NOTES taken from a handwritten TRANSCRIPT (author unknown—Sally
of Records of DEATHS and BURIALS occurring on DRUMMOND
ISLAND, MICHIGAN, during the years 1912 – 1944 in THREE VOLUMES
The following compilation by M. Stone [2010] is made from photocopies
given to her by Judy Melvin, Sexton, Drummond Island Township Cemetery, of a
handwritten collection of extracts from death/burial records held in Sault Ste.
Marie, Michigan supposedly covering the deaths that occurred on Drummond
Island, year by year.
Book 1: 1912 through 1919 (Feb.)
Book 2: 1919 (Feb. con’t.) through 1930 (July)
Book 3: 1930 (July con’t.) through 1944
M. Stone has standardized the format, with her own editorial
comments appearing in brackets. [ ]
[page 111]
Keep in mind spelling variations included in the following
index. Different registrars spelled the name of one person in different ways,
so spelling variations do not necessarily indicate people variations.
Behind the index is a separate list of medical people;
midwives, and registrars.
I have not attempted to index “informants”, but in some
cases they are informative and should be checked.
Causes of death sometimes follow patterns which may also be
[page 112]
Name Pg.
Adams, James 23
Adams, Walter S. 23
Aho, Andrew 44
[Aho, Henry] [44]
Aldrick, Mary Ann 100
Aleck, Julia 11
Alto, Mathew 86
Anderson, Agnes 29
Anderson, Annie 10
Anderson, Baby 51
Anderson, Donald Henry 73
Anderson, Dorothy Edith 43
Anderson, Eileen Glyde 20
Anderson, Elizabeth 39
Anderson, Henry 83, 88
Anderson, James 43, 51
[Anderson, James Henry] [39]
Anderson, Lucinda 11
Anderson, Mark 73
Anderson, Mary 39
Anderson, William 20
Andrews, Agnes 68
Andrews, Frank 29
Andrews, Otto 68
Anvinen, Matilda 23
Arkman, Kate 90
Aslin, Edward 59
Aslin, Rosanna 51
Bailey, Alda 92
Bailey, Blaine, Jr. 25
Bailey, Blaine, Sr. 25, 38
Bailey, Blanch 50
Bailey, Cornelia 1
[page 113]
Bailey, Earle E. 49
Bailey, Frances 33, 92, 93
Bailey, George Warren 64
Bailey, Ivan 38
Bailey, Jean 38
Bailey, Jewell [or Jewel] Edgerton 53
Bailey, Juanita Clare [or Clair] 88
Bailey, Marshall 8
Bailey, Nina 86
Bailey, Opal Edna 49
Bailey, Theodore Pershing 49
Bailey, Warren 8
Bailey, Warren E. 49, 53
Bailey, William 64
Bailey, William A. 72
Ball, Anna 57
Balo, Jennie 27A [or
Benito [or Benita], Matilda 26
[Bennett, Matilda] [19]
Bergage, Angeline 11
Beswick, Josephine [Adelaide] 75, 91
Beswick, William 91
Bethel, Maud 46
Blackwood, John 1
Blackwood, Marion 89
Bodwin, Elizabeth 69
Bousha, Baby 69
Bousha, William 69
Brock, Eupheme/Pheme 4, 9, 47
Brock, John 60
Brock, Robert 31
Brock, Wellington 31, 60
[page 114]
Bully, Andrew 11
Bully [or Bulley?], John 11, 50
Bully [or Bulley?], John Jr 50
Bully, Margaret 50
Buska [or Busha], Ellen 46
Buska [or Busha], Wm. 46
Bushey [or Bushay or Bousha],
Josephine Darina [or Dorina] 27
Bushey [or Bushay or Bousha],
William 27
Cadotte, Isaac 62, 68
Cadotte, Lucy 61
Cadotte, Mary 41
Cadotte, Mary Jane 12
Camburn, Clare E. 103
Camburn, Marion 103
Camburn, Norman 103
Campbell, Alexander 80
Campbell, Archibald 80
Campbell, Mary 80
Carlson, Johanna 101
Carrier, Ryland 99
Castle, Charles E. 104
Castle, Harry J. 104
Church, Adeline 78
Church, Jesse Wells 67
Church, Mary 67
Church, Rosalie LaSage 67
Chycuiski [Chycinski?], Joe 33
Chycusski [Chycinski?], John 33
Cloudman, Alfred 2
Cloudman, Frances Amelia 72
Cloudman, James 33, 72, 92,
93, 105
Cloudman, James Alfred 2
[page 115]
Cloudman, Lewis [Wilson] 92
Cloudman, Lewis Nelson [Wilson] 105
Cloudman, Warren Bailey 33
Cloudman, William A. 93
Danielson, Arvid 27
Danielson, Eva Caroline 98
Danielson, Paul 27, 98
Desmond, Eliza 63, 71
Desmond, Louis Joseph 71
Desmond, William 71
Dick, James 85
Dick, Margaret [J.] 85
Dollair [Dallair], Alfred 37
Dollair [Dallair], Joseph 37
Ebason, Sarah 87
Ebbits [or Ebbit], Sarah 84
Edgerton, Cornelia 8, 64
Edgerton, Newell 1
Erk, Henrika 94
Erkilla, Minnie 35
Eskelin [or Eskilliin], Otto 27A
Eskelin [or Eskilliin], William 27A
Fairchild, Arden E. 13
Fairchild, Fern 106
Fairchild, Myrtle S. 53
Fairchild, Vincent Elliot[t?] 13
Field, Harriet 40
Fisher, Fredrick Charles 34
Fisher, Henry W. 34
Fisher, John Crocker, Jr. 107
Fisher, John Crocker, Sr. 107
Fisher, Ruth Campbell 107
[page 116]
Flowers, Mr. 74
Flowers, Anna 15
Flowers, Carrie 77, 108
Forman, Mr. 20
Forman, Ida 20
Frederickson, Mr. 98
Fuller, Samuel R. 102
Gable, Alice F. 110
Gable, Daniel S. 110
Gable, Edward R. 110
Gable, Edwin Ray 88
Gable, Ivan Pearce 88
George, Elizabeth 14
Gilbert, Sara 32
Glenn, Jacob Robert 68
Glenn, Mary 68
Goveau [or Gaveau], Geo. 48
Goveau [or Gaveau], Louise 48
Gow, Geo. Forrest 45
Gow, Wm. 45
Graham, Anna B. 85
Graham, David 85
Graham, Erma 79
Graham, Grace 57, 61
Graham, Isabelle 73
Grandy, Elizabeth [Betsy] 17, 56, 58, 94
Gray, Margaret 1
Griffin, Lucille 1
Griffin, William 55
Grondin [or Grandin], Blanch 54
Grondin [or Grandin], Eva 69, 70
Gustafsson, Gustof 72
[page 117]
Note: Hettie & Harriet Hartwell are the same person.
Gustafsson, Matt 72
Guyton, Edward 39
Guyton, Mathew 39
Hallia, Victor 40
Hamilton, Baby 57
Hamilton, Baby 61
Hamilton, George 57, 61
Hamilton, Jeanine 1
Hancock, Lucy 55
Harrison, Ada Beth [Belle] 45
Harrison, Emil 63,
76, 89
Harrison, Mathilda Katie 63
Harrison, Jeus [Teuvo?
Leuvo?] Edwin 76
Hartwell, Ben Joseph 90
Hartwell, Harriet 110
Hartwell, Hettie [or Hattie] 83, 90, 97
Haynes, Emily J. 22
Heffer, Mary 103
Heinonen, Hanna 107
Heinonen, Karl 107
[Henriki, Miss] [108]
Hilden, Victor 92
Hill, Betsy L. 64, 72
Hill, Matt 74
Hill, Uno 74
Hooper, David 106
Hooper, Donna Lee 106
Horn, Lydia 2
House, Olive Lydia 23
Hudson, Mary 105
Huttinen, John Wm. 5
Huttinen, Tobias 5
Jack, Joe 12
[page 118]
Jakipin [Jakipir?], Henry 52
James [Janes? Jones?], Edward 87
Jarvinen, Chas 86
Jarvinen, Euphajayym 86
Johnson, Mr. 109
Johnson, Sofia 75
Johnstone, Estella P. 56
Johnstone, Freeda 46
Johnstone, Wm. M. 56
[Jones, Edward] [87]
Kainiato [Kainisto?], Alma 3
Kangas, Sanna 40
Kankus [Kangas?],
Vassma [Vusema?] 44
Karbonen, Andrew 63
Karbonen, Mathilda 63
Karppinen, Kristina 41
Kansici, Riita [or Karsici, Riitta] 5
Karvonen, August 104
Karvonen, Daniel 32
Karvonen, Mathilda [or Matilde] 76
Karbela [or Koskela],
Hilma Marie [or Maria] 41
Key [or Kay?], Helen 18
Keetan, Mary 39
Kelaninen, Jacob 41
Kemp, Andrew 52
Kemp, Andrew J. 52
Kemp, Mary 13
Kennedy, William Jr. 54
Kennedy, William Sr. 54
Kerr, Helen Rose 30
Kerr, Rose Margaret 30
Kerr, Wm. J. 30
[page 119]
Note: There may or may not be a [two words cut off—“difference
between” ?]
LaPoint and LaPointe
Kihlstrom, Anselm 101
Kihlstrom, Herman 101
King, Beatrice 93
Kivinski [Kirimaki?], Eric 78
Kirimaki, Mary 78
Komulinen, Alma 21
Komulinen, Andrew 21, 22, 81
Komulinen, Charles John 22
Komulinen, Christine 81
Koskela, Albert [41,] 103
[Koskela, Hilma Maria] [41]
Kosela, Minnie 103
Kruka, Eva 27
Laakso, John William 16
Labey, Albert 60
La Lone [Lalone] 41
La Lone, Mary 62
Landreville, Leo 84
LaPoint, Charles [Clarence] Wm. 63
LaPoint[e], Ellen Josephine 71
LaPoint, John 6, 77
[not found on pg 77]
LaPoint[/e], John Norris 66, 108
LaPoint, Joseph 63, 71,
LaPoint, Liza (Eliza) 12, 71
LaPoint [or LaPointe], Mary 6, 96
LaPoint[e], Mary Sailor 66
LaPoint[/e], Morris (Norris) 15, 77
LaPoint, Raymond Lawrence 6
LaPoint, William 15, 25
LaPoint, William Edward 25
LaPointe, Alvis [Oliver?] 34
LaPointe, Carrie 74
LaPointe, James 61
[page 120]
LaPointe, Lucy A. 62
LaPointe, Lucy Mary 61
LaPointe, Oliver 34, 108
LaPointe, Oliver Norris 74
LaPointe, Peter 34
La Rose, Frank 24
[LaSage, Rosalie] [67]
LaWare, Henry 65
Leach, Alice Ann 31, 65
Leeman, Wilhelmina
[or Wilhelmiina] 108
Lehtonen, Ananais 24
Lentula, Matt 42
Leonard, Adelle Ruby 55
Leonard, Ellen 55,
Leonard, George H. Jr. 78
Leonard, George H. Sr. 78
Leonard, Herman 93
Leonard, Lucille 59
Leonard, Lucille Ella 93
Leonard, Philo 55,
LeSage, Ellen 55, 59
LeSage, John Norris 80
LeSage, Louis [80]
[Lund, George] [101]
[Lund, Julius B.] [101]
McAdam, John 2, 64
McAdam, Joseph Nelson 100
McAdam, Mabel E. 49
McAdam, Martha 64, 97
McAdam, Thomas 64, 97
McAdam, William 2, 100
McBride, George 32
McBride, Thelma 32
McCormick, Donald 79
McCormick, John 79
McDonald, Anna 10
[page 121]
McDonald, William 13
McInnes [or McInnis],
Cornelia Blanch 50
McInnes [or McInnis], Lauchlan 50
McInnes, Lauchlan Jr. 89
McInnes, Tyyne [Exsenja] 89
McIntosh, Ann 80
McLeod, Helen 105
McLeod, Christie 106
McPhee, Mary 79
Makinen, Mr. 81
Makinen, Artie [or Artti] 16
Makinen, Caroline [or Karolina] 95
Makinen, David 95
Makinen, John Gust 95
Makinen, J. Gustus [or Gestas] 3
Makinen, Joseph 3
Makinen, Kristina 21, 22
Makinen, Louise Petswater
[Lauri Aleksander] 16
Makinen, Rossa [or Roosa] 16
Makinen, Tessie [or Lena or Tena?] 95
Mark, Elijah 10
Martin, Mary 67
Martin, William 67
Max, John 29
Melvin, Baby (twins) 69, 70
Melvin, Carl 69, 70
Melvin, Hugh 89, 102
[not found on that page]
Melvin, Margaret 86
Michaelson, William 16
Miller, Amanda 54
Miller, Bertha Clay 87
Miller, Donelda 109
[page 122]
Note: Elmer & Hilmer [Helmer?] Nikkila may be the same
Miller, Frank [Franklin E.] 37, 45, 66, 87
[Miller, Hugh] [102]
Miller, Isaac Stanley 102
Miller, Maud 102
Miller, Miles Edgar 66
Miller, Rosanna 2, 64
Miller, Sylvia Bell 45
Miller, Wilson Miles 37
Mogeau [Mageau?, Ida] 101
Moore, Thomas 8
Morgan, Lewis Rupart 53
Morgan, Lillie [Lilly] Luella 67
Morgan, Sadie 44
Morgan, William H. 53, 67
Morril, Mr. 97
Morril, Susanna 97
Morrison, Frances 76
Morton, Lini (Lem) [Livi?] 51
Moshie [Mashie?], Angeline 81
Moshie [Mashie?], Nicholas 81
Muni, Manda 73
Nasi, Attafiina 78,
Nasi, Eric 91
Nasi, John 78, 91
Nevanen, Victor 75
Newell, Robert 106
Newell, Robert Murray 106
Nekatemus [Nikotemus], Ida 101
Nikkila, Elmer 77
Nikkila, Helmer 82
Nikkila, Kate [and Katria] 73, 82
Nikkila, Olga 82
Nikkila, Peter 73, 77,
[page 123]
Note: Eliza/Elizabeth/Lizzie Ozomick may be the same person
Nolan, Elizabeth 81[, 100]
Nolan, Nick 81
Olmstead, John Chauncey 19
Olmstead, William 19
Orchay, Bertha 12
Ozomick, Edward 48
Ozomick, Eliza 24
Ozomick, Elizabeth 37, 46
Ozomick, Emma 56
Ozomick, Lizzie 69
Ozomick, Mary Ann [or Anna] 25
Ozomick, Peter 47
Ozomick, William 47, 48, 82
Ozomick, William Jr. 82
Paakkanin, Mr. 107
Palmrose, August 75
Palmrose, Charles 109
Palmrose, Matilda Marie 109
Palmrose, Sarah Hedeline 75
Parker, Julia 36
Parrish, Alexander 6
Parrish, Angus 5
Parrish, David 4, [9,] 47
Parrish, David Allen 47
Parrish, Donald 4, 9 [not
found on page 9]
Parrish, Hettie 31, 60
Parrish, Nanda [Nonda?] 6
Parrish, Roy Decolus 9
Phrague, Mirand[a?] 7
Priest, Larvietta Margaret 18
Priest, Jasper 18
Purvis, Geo. 48
[page 124]
Rajamaki, Sofia 74
Raymond, Louise 96
Reilly [or Reilley], John 9
Reilly, Nona 9
Renshaw, Irene 13
Rice, David Charles 96
Rice, Milton 96
Rice, Myrna [Mynoa?] 19
Rice, Thomas Jr. 42, 96
Rice, Thomas Sr. 42, 96
Riikierriemi [Riihirriemi?], Henry 103
Riley, Francis [Frances] 5
Ritchie, James 15
Rissanen, Aku 23
Rissanen, Kirsti 23
Roberts, Millicent 80
Robinson, Agnes 57
Robinson, Benjamin 57
Robinson, John 57
Ross, Magdaline 67
Ruohomaki, Eric 99
Ruohomaki, Hetwick 52
Ruohomaki, Hallie 99
Ruohomaki, Solomon [Salomon?] 99
Rushlau, Maggie 10
[Ryan, Frank Joseph] [26]
Ryan, Michael 19,
Ryan, Michael Isaac 19
Sagan, John 36
Sagan, Mary 27A [28]
Sagan, Peter 26, 36
Sagaton, George 56
Sailor, Mr. 21
[page 125]
Sailor, Alexander I 7, 21
Sailor, Alexander II 7, 21
Sailor, Big Alex 98
[Sailor, Joseph] [100]
Sailor, Joseph Alex 98, 120 [not
found on this page]
Sailor, Julia [98,] 100
[not found on this page]
Sailor, Mary 108
[Sailor, Sophia] [100]
Solmonson [or Salmonson],
Edward 14, 80[A]
Solmonson [or Salmonson],
Esther Eleanor 14
Solmonson [or Salmonson],
Marry 42
Sampson, Elizabeth[/Lizzie] 43, 51
Samuelson, Frederika 16
Schmidt [Smith], Rose 30
Scott, Julius Seasor 95
Seaman, Carrie Louise 88
Seaman, Casselda Mary
[or Cassilda May] 54
Seaman, Danniel Murray Jr. 56, 58, 75, 94
Seaman, Daniel Murray Sr. 17, 75, 94
Seaman, Don Carlos 17
Seaman, Emma 25, 38
Seaman, Geo M. 88
Seaman, Ludlow 58, 86, 89
Seaman, Margaret 58, 89
Seaman, Ray 54
Seaman, Samuel 75
Seaman, Sarah J. 94
Seaman, Theil [or Thiel] Clyne 86
Sebastion, Adelaid[e] 43
Sebastion [Sebastian], Ida 71
Sebastion [Sebastian], Irene 27A
Sebastion [Sebastian], James E. 27A, 43
Sebastion [Sebastian], Mary 26, 43
Shannon, Joseph 76
[page 126]
Shannon, Lewis 4, 76
Shannon, May 13
Shaver, Mary 104
Shaw, Mary 107
Shawan, Angeline 48, 82
Shawan, John Jr. 18, 100
Shawan, John Sr. 18, 100
Shawan, Sophie[/Sophia] 26, 36, 98
Shoeman, Miss 85
Simons, Mary J. 85
Smith, Mr. 65
Smith, Alice 65
Smith, Almond 58
Smith, Bertha 37, 45, 66
Smith, C. W. 67
[Smith, Clara Bell} [84]
Smith, Delila Helen 58
Smith, Edward 79
Smith, Florence 58
Smith, Herbert 79
Smith, Joe 3
Smith, John 31, 65
Smith, Lillie Leuella 53
Smith, Lovina [or Lavina] 75
[Smith, Lyle] [31]
Smith, Mary 68, 102
Smith, Mary Moore 8, 102 [not
Smith, Peter 3
[Smith, Robert] [8]
Smith, Stephen 11
Smith, Walter 84, 87
Snopin, Nick 96
Soules, Mr. 36
Soules, Charles Agusta 36
Speck, Angeline 34
[page 127]
Stevenson, Horatio 105
Stevenson, Margaret 105
Stevenson, Walter Horatio 105
St. Germain, Julia 7, 98
St. Germain, Lena Rosaline 110
St. German, Frank Henry 97
St. German [and St. Germaine],
Joe 90[,
[St. German, Ben Joseph
(Hartwell)] [90]
St. German, Joseph 83, 97
St. German, Joseph Eugene 83
Strickland, Chas Wm. 22
Strickland, Marietta 100
Strickland, Wm. T. 22
Stualme [or Stsalmo?], Mary 24
[Sutago or Satago, Joseph George] [69]
Tapio, Katria 77
Tapio, Thomas 73
Thurston, George Chenyne 70
Thurston, Henry 70, 91
Toivola, Andrew 94
Toivola, Betty Ann 109
Toivola, Henrika Wilhelmina 94
Toivola, Leo Arther 84
Toivola, Tapio 109
Toivola, Vienna 84
[Tunnison, Sidney] [17]
Ulander, Nick 90
Ulander Reino 90
Van Gilder, Louisa Orella 55
Venalainen, Able [or Abel] 24, 108
Venalainen, Henricki
[or Henricki, Miss] 108
Vermitt, Marg. 37
Volkenburg, Harriet 51
Vroman, Charles Edward 40
Vroman, William 40
[page 128]
Wainio, Sophie 14
Wolfrom, Martha 60
Walgren, Matt 62
Walters, Chris 44
Walters, Morgan (Billie) 44
Wentworth, Susanna 20
Wiley, Joseph 46
Willoughby, Daniel 7
Willoughby, Ellis 7
Winters, Katherine[/Catherine] 70, 91
Wirtanen, August 35
Wirtanen, Toivo (twin) 35
Wirtanen, Woitlo (twin) 35
Wood Clarence 12
Wood, Mary 12
Young, Andrew J. Jr. 10
Young, Andrew J. Sr. 10
[page 129]
this year: Physician Address
1911 W. T. Strickland Drummond
1912 Clara A. Dunham Detour
1913 R. C. Winslow transient
1914 T. Greely Fox Pickford
1914 Walter I. Budington Johnswood
1917 Wm. N. Norris Johnswood
1918 A. J. Wood transient
1918 Anthony J. Flood Sault,
Mich. [Johnswood]
1918 T. R. Laughbaum Johnswood
1919 George F. Dickson Sault,
1920 J. E. Jimby Sault,
1920 J. A. Reese Detour
1920 Kenneth Noble Milan,
Mi. (transient)
1923-24 C. A. Day Johnswood
1925 J. J. Burke Johnswood
1930 E. A. Correll [Cornell] Chippewa
Cty coroner Sault, Mich.
[1933] [John E. Quinell] [Coroner,
1938 Harold W. Ward Columbus,
Ohio (transient)
1940 T. N. Duncan Detour
1940 Thomas Thompson Drummond
1950 William Caultie[?] Drummond
1960 Shula & Richard Giddons Drummond
19[?]-75 Isla DePree Drummond
[page 130]
1914 Mrs. N. LaPoint
1919 Mrs. Chas. Palmrose
1919 Mrs. Isrenda Melvin
[page 1931]
Listed chronologically
Local Registrars of Births and Deaths of Drummond Twsp
11/1911 to 9/1912 Wm. E. Kemp
9/1912 to 1/1913 David E. Parrish
1/1913 to 7/1913 Wm. E. Kemp
7/1913 to 4/1914 D. M. Seaman
4/1914 to 8/1914 Edward Solmonson
8/1914 to 1/1915 Floyde Seaman
1/1915 to 4/1915 Edward Solmonson
4/1915 to 4/1917 Earle E. Bailey
4/1917 to 4/1920 Chas. M. Seaman
4/1920 to 4/1921 Jesse Church
4/1921 to 4/1923 Percy A. Fisher
4/1923 to 4/1925 Clifford Bailey
4/1925 to 4/1926 William Anderson
4/1926 to 4/1930 Beatrice Bailey
4/1930 to 4/1934 Percy A. Fisher
4/1934 to 4/1942 Beatrice Bailey
4/1942 to 9/1944 Eleanor Seaman (last record