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Geschichte der Deutschen in Syracuse und Onondaga County
Nebst Kurzen Biographien
von Beamten und Hervorragenden Buergern

Index der Anzeigen

[Index of Advertisements; pages 303-304]

This is my own compiled index of all names that appear in all the advertisements in the book; it is more extensive than (and inclusive of) the "Index der Anzeigen" which appears on pages 303-304 of the book.

For a view of some actual advertisement pages, click here.

Name, page number:

Abbott, William E., ad with photo of bank, 8
Adamant Manufacturing Co. of America, 152
Adams, C. F., Company, 34
Altmann, A. V., ad with photo, 58
Amos, Jacob/Jakob, 12, 22, 44, 66
Armbruster, Jacob, ad with photo, 299
Bacon, Chappell & Co., 72
(Foote,) Bailey & Sackett, 170
Baldwin, A. R., 12
Bank of Syracuse, 6
Barber Brothers (Chas. E. and Thos. J.), 158
Barker, Frederick W., 30
Barnes, George M., ad with photo of bank, 8; 22
Barnes, James, 18
Barnes, Jas., 18
Bartels’ Brewing Company, 56
Bartholme, Gustav, Florist, 148
Bausch, Geo., 166
(Dotterer and) Becker, 26
Beebe, Wm., 26
Belden, James. J., 30
Biel Brothers, 54
Biel, Carl, 54
Biel, Hermann, 54
Blust, Chas., 12
Bonta, F. M., 20
Bonta, Geo. L., 30
Bonta, Rasselas A., ad with photo of bank, 8; 30
Boston Shoe Store, 70
Bridgman, Charles A., 24
Briggs, G. D., 62
Brown, Clarence G., 22
Buffalo German Insurance Company, ad with photo of building, 286
Burns, W. B., 24
Buschle, G., 158
Butternut Pharmacy, ad with photo, 272
Carrier, James, 68
Central City Umbrella & Parasol Factory, 50
(Bacon,) Chappell, & Co., 72
Chase and Smith Co., 68
Chase, Austin C., 12
Clancy, J. R., 54
Clark, Charles P., 6, 12
Clasen, August, 54
Cogswell, W. B., 20
Commercial Bank, 22
Countryman, D. J., 272
Crystal Spring Brewing Co., ad with drawing of building, 48
Curtiss Fine Photography, 70
Curtiss, N. S., 70
Dana, Geo. E., 18
Davis, W. A., 166
Dawson, Edward S., ad with photo of bank, 8
Dey Brothers & Co., ad with drawing of building, 6
Dey, Robert, 20
Dickinson, E., 54
Dickinson, E. D., 12
Dissel, Alexander, 284
Dissel, Theodore, 284
Dissel, Theodore, & Co., 284
Doheny, George, 12
Dopffel, William, ad with photo of building, 286; 287
Dopffel & Wittneben, ad with photo of building, 286; 287
Dotterer and Becker, 26
Drescher, P., 68
Duell, Charles H., ad with photo of bank, 8
Dunn, John Jr., 6, 12
Dunning, William D., ad with photo of bank, 8; 30
Ebeling, F. H., 38
Ebner, C. F., 26
Eckel & Engel, 74
Eddy, F. C., 6
Eddy, Fred C., 6
Elsaesser, J., 38
Empire Steam Bakery (Grassmann Brothers), ad with photos, 288
(Eckel &) Engel, 74
Equitable Life Assurance Society, 282
European Hotel, ad with photo, 62
Foote, Bailey & Sackett, 170
Franker & Matson, 192
(Klein and) Franz, 58
Frazer & Jones Co., 138
Frey’s Art Gallery, ad, 70; correction to ad, 300
Frick Bros.’ Machine Works, 282
Frick, Edward P., 282
Frick, Geo. W., 282
Geiger, F. X., 270
Gere, Robert, Bank, 30
Gere, W. H. H., 30
Germania Life Insurance Company of New York City, 287
Germania Park, 60
Gilcher Building, 58
Gleason, Orson C., 44
Goettel, Andrew, 166
Goettel’s Military and Concert Band, 166
Graff, John, 284
Grassman Building, ad with photo, 288
Grassmann Brothers, ad with photos, 288
Grassmann, Christian, ad with photo, 284
Grassmann, Geo. W., 288
Grassmann, Jacob, Jr., 288
Grassmann, Jacob, Sr., ad with photo, 288
Green, Douglas N., 32
(Millspaugh &) Green, 32
(White &) Greenland General Insurance, ad with photo, 272
Gridley, F. W., 20, 26
Grillenberger, Joh. Michael, ad with photo, 272
Groesbeck, Leonard H., 44
Grubert, H. E. & Co., 148
Haas, Joseph, ad with photo, 288
Haberle Brewing Co., ad with drawing of brewery, 48
Hahn, Wm., 26
Hanchett, M. W., 30
Hazard, F. R., 22
Hemingway, H. C., 6
Hemmer, Anton, 74
Hemmer, Michael, 26
Hendricks, Francis, 12, 18
Henninger, N., 58
(N.) Henninger’s Schleiferei, 58
Hessler, Hollister E., 68
Heyne, Gustav A., 32
Hier, Geo. P., 24
Hiscock, A. K., 18
Hiscock, Frank, 12, 18
Hiscock, Frank H., 18
Hofmann, M & A, 70
Holden, Hendrick S., 22
Holloway, Geo. W., ad with photo, 138
House, L., & Sons, 148
Howlett, Alfred A., 12, 20
Hubbard, Charles, 12, 20
Humbert, Albert, 38
Humbert, Edward, 38
Humbert, F., 38
Humbert, F., & Sons, ad with drawing of building, 38
Humbert, John, 38
Hyde, Salem, ad with photo of bank, 8
Jacoby, W. H., 26
Jones, Dr., 62
Jones, Richard W., 12
Joy, Edward, 12, 22
Juhl, John W., ad with photo, 282
Kaufmann, John S., 6
Keefe, John J., 26
Kennedy, George N., 24
Kent, George B., ad with photo of bank, 8
King, John L., 20
Klein and Franz, 58
Klein’s Arctic Soda Water, 192
Klink, W. T. & A., 42
Knapp, Martin A., 30
Knaus, Charles, ad with photo, 138
Kotz, Emil M., 74
Kuntz, I. J., 158
(Wolf &) Kurtz, 166
Lacy, Henry, 44
Lacy, Lucius G., 44
Lamb, Anthony, 22
Leach, T. J., 20
Leonard, George B., 20
Lewis, A. F., 12
Listman, Charles, 46
Listman, Philipp, 134
Lomax, E. L., 54
Loos, J., 170
Mason, A. L., 26
(Franker &) Matson, 192
McCall, John A., 116, 284
McCarthy, D., & Co., 34
McCarthy, David K., 44
McGuire (James K.) & McKeough (George F.), 158
Meads, Prof. C. P., ad with photo, 192
Meistering, G. F. E., 116
Merchant’s National Bank, 24
Merriam, Thos., 24
Merrick, Asa, 26
Mertens, J. M., & Co., 284
Miller & Taber, 68
Millspaugh & Green, 32
Millspaugh, Edward J., 32
Mirbach, Wm., ad with photo, 28
Mirbach’s Home Laundry, 28, 52
Molloy, Thomas, ad with photo of bank, 8; 18, 44
Moosbrugger, E., 192
Mowry, Henry J., 12
Muench, Wm., 34
Muench’s Pharmacy, 34
Muhlhauser, J., 44
Munro, David Allen, 20
Munro, Isaac H., 20
Murphy, Michael, 26
Murphy, Patrick, 26
Nettleton, A. E., 6
New York Life Insurance Co., 116, 284
New York State Banking Company, 30
Nitsch, Fred, 26
Niver, Wm. K., 44, 62, 66
Niver, Wm. K. & Co., 62
North Side Pharmacy, 272
Northrup, A. J., 12
Nottingham, William, 22
Onondaga County Savings Bank, ad with photo of bank, 8
Oot, G.W.R., 152
Ormsbee, H. J., Engraving Co., ad with photo, 270
Orth, G., 54
Ostrander, Homer A., News Room, 134
Palmer, Alva W., ad with photo of bank, 8
Palmer, Anson N., ad with photo of bank, 8
Paragon Plaster Co., 66
Passage, H. L., 26
Peck, W. S., & Co., 44
Peck, Wilber S., 6, 44
People’s Tea Store, 272
Peters, Nicholas, 12
Plumb, E. R., 24
Plumb, H. W., 24
Poole, Theodore L., 6
Powell, Edward A., ad with photo of bank, 8
Price, Milton S., ad with photo, 272
Rapp, Gustav A., ad with photo, 152
Rauch Furniture Store, 192
Rausch, John F., 32
Rech Brothers, 58
Rech, Jacob, 58
Rech, Peter, 58
Reeve, C. A., & Co., 28
Renk, Fred, ad with photo, 248
Robert Gere Bank, 30
Rochester German Insurance Company, 287
Rose, Clinton T., ad with photo of bank, 8
Rosenbloom, Daniel, 22
Ross, B. M., 26
Rowling, Henry M., ad with photo of bank, 8
Ryan, M., & Son, Undertakers, 170
Ryan, Thomas (Capt.), 24
(Foote, Bailey &) Sackett, 170
Salt Springs National Bank, 20
Sawmiller, Ignatius, 64
Schafer, Charles A., 44
Schafer, G. F., ad with photo, 152
Scheninger, J. A., & Bro., 54
Schetter, John, ad with photo, 62
Schiller’s Bakery, 170
Schug, Charles, 26
Schug, Charles & Sons, ad with photo, 158
Schwarz, Adolph Hermann, ad with photo of bank, 8
Seiter, Eduard J., ad with photo, 52
Seiter, Frank J., ad with photo, 52
Seiter’s, ad with photos, 52
Single, John, Paper Co., Ltd., 148
Slevin, A. W., 34
Smart, A. M., 50
(Chase and) Smith Co., high-grade pianos, 68
Smith, F. A., 158
Smith, Geo. A., 288
Smith, L. C., 6
Smith, Lyman C., 6
Smith, W. L., 6
Smith, W. J., 170, 272
Smith, Wing R., 12, 20
(Winter and) Smith, Clothiers and Tailors, 10
Sniper, Joseph W., 60
Snow, C. W., & Co., 32
Snow, Charles W., ad with photo of bank, 8;
Squier, W. K., 66
Standard Sewing Machine Company, 50
Stansfield, Wm. H., 20
State Bank of Syracuse, 18
Stone, Charles L., ad with photo of bank, 8
Surbeck, J. C., 166
Syracuse Cold Storage and Warehouse Co., 72
Syracuse Corner Block and Square Turning Factory, 134
Syracuse Savings Bank, 12
(Miller &) Tabor, 68
Tenbroeck, R., 54
Terlinden, Frederick/Friedrich, ad with photo, 34
Third National Bank, 44
Tracy, Wm. G., 24
Traugott, F. W., 36
Trocadero Music Hall, 74
True, R. B., & Company, 282
Trust and Deposit Co. of Onondaga, 18
Turk, Chas. L., 74
Underwood, Chas. K., 44
Union Loan Association, 72
Union Pacific Railroad, 54
Warner, Charles M., 22, 44
Warner, William H., ad with photo of bank, 8; 24
Weiler, A., 54
Weinheimer, H., and Co., 58
Weinheimer, Henry, 58
Weinheimer, Henry, Jr., 58
Wenz, F. C., & Co., 44
West, E. Kirby, 22
White & Greenland, General Insurance, ad with photo, 272
White, Hamilton S., 12, 22
Will, Louis, 22
Williams, J. G., 38
Winter and Smith, Clothiers and Tailors, 10
(Dopffel &) Wittneben, ad with photo of building, 286; 287
Wolf & Kurtz, 166
Wood, G. A., 18
Yäckel, Adam, ad with photo, 272
Yates, A. C., 284
Young, Adam, ad with photo, 28
Young, E., & Son, 62
Younger, Philip, 26
Zett, Georg, ad with photo of brewery, 56
Ziegler’s, C. W., 70
Zimmerman, Chas. E., 134
Zinsmeister (John), 40

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