John A. Tolishhus of this city was toastmaster, and after a short discussion of the German-American problem in which he said the Germans had proven their loyalty to this country, he called on Gross Barde Trage, Deputy Ullmicher and other prominent men of the order.

Singing a Feature.

The singing of a maennerchor double quartet from Buffalo was easily the feature of the evening. A bouquet of roses was presented the Buffalo team of the Hertha degree, to which Mrs. Louise Peyerman responded. The “kommers” was a highly successful event, and it left no doubt in the minds [of departing] delegates of the warmth of a Syracuse reception.

It was reported that $12,000 has been raised by lodges of the State for the German war relief fund. Utica was selected as the next convention city.

Additional articles mentioning the Harugari after 1922:

Notice of Harugari Ladies’ Auxiliary card party, The Syracuse Herald, September 19, 1926.

“Max Montor Here Tonight / Viennese in Recital at Harugari,” The Syracuse Herald, Sunday morning, April 28, 1929, section 2, p. 16.

“Turn Verein to Celebrate German Night,” The Syracuse Herald, Tuesday, November 26, 1935, p. 4.

“Flood Relief Fund Raised By Germans / 300 Musicians, Dancers and Gymnasts Give Benefit Program,” The Syracuse Herald, Monday, February 15, 1937, p. 3.

“Link to Nazis Repudiated By Harugari / Glanert Points Out 14 of 15 Delegates of Order Voted Against Bund,” The Syracuse Herald, Wednesday, August 17, 1938, p. 3.

“Harugari Plans for Convention Here,” The Syracuse Herald, Monday, July 11, 1938.

“Harugari Group Sets Anniversary Fete,” The Syracuse Herald-American, Sunday, April 7, 1940, p. 26.

“A. C. Schumacher 50 Year Member of German Order,” The Post-Standard, Saturday, May 12, 1951.

“Harugari to Mark 105th Anniversary,” The Post-Standard, Thursday, April 17, 1952.

“Fifty Delegates at Session of Harugari,” The Herald-Journal, Friday, September 5, 1952.

“Lodge Founding to Be Observed with Dance,” The Post-Standard, Thursday, May 15, 1953, p. 14.

“Harugari to Note 108th Anniversary,” The Post-Standard, Tuesday, May 24, 1955, page 10.

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