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German Immigrant Ancestors
in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York

Old Newspaper Articles

The following old newspaper articles relating to the Germans of Onondaga County were found at the Onondaga Historical Association in Syracuse by M. Stone in 2004, and having been published prior to 1923 and are now in the public domain. Again, many thanks to those who have helped contribute items. If you have any similar articles of historical interest that you would like to contribute, please email me.

[From the Syracuse Journal, 23 October 1860:]

The German Meeting at Corinthian Hall.

At an early hour Corinthian Hall was well filled with an audience composed chiefly of Germans, lovers of Freedom and the rights of man.

It was most deeply to be regretted that so great a disappointment awaited the eager multitude. They love their distinguished countryman, CARL SCHURZ, with the love of a Freeman for an illustrious Patriot in exile from the land of his birth for his love of liberty. But SCHURZ could not meet the appointment, and the enthusiastic demonstrations of welcome struggling for utterance in a thousand loyal German hearts were crushed back by the stern hand of disappointment.—Nowhere in all our broad land would CARL SCHURZ have met a warmer, heartier welcome and a prouder reception than here in Syracuse.

About half past seven, Dr. SOLGER, of Boston, who had been deputized to meet Mr. SCHURZ’ engagement, entered the Hall, escorted by SAMSEL’s Band, and accompanied by the officers of the evening and a throng of citizens.

Mr. BAUMGRAS called the meeting to order and nominated for President Mr. GEORGE SAUL, who was unanimously chosen.

Mr. HEIMLICH then nominated the following Vice Presidents and Secretaries, who were also appointed:

VICE PRESIDENTS—William Gehm, Gabriel Blumer, Charles Solomon, Joseph Swartz, Louis Yehling, Peter Jaeckel, John Oertel, Jacob Amos, William Ruebel, Jacob Schmeer, George Cook, John Steizer, Isaac Baum, George Mantel, Frederic Humbert, Aaron Weis, Jacob Keim, Peter Heineman, Jacob Luxinger, Joseph Mesmer.

SECRETARIES—John Scheuerman, Henry Tausend, B. Haberle, B. Bronner.

Cook’s New York Glee Club then sung one of their inspiriting [sic] songs, and Alvord’s Glee Club, of Marcellus, followed them with another merry ballad, both of which were received with enthusiastic applause.

Mr. Heimlich then read the following resolutions, which were adopted without a dissenting vote:

Resolved, That we will work with all zeal and energy for the election of Lincoln and Hamlin, Morgan and Campbell, because better men in regard to principles and character have never been presented to the people of the State of New York.

Resolved, That the Republican National Convention, held at Chicago, has in every respect fulfilled our wishes and our hopes.

Resolved, That the Union can only be preserved by the system of Free Labor, and the Republican party is the only conservative party, because Free Labor is its fundamental principle.

Resolved, That the Douglas Sovereignty doctrine has been annihilated by the Dred Scott decision, and is therefore nothing but a humbug.

Resolved, That we hope that the German citizens of the State of New York, like their brethren in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana, will join the Republican party en masse, and participate in the triumph of Freedom over Slavery.

The President, Mr. SAUL, addressed the meeting in a few words, alluding to the great expectations that had been raised among the Germans in respect to the visit of CARL SCHURZ, and urging his countrymen, notwithstanding the disappointment, to stand up valiantly for the noble cause they had adopted. He referred in eloquent terms to the triumphs of the Republicans in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, and expressed his honest convictions that ABRAHAM LINCOLN would be our next President.

He then introduced Dr. SOLGER, of Boston, who spoke for an hour or more, entering into an extended argument upon the question of slavery and its influence upon the laboring class in the Northern States.

He alluded at the commencement of his speech to his intimacy with CARL SCHURZ, not only in this country, but also in the old world, and expressed his sincere regret that he was not present to address them at this time.

He clearly established the position that the interests of the German population of the United States could only be promoted by an unyielding hostility to the encroachments of slavery. His speech was listened to with the most marked attention, and elicited repeated outbursts of applause.

Dr. SOLGER speaks with perfect fluency in English, and observing several Americans leaving the house, signified his willingness to speak in English; but as the meeting was called for Germans especially, it was thought best to conduct the proceedings wholly in that language.

At the conclusion of Dr. SOLGER’s speech, the President, Mr. SAUL, made a short but stirring speech, discussing, briefly, but with great force and ability, the questions of the Homestead bill, the Tariff and Fusion as affecting the interests of the German population. He showed the infatuation of those German Democrats who could be compelled to swallow the nauseous dose the Fusion leaders had prepared, when Mr. OTTENDORFER, one of the Electors on the first Douglas ticket, had been compelled to reject it with scorn. His remarks were loudly applauded, and when he had finished, three cheers were given for the Republican nominees, and the meeting adjourned to take part in the splendid display of Wide-Awakes that was going on in the streets.

[From the Syracuse Journal, 16 August 1870:]

German Sympathy with Prussia.
Mass Meeting of the Germans of Syracuse—
Speeches in German and English—Resolutions of Sympathy with Prussia, Etc. Etc.

Pursuant to a call for a meeting of the German residents of Syracuse, to give expression to their sympathies in regard to the Franco-Prussian war, Turn Hall was filled to repletion last evening. Upon the stage the American and German flags were interwoven, as evidence of the loyalty of that people to their adopted land while meeting to extend sympathy for Fatherland. Miller’s band was present, and before the meeting was called to order discoursed several national airs. Shortly after eight o’clock the assemblage was organized by John L. Roehner, esq., who, after some remarks in regard to the purposes for which the meeting was called, introduced the Liederkranz, who rendered a German National song in fine style. It was received with rapturous applause.

Mr. Roehner, then nominated as President of the evening, Theodore Dissel, esq. On taking the Chair, Mr. Dissel returned to his thanks for the compliment of having been selected to preside.

The following named gentlemen were, on motion, elected Vice-Presidents and Secretaries: —

Vice-Presidents—Rev. C. Soldan, Dr. G. Evers, Ald. Jacob Levi, Henry Woese; Gabriel Blumer, Henry Wenzlowsky, Dr. L. Elsner, C. F. Laas, Emanuel Hoffman, Xavier Zett, Ald [Alderman?]; Max Blust, Captain John Listman, Wm. Baumgrass, Jacob Samsel, sr., Henry C. Allewelt, Charles Simon, Jacob Amos, Antony Aman, General Gustavus Sniper, Major John Demong, A. Weis, Dr. M. Bausinger, Louis Hoffman, X. Spang, Max Schott, A. Miller, Joseph Wolfhart, John Schuermann, Henry Knobel, C. Altenbrand, Adam Zenkel, Conrad Mayer, Hubert Young, Francis Schotthoffer.

Secretaries—Joseph A. Hoffman, John Ziegler, Henri Bitter, jr., A. Brummel, Otto Weixelbaum.

The officers took seats upon the platform.

Prof. Alexander Fleischman was introduced and made a brief address. He said that though the Germans in this country were far away from the scene of conflict, yet they could help those who were fighting for liberty both by their sympathy and by their means. The contest he thought would be a long one, and whether or not such should be the case, much suffering was to follow the war. He alluded in fitting terms to the part which was taken in the late war on this continent by the Germans, and spoke of their loyalty to the cause of freedom and liberty. He felt encouraged by the victories which had been won against Napoleon, and trusted that they were but the beginning of what would end in triumphant success.

Calls were made for L. W. Hall, esq. He came forward and roused the meeting to the highest pitch of excitement. Though he could not address his hearers in their native tongue, he could speak words which all could understand and appreciate—freedom and liberty. He had with anxiety watched the changing scenes of the Old World. He remembered that but recently, he who is leading the French army promised that ere this would establish his headquarters at Berlin, but where is he to-day! He believed the Prussian flag was to be borne forward to final victory, and, if need be, that victory would be won at Paris itself. Mr. Hall was frequently interrupted by applause, showing that the sentiments he expressed as an American, found a ready lodgement in the hearts of every person in the audience.

On motion, Messrs. John L. Roehner, Benedict Haberle, George Schemel, John Yorkey and Otto Weiskotten were appointed a committee on resolutions.

The Rev. Bernard Pick, pastor of the German United Evangelical Church, responded to loud calls made for him in a very happy speech. He spoke at considerable length of European matters, and drew contrasts which full illustrated the position of affairs. He was frequently interrupted by outbursts of applause. He spoke at considerable length and to the entire satisfaction of the audience. He is a very pleasant speaker, and discussed his them in the most methodical manner.

Mr. Roehner then presented the report of the Committee on Resolutions, together with a few earnest remarks. The resolutions were as follows:--

Whereas, Napoleon III., the eternally perjured despot, the murderer of liberty, forever destroying the peace of Europe and the civilized world, declared, without just cause, war against the Kingdom of Prussia, with the expectation that Southern Germany would at once take up arms against Prussia, and with the intention of thus strengthening his already crumbling throne; to annex the provinces of the Rhine to his Empire, and nip rising German unity in the bud; therefore we hail with enthusiasm the fraternal and heroic alliance of all the Germans, who, at a moment’s call, stand ready with treasure and blood to defend the ever dear soil of Germany, and the Rhine, “so celebrated in song;” therefore,

Resolved, That we, the German citizens of Syracuse, will exert our moral influence in behalf of our German brethren over the ocean in their present struggle; and furthermore, to furnish material aid to the widows and orphans of the fallen braves.

Resolved, That this meeting form itself into a permanent organization, to remain as such during the war; and that every one is requested to agitate the cause, and to act in accordance with these resolutions.

Resolved, That the several German societies of Syracuse be requested, through their respective officers, to solicit voluntary contributions, at an early date, and the proceeds thereof to be deposited with Mr. C Freeoff, in North Salina street, who is to act as treasurer of this organization.

The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the meeting adjourned.

After the adjournment, the Liederkranz sang in most superb style, raising the pitch of excitement among the crowd still higher, the popular song in German, entitled


There swells a cry as thunders crash.
As clash of swords and breakers dash—
“To Rhine, to Rhine, to the German Rhine,
Who will protect thee, river mine?”
Dear Fatherland, left, let peace be thine,
Brave hearts and true defend the Rhine!

To millions swiftly came the cry,
And lightnings flashed from every eye;
Our youth so good and brave will stand
And guard thee—Holy Border Land.
Dear Fatherland, let peace be thine,
Brave hearts and true defend the Rhine!

And though my heart should beat no more,
No foreign foe will hold thy shore,
Rich, as in water is thy flood,
Is Germany in hero blood.
Dear Fatherland, let peace be thine,
Brave hearts and true defend the Rhine!

Uplooked he to the heaven’s blue
Where hero-dead our actions view;
He swore and proudly sought the strife—
“The Rhine is German as my life.”
Dear Fatherland, let peace be thine,
Brave hearts and true defend the Rhine!

[From the Syracuse Journal, 5 September 1870:]

The Franco-Prussian Conflict—
Meetings of Sympathisers with Each Army.

On Saturday evening two meetings were held in this city, for raising funds for the wounded in the Franco-Prussian struggle. They were both largely attended, though the weather was very unfavorable. The proceedings at each meeting were characterized by a degree of enthusiasm which clearly revealed the fact that there was a diversity of opinion in regard to the truthfulness of the dispatches published in the afternoon.

The Meeting of Sympathisers with the Prussians.

At an early hour Turn Hall was filled to repletion, and the excitement was at high pitch. Mr. Theodore Dissel, President of the Association of the Friends of German Unity, assumed the chair, and Joseph A. Hoffman and John Ziegler were appointed Secretaries. Addresses were made in German and English by Karl Eckerman, A. J. Northrup, Patrick Corbett, John Yorkey, Rev. B. Pick, John L. Roehner and others. The German singing societies, embracing the Leiderkranz [sic], Concordia and Turnverein, assembled on one side of the hall, and sang a fine song about “Fatherland” in thrilling style.

The President announced the following committee of twenty, who are authorized to make collections under the authority of the Society, the funds to be forwarded to Germany for the relief of the wounded and sick of the Prussian army, viz: —

Gustavus Sniper, Jos. A Hoffman, John Yorkey, Charles Simon, John Demong, Charles Witneben, Benedict Haberle, Wm. A. Rapp, Max Blust, Wm. Baumgras, Jacob Levi, Adam Weiss, Adam Schoen, Geo. Schemel, John L. Roehner, Gabriel Blumer, Valentine Kaiser, Ernest Steingrebe, Max. Schott and Jacob Mantel. To the above committee were added the Presidents of all the German societies, and notice was given of a meeting of the committee, for consultation, on Wednesday evening next, at Liederkranz Hall.

The speeches and singing stirred up the wildest enthusiasm, and it was a late hour when the meeting finally adjourned….

[From the Syracuse Courier, 9 September 1879:]

The Germans Aroused.
A Consultation Meeting Held at Turn Hall.

An invitation was extended to all Germans who considered that General Sniper was unfairly treated at the recent Republican County Convention held in this city last Saturday to assemble in Turn Hall last night. In response to this invitation, about two hundred Germans and soldiers assembled in the basement of Turn Hall last evening, to determine upon some course to be taken by them. Among those present were Colonel Walpole, General Sniper, Messrs. J. D. Ackerman and C. A. Weaver.

Mr. John Krotz was elected chairman of the meeting. Mr. Wieskotten as Secretary. He said they had come together for the purpose of taking some policy to be carried out by the German’s [sic] on account of their ill treatment at the hands of the Republican convention.

The next speaker, Gen. Sniper, said that the meeting of Republican Germans and soldiers was for the purpose of consultation. He hoped the people would consult among themselves and determine on some course to be pursued.

Mr. Samuel R. Stern said that it was for the Germans to say what course they should take. They had come here to further the interests of General Sniper. The course the party should pursue should consider the interest of Col. Sniper before that of the Republican party. The Germans had asked for the first time for a political office last Saturday, and they had been refused. That there is one request asked for to night and that is at least respect for the German element. When the Germans asked for an office for one who stood foremost in the ranks of the defenders of his country in the rebellion he was snubbed by the Republicans. They intend to show the Republicans as well as the Democrats what they could do without the aid of the Germans. In closing he moved that a committee be selected from each ward, to learn the feeling generally and procure the election if possible of General Sniper.

Colonel Wapole said that the Republican convention had wronged the companion of his war days and that he proposed to stand by that friend until he was righted.

Mr. Wheeler made a few stiring [sic] remarks in favor of General Sniper.

The following committee was then named to carry out the motion made by Mr. S. Stern:

First ward—George Grumbach, William Gehm, Peter Klinck.

Second ward—J. Daniel Ackerman, James Walier, Thomas Saile.

Third ward—Frank Lang, Peter Kratz, Leopold Joh.

Fourth ward—John Koke, N. Grumbach, H. Ackerman.

Fifth ward—Anthony Christ, August Schwingler, H. Bernhardt.

Sixth ward—Charles Stroh, William Merier, Christian Cook.

Seventh ward—Henry Knoble, Samuel R. Stern, Captain M. Auer.

Eighth ward—Christ. Green, Henry Fusinger, William Newman.

Dr. Doane was called for. He remarked that he always went where soldiers went, and he had come there on that account. If the Germans, by this move, would break up the chicanery and robbing that is carried on in our conventions, that he, for one, would thank them. He counseled calmness and decision, believing that the people want General Sniper as their candidate, and that if he was nominated he would be elected. If the Germans put General Sniper before the people, he would [missing] till the sun goes down.

The Republican party promised to support the soldier, and he was ashamed of the party who put out a gallant defender of his country and put in one who was not naturalized when the war broke out.

Mr. Stern said that the committee when it was through its work would give out a call for a mass meeting.

A German substituted the name of Mr. Orr, in place of Jacob Blumer. He also spoke in German, endorsing General Sniper.

Mr. Stern said that as the meeting had accomplished its object he moved they adjourn.

Mr. Weis moved before they adjourn a vote of thanks be tendered to Mayor Vann and Messrs. Weaver and Wells. The meeting then adjourned subject to the call of the committee.

[From the Syracuse Journal, 9 September 1879:]

German Grievances.
Expression Given to Them Last Evening—
What was Said and Done at Turn Hall.

A notice appeared in the columns of one of our contemporaries to the effect that a meeting of German citizens would be held last evening, to take some action in regard to the failure of the Republican Convention to nominate General Sniper for the office of County Clerk.

We are informed that the publication of any such notice was entirely unauthorized, and that the only object of the Germans last evening was to request the presence of a few friends of General Sniper from each ward of the city, to have a social talk and conference upon the advisability of taking further action.

It was soon noised and bruited about that a mass or indignation meeting would be held, and the lower room of Turn Hall was crowded by Germans and Americans, friends of General Sniper.

This did not, however, interfere with the original plan, and an organization was perfected by J. Daniel Ackerman nominating John Kratz for chairman.

On motion of Adam Klink, W. Otto Weiskotten was elected secretary.

Inquiries being made as to whether Mr. von Landberg and others had been invited, it was stated that he and others had been asked informally to attend a consultation, which was not expected to result in a meeting of such proportions.

Mr. Weiskotten and Assessor Jacob Schwartz repeated in German what had been said.

Mr. Samuel R. Stern further stated the object of the meeting, saying that some action was necessary on the part of the Germans. They had become an important factor in politics, and should be recognized and treated with respect. He was not in favor of taking any measures which would result disastrously to the Republican party, to the German people or to General Sniper. They had presented Mr. Sniper as a candidate because they knew nothing could be urged against him; he was a faithful officer whenever called upon to assume a position; his competency was not denied and his military record lent additional strength to his name. The Germans had never since the organization of the Republican party been represented in the county ticket, and when they asked the nomination of such a man as General Sniper, their faithfulness at all times to the Republican party should have been rewarded by his nomination. Calm and deliberate action in the interests of both General Sniper and the German people was necessary. Revolting or bolting should be discountenanced until the necessity for it was evident; but measures should be taken to obtain a recognition of the rights of the German people and of General Sniper.

To further this purpose he moved that a committee of two from each ward be appointed as a consultation committee, with power to act as they deem best.

Amendments were suggested by J. D. Ackerman and Jacob Schmeer, which were incorporated in the motion, making the number three from each ward.

While the committee was being formed loud calls were made for Col. Walpole. He responded by saying that he was ever present when a soldier needed his aid, when a wrong was to be righted. He thought General Sniper had been wronged and through him the Germans.

County Treasurer Weaver was then called for and stated that General Sniper had no truer friend than he during the late canvass; he did all that one man could do for him, and he thought he ought to be considered a friend. He believed a committee should be appointed, and that a fair consultation be had. Nothing could be gained by open revolt or by an independent nomination. He counseled deliberate action, and action in the interest of the Republican party.

Dr. Doane, after repeated calls, announced his allegiance to the cause of the soldier at all times, and when, as now, he believed a wrong had been done a man and the people he represented, they would find him ever ready to resist such wrong.

The following committee was then announced:

First Ward—George Grumbach, William Gehm, Peter Klinck.

Second Ward—J. D. Ackerman, Joseph Walier, Thomas Saile.

Third Ward—Frank Lang, Peter Kratz, Leopold Joh.

Fourth Ward—John Kohl, N. Grumbach, H. Ackerman.

Fifth Ward—Anthony Chryst, Auugust Schwingler, H. Bierhardt.

Sixth Ward—Chas. Stroh, Wm. Meir, Christian Cook.

Seventh Ward—Henry Knobel, Samuel R. Stern, Capt. M. Auer.

Eighth Ward—Christian Green, Henry Fiesinger, Wm. Newman.

Further remarks were made by Messrs. Stern and Knoleb [sic; Knoble], when a vote of thanks was unanimously given to Mayor Vann, and Messrs. Weaver and Wells and to all who assisted Gen. Sniper, for their generous support of him.

The meeting then adjourned.

The committee appointed at the meeting at Turn Hall last evening, is requested to meet at the same place this evening at 7-1/2 o’clock.

[From the Rochester Democrat (Saturday), republished in the Syracuse Journal on 28 March 1881. The train would have passed through (and perhaps stopped in) Syracuse:]

The heaviest emigrant train that has passed over the Central road in fourteen years pulled into the Central depot yesterday. There were eighteen cars full, and with the exception of about twenty Swedes, all were German, not one of whom could speak a word of English. Emigrant agent Tuepert had his hands full for a time, separating them and placing them on their proper trains. A majority of them took the direct road for Buffalo, a number were bound for Niagara Falls, and a few took the State Line route for the west.

[From the Syracuse Evening Herald, 16 May 1893, page 3:]

In a Flourishing Condition.
Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of Syracuse Turn Verein Last Night.

The Syracuse Turn Verein celebrated their thirty-ninth anniversary at Turn hall last night. President A. V. Altmann opened the meeting with a speech, and was followed by other leading members. The president reported that there are now two hundred members, and the organization was flourishing. Extensive repairs are to be made in the garden to make it a pleasant summer resort. The upper hall will have a new gallery. The officers for the year are: President, A. V. Altmann; vice-president, H. F. Dierkes; corresponding secretary, George Bausch; recording secrteary, [sic] H. Huber; treasurer, William Dopffel; finance secretary, William Fahrenwald, and the instructor of the gymnasium, Carl Grosse.

[From the Syracuse Evening Herald, 13 February 1896:]

German Masquerade -- Annual Event of the Turn Verein.
Unique and Grotesque Costumes, [illegible] on Municipal Politics, Government Policies and Individual Foibles—A Gay Assemblage and a Jolly Time.

The annual masquerade of the Syracuse Turn Verein, held last evening in Turn hall, was a most successful affair, hundreds of people being in attendance. Owing to the number of projects which the society has on hand for the coming months, the members did not attempt to make the event so elaborate as in former years, the gathering being more in line of a sociable. The hall had been prettily trimmed for the occasion by Carl Grosse, the instructor of the gymnasium classes. Long strings of masks and flags were suspended from the chandelier in the center of the hall to the corners of the room. Evergreen trees trimmed with lanterns were placed between the windows, and the front of the stage was filled with evergreens and potted plants, obscuring from view Drescher’s orchestra, which furnished the music.

The people began arriving early in the evening, and long before the orchestra struck up the strains for the grand march the floor was filled with jolly masqueraders. There could be seen on the floor Indians, negroes, Turks, butterflies, Spanish troubadours, the new woman, fairy girls and various other make ups.

Prominent business men were among the throng, and so well were they disguised that but few of their most intimate friends were able to make them out. So good were the make ups in two instances that even wives were unable to recognize their husbands, since they had not been let in the secret beforehand. “Bart” Smith, Henry Steingrebe, Frank W. Traugott and Antone Weiler were dressed to represent the “advertising sandwiches” which walk about the city. “Bart” Smith carried on his back a sign “For sale: franchises cheap. Inquire City Hall,” and Frank Traugott said that he wanted to help out Doctor Saxer. The sign he carried read “Wanted, school desks. Inquire Board of Education.”

The most catchy costumes on the floor were those of Mr. and Mrs. John Mandel. Mr. Mandel was attired as as a traveling minstrel and his wife represented a Highlander. The most gorgeous costumes were those worn by Emil Hildebrant and Miss Rose Sorgen, who accompanied him. He was arrayed as a Spanish troubadour in a yellow silk suit, with a flowing robe, and Miss Sorgen as a butterfly, her costume being of yellow and pink with white wings.

Jolly Lot of Indians.

The Indians, consisting of George Boysen, Jacob Ochsner, John Steimler and Charles Young created considerable merriment by running about the room performing war dances, shouting and shooting toy pistols. They made matters lively while the dancers were masked. William Wendler is a believer in the Monroe doctrine. He represented Uncle Sam, and on his hat band had inscribed “Monroe Doctrine,” and on his coat sleeves “Patriotism” and “Defense.”

Frank Ruprecht represented the new woman and “fooled” many people as to his sex, until after he had unmasked. Another deceptive costume was that of “Bert” Hopstein, who appeared as a young girl. He was the admired of the young men present.

While masqueraders were dancing on the floor well-known citizens, who were not disguised, could be seen standing about the edge of the room. At one time Frank B. Haberle, “Fred” Group and Adam Klink were found in a corner discussing Sixteenth ward politics with some of their neighbors and giving their opinions on the ball. Among those present last night were:

Some Dancers and Spectators.

Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Altmann.

Misses Anna Arnold, Hilda Aman, Laura Aman.

Mr. William Altmann.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown.

Miss Pauline Bitter.

Mr. Henry Bartsch.

Misses Lizzie Fichter, Frances Feickels.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Gries, Joseph Gloger[?].

Misses Bertha Goetz, Gussie Goetz, Minnie Goetz.

Messrs. James Gilroy, Adam Group, Fred Group, William Goetz, William Genzel.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopstein.

Misses Anna Hopstein, Bertha Henry.

Messrs. Charles Hoffman, Matt Hopstein, Bert Hopstein, Jacob House.

Mr. and Mrs. William Kopfel, William Klink, Henry Kopfel.

Misses Theresa Kohles, Barbara Kohles, Josie Knaus, Mary Knaus, Alice Klink, Ida Kohl.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marte[?], Nicholas Mickel.

Misses Tina Mickel, Addie Meyer, Anna Miller.

Messrs. Fred Mesner [Mesmer?], John Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Henri Bitter.

Misses Jessie Richards, Ida Richards, Mamie Root, Lena Rosberg.

Mr. William Richardson.

[From the Syracuse Post-Standard, 2 January 1901, page 6:]

Turn Verein Pupils Have an Entertainment
Supper Served and Christmas Presents Distributed.

The pupils of the Turn Verein gymnasium between the ages of 5 and 12 years were tendered an entertainment at Turn Hall by the School Committee of the Turners. The programme opened with an overture “Etelha” by Altmann’s Orchestra. This was followed by a recitation entitled “The Polish Boy,” which was delivered by Miss Hilda Kuntz [Kantz?]. Two interesting recitations, “The Mosquito’s Parade” and “Tom’s Little Saw,” were delivered by Miss Ada Ripel. A vocal solo, “Tell Me, Coribella,” with violin, mandolin and zither accompaniment, was rendered by Miss Ada Pipel and George Lizella. The feature of the entertainment was the London Royal Marionettes, operated by Allison Knee.

After the entertainment supper was served to about 150 and Christmas presents consisting of bags of candy, nuts and fruits were distributed among the children. The entertainment was a private affair for members and those directly interested in the organization. The young women’s class and the Turners danced late in the evening. The committee in charge consisted of J. P. Pinzer, Henry Waack [?], Dr. F. W. Van Lengen, Anton V. Altmann and Robert Mitschke.

[From the Syracuse Post-Standard, 9 June 1908:]

Come Back to Germany;
Call Heard in Syracuse

It is said that at the big turnfest to be held at Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, from July 18 to 23 this year, the largest representation from any American city will be sent by the natives of Germany in Syracuse.

Those who will wear the colors of the Saltine city in their native land on this big occasion are as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Traugott, Carl Grosse, Anton Weiler, Mrs. Weiler and son, Fred Marty and Mrs. Marty, Fred Jaeckel, jr., Otto Kempf, Edward Schmidt, Louis Miller, F. H. Haberle, Dr. F. J. Kaufman and Mrs. Kaufman, Fred Sembach, Rudolph Herzog, Otto Lies, George Wagner, Otto Ziltner, P. Latterner, Abraham Group, Carl Zahm, Charles Kessler, Mrs. Raimond Grathwohl and Mrs. J. Gilcher.

Mr. and Mrs. Traugott will be the first to leave, sailing on June 20 on account of that date being their wedding anniversary.

[From the Syracuse Post-Standard, 13 July 1910, page 7:]

A. V. Altmann Sails To-Day on His Eighth Trip Abroad
Well-known North Side Man to Visit Germany, France and Switzerland, Returning in September—Entertains Friends Before Leaving.

Former Police Commissioner A. V. Altmann left last night for New York in company with former Commissioner of Public Safety Charles Listman. The latter has business in the metropolis, but will be at the dock to-day to see Mr. Altmann off for Europe, where he is to spend the remainder of the summer, returning to Syracuse in September.

Mr. Altmann was born in Germany and takes pleasure in visiting the Fatherland as often as possible, this being his eighth trip across the Atlantic since he became a resident of Syracuse.

Before his departure, Mr. Altmann entertained at morning and afternoon session a number of his friends, champagne punch being the farewell drink to the many toasts proposed for the host.

In the morning Mr. Altmann entertained former Superintendent of Streets Jacob Knapp, Charles Umbrecht, Frank Adams, Edward Campbell of Milwaukee, William Schmidt, Chester W. Young, Joseph Thalman, Anton Amann, George Schilley, Louis Kraft, George Schieder, sr., and William Dopffel.

Among those at the afternoon session were William J. McClusky, John Coughlin, Joseph Walier, James McDermott, Emil Kretsch, Joseph Schauer, Charles Markert, Frank Meiers, Charles Listman, J. Stubbs of Cincinnati, Adam Metzger and Norman Halroyd.

Mr. Altmann will spend some of the time in France and Switzerland.

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